Love Bugs [Nemi AU]

By JennaBubbles

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I didn't think much of her at first. She was plain, dyed hair, nothing out of the ordinary. But her smile, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 *Final*

Chapter 7

1.3K 14 2
By JennaBubbles

“I uhh…” I just lost all words. Michelle made an awkward smile, and Nick’s face is kinda blank, hard to tell really. The bell rang and people begun to move towards class.

“I… uhh, I’ll talk to you after class!” I shouted before slamming my locker and sprinting it to class.

“I see you after then?” I heard Michelle yell faintly after. We made plans during break to meet up and hang out today. But after what just happened, I can only predict what’s going to happen.

Teacher went on about things related to government, but I couldn’t pay attention to any of it.

What would possess Nick to ask Michelle to be his girlfriend?

What possess Michelle to agree?

What the hell is Nick trying to prove?

Is this what he meant when he almost broke my window with the message tied to that rock last night?

“Ms. Lovato, why can’t the government control matters like drinking age, yet all the states have the same legal age drinking limit?” asked my teacher, snapping me out of my daze. She looked at me with a smug look, as if she wanted to embarrass me in front of the whole class. Well she succeeded, my face begun to go tomato red. Everyone turned around to look at me, only to make my face to go crimson.

“Well, um, the government proposed the idea to states and convinced them with federal grants for state matters, and something like that, yea.” I finished. The teacher looked surprised at me.

“Well done. Now, some people say by this, we grant the government more power over the states…” I sighed in relief as everyone turned back around and paid attention to the lecture. The bell rung, and the teacher dismissed the class. I put on my coat and walked out quickly to my locker.

“Demi!” I closed my eyes and composed myself.

“Hey, Michelle.” I said, putting on my best ‘I’m-not-phased-by-anything’ face.

“So, what are we going to do?” she said cheerily.

“Oh, um, I thought you were going to uh, stay with Nick?” I said. She scrunched up her face in thought and was cut off short before answering.

“Hey, I heard my name.” Speak of the devil. He walked up and draped his arm around Michelle.

“Oh hey, uh, Nick.” I said kinda quietly.

“Oh, we were just going to go hang out.” Said Michelle. He nodded and kissed her temple.

“Alright, well I have to go home, my mom wants me home early, I’ll see you two around?” and like that he walked off.

“Problem solved.” She said happily. We grabbed our books and headed out to her cute little red Mercedes in the parking lot of the school. I sent a quick text to my mom, explaining that we were going to the mall. The mall was quiet small, considering that it was a small town to begin with. We got frozen yogurt and sat down a fountain that gleamed with different colors every few minutes. People who knew Michelle already walked by and said hi.

“So… you and Nick huh?” I asked finally after a few minutes of just watching people walk by and hearing the water splash behind us.

“Yea. I defiantly didn’t expect him to be at the fountain. But, it was so different of him! He had a rose and he looked so… nervous! I didn’t expect that out of him.” She said in a dream-like state.

“I thought you hated him?” I said, eating a scoop.

“I never did, I was just frustrated with him. I guess he just did that to bug me. He sure knows how to push my limits.” I popped a gummy bear in my mouth.

“Then why?” I looked at her, she looking straight ahead.

“I always liked him… ever since the fourth of fifth grade. We used to be best friends, you know? We would hang out all the time. But one day, he just changed, completely.” I looked down to my cup, watching the melting yogurt flavors, swirl and mix together. I debated inside if I should tell her of what happened during the party. She deserved to know. Her boyfriend slept with one of her best friends just a few hours before he asked her to be his girlfriend. But at the same time, she deserved to be happy. Since she told me about them, she acquired this kind of glow.

“Oh, did you hear that Janice’s boyfriend broke up with at her party last night? I couldn’t because it was on a Monday night, but did you hear anything on why? She won’t tell anyone, and neither would her ex.”

“Oh, um, I don’t know. I didn’t go either.” I lied. I did the right thing of not telling her. Right? Michelle stood up and fixed her skirt.

“Well, we have to go, I have to go home and study.” She put her purse over her shoulder as I stood up and did the same.

When I got home, my mom was in the kitchen, cooking.

“Hey sweetie, how was your second day of school?” I pause for a moment and thought about it.

“Ok?” I sighed as I walked upstairs. I threw my stuff aside and flopped down on my bed. I let out a scream into my pillow in frustration then flopped over, my face flushed.


It was around 10:30 pm, and I was still working on English homework. Smart idea of taking an AP course ain’t it? I stopped texting Michelle a while ago and was let to my own thoughts. I had a cup of warm tea on my bed stand and a cozy blanket over my shoulders. It’s a cold night, the fringed air seeping through the cracks under the window. I complained to my dad about it multiple times, and he barely got the insulation glue thing to keep the cold air from coming in. But since he came home late, he put it off till tomorrow.

Out of nowhere, a little tap came from my window. I look over and see nothing. Suddenly a grey tiny rock came out of the darkness and hit the window. I got up, the blanket still wrapped around me and opened the door. I stepped out to the balcony to see Joe standing to the side, standing and smiling.

“Come down!” he half whispered/shouted. I hold up a finger, signaling that I would be down in a second. I put on my boots, dimmed down my room lights, as they had that nob thing, and quietly walk downstairs and out the kitchen door.

“Hey.” He said smiling.

“Hey yourself.”

“Love your princess blanket by the way.” He joked.

“Why thank you! One of my favorites.” I giggled. We sat on a bench my dad bought for decoration as I gave him some of my blanket and scooted closer to him to keep warm.

“So you missed school today.” I stated.

“Yea, I had a hangover until like, 2 in the afternoon. I always tell myself that I wouldn’t drink that much, because I hate the feeling, but I end up doing it every time anyways.”

“Well, maybe next time, just drink water or something.” I suggested.

“Yea, I’ll do that.” He said quietly.

“Hey look a shooting star!” he pointed out. A bright streak that lasted 5 seconds steamed across the sky.

“What do you wish for?” he asked.

“I can’t tell you, or else it won’t come true.” I giggled.

“Aww that’s no fair.” He laughed quietly.

“Well then what you wish for?” I asked.

“Oh nothing big. But I think it just came true.” he smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in closer to him.

*Nick’s POV*

I looked out my window and glared at my brother holding on to Demi. They look so happy together, cuddling like that. It makes me mad, and I don’t know why. Demi is such a sweet girl, I don’t know why Joe would do that to her. He’s going to treat her like he does with almost every girl that end up falling for him. I watch him stand up and embrace Demi for a while before she walks back inside and Joe heads back over here. I walk downstairs and sit down on the sofa with my dad, who was reading a book.

“Hey Nick, isn’t it a little too late to be up this hour?” he asked, just then Joe walks in the front door.

“You should be asking Joe that.” I mumbled.

“Hey Joe, what were you doing out?” asks my dad, taking off his glasses.

“Oh, just visiting the neighbor’s girl.” He said.

“Oh, what’s her name? Danielle?” he asked.

“It’s Demitra.” I answered for Joe.

“Sounds pretty.” He said.

“Yea.” I couldn’t help but smile a little. I quickly stop myself to keep from either Joe of my dad noticing, but I was too late.

“Ah, looks like someone caught the love bug.” Said my dad.

“Dad, no one says that anymore. And no I haven’t.” I groaned. Joe laughed and pinched my cheek.

“Aw! Little Nick has a crush on the girl next door? You know what? I’m just going to keep saying that. Love Bugs.” Laughed Joe. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

“I’m going to bed.” I stand up and go half way up the stairs before Joe stops me.

“Listen, I saw her first. That means I got dibs.” He said, grabbing my arm.

“Joe, this isn’t some kind of game.” I said frustrated. I was kinda getting sick of his temperament with girls. Yea, I know, I do almost the same thing, but I don’t make fake commitments, unlike my brother. Well actually…

“You know what I mean.” He glared at me.

“Don’t worry, I’m not after her.” I turn to a side, not wanting to face him.

“Good.” He said before pushing me aside and walks up stairs. I walk back to my room and look over to see Demi walk into her room. My phone buzzed as I quickly answered it.

“Hey man, I heard your actually going with the deal!” said one of my friends.

“Yea, man. I didn’t think she would say yes, but it worked.” I sighed.

“Whoa, man, don’t tell me you actually feel sorry for her.” He said.

“I do. Poor girl had a crush on me since elementary. Darn shame that I never felt the same way back.” I lied back on my bed.

“Yea, but Jake is gunna be hella grateful once you do it.” He laughed. I sighed and shook my head.

“Man, this is stupid, why couldn’t he just ask her?” I groaned.

“Because when a girl is all heartbroken, it’s easier to get her as a rebound.”

“Yea I know, but I don’t want her crying all over me either.” I groaned again.

“Well whatever man, I got to go, I’ll see you in school.”

“Alright later.” I hung up and look back over to Demi’s room. I can’t see much, I can just see her shadow and her cabinet. The lights go out in her room and I then turn to stare at the ceiling.

What the hell have I dragged myself into?


Hey sorry i practically neglected this story, i'm such a horrible person to remember to update TT-TT


I'm not that obsessed now, but i love them still ^-^

So it's like 10:40 and i should be getting sleep now :l

Comment And Vote Lovelie!

~Jen :3

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