It'll Be Okay - A Markiplier...

By 13shadesofnies

9K 204 85

Markiplier. Youtuber, awesome human and father? Being a single YouTube dad is a lot more work then you think... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (last chapter)

Chapter 5

622 13 2
By 13shadesofnies

Thanks to everyone for reading

Check out my other story


When it was time to go home it was way past 10pm. We had to stay longer because we had a meeting with some game producers. Luna had already fallen asleep on my lap during the meeting, which was good because that meant she wasn't going to be too tired in the morning since we have to get up early again for a video I was doing with Random Encounters. Those where the guys I did the 5 nights at Freddie musical with.

We packed up our things and headed back to the car. I had Luna wrapped up in her blanket as I cradled her back and forth in my arms hopping she wouldn't wake up, which to my surprise she didn't. I managed to get her into the car, put on her seat belt and readjust her blanket without her even twitching. She must be exhausted.

The next morning, I was up at 6am. Everyone was still fast asleep so I tried to stay as quiet as possible. I grabbed Chica and Lego deciding to go for a run. It felt good to get out of the house and just be by myself. It gave me the chance to think everything through that I had planned the night before.

I ran for about an hour before returning home. By then Sean, Ryan and Matt were up, sitting in the kitchen all staring at their phones. "Good morning." I say as I walk to the fridge to get something to drink. "Morning." They all reply in unison. "Would you guys mind if I left Luna here today? I'm going over to the studio since Random Encounters wants to film some stuff with me." I explain. "yeah no problem." Sean replies. "Hey what time do you leave tomorrow?" I ask him. "At 8am I think, or 8:30." He answered. I nod before going upstairs to take a shower.


I woke up to the sun shining on my face. Chica was laying right next to me munching on one of her toys. I sat up rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands before climbing out, calling Chica, and walking downstairs into the kitchen. "Where's dad?" I ask sleepily. I really just wanted to cuddle with him for a bit. I didn't feel too well. "He's out for a bit, but he'll be back later." Ryan explained. "I don't feel too good." I tell him sitting down on one of the chairs. "What's wrong? What hurts?" He asked. "I don't know. My tummy and my head hurt." I tell him, putting my head on the table. "Do you still want to eat something?" "No. I want daddy to come home." I whisper as tears well up in my eyes. "I just want my daddy." Ryan picked me up and I swung my arms around his neck but it wasn't the same.

"Do you want me to call him?" Ryan asked after putting me back into my bed. "What if he gets mad?" I reply nervously. "He'd never get mad because of something like this. I'll give him a call and then tell you when he'll be back. Try to sleep a bit ok?" I nod, close my eyes and pull my stuffed animal closer to my body.


We were in the middle of a scene when my phone began to ring. We all laughed hysterically because this was the fourth time we had to do the scene. I looked at the caller and saw that it was Ryan. I excused myself and answered.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask. "You were right. Luna was getting sick and she really needs you to come home." Ryan explains. "I'll be there in 15 minutes." I tell him hanging up. I explain the situation and everyone was fine with me leaving.

I quickly change back into my normal clothes, said my goodbyes and got into my car. I drove home as fast as I could without driving too dangerously.

Once there I hoped out of my car and walked up to the front porch where I rang the doorbell.

Minutes later I was walking into Luna's room. Sean was sitting on the bed next to her reading her a story quietly while she listened. When she heard me come in, she sat up quickly which caused her to throw up all over the floor.

"I'm sorry." She began to cry as I lift her up. "Hey, no need to apologize. It's ok. I'll run you a bath and then we'll take you to the doctors ok?" I walk us over to the bathroom where I begin to fill the bath with warm water. I help her change out of her dirty clothes. I lift her into the bath and clean her off with a small cloth. She looked pale and she was burning up a bit too.

Once the awful smell was gone I lifted her out and wrapped her in a towel, drying her off.

I lay her down on my bed as I walk over to her room to find her some clothes. The puke on the floor was gone, so I'm guessing one of the boys cleaned it up for me.

I changed her into a pair of lose sweat pants and a large jumper, trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. I wrap her up in a blanket and carry her downstairs where everyone else was sitting in the living room.

"We're off to the doctors." I tell them. "Can Sean come?" Luna asked quietly. I look at the green haired Irish man waiting for his answer. He nodded, running upstairs to change into something different. In the mean time I got her in her car seat and buckled her in.

We were waiting in the waiting room when Luna began to cry.

Finally, we were called in after what seemed like hours. "Mr. Fischbach?" A nurse called my name making me and Sean stand up. We walked into the doctor's office and sat down on the chairs. Minutes later the doctor came in smiling at us.

"So what seems to be the problem here?" he asked examining Luna from head to toe. "She hasn't been feeling well lately, sleeps a lot, threw up and has a slight fever." I answer. "Ok, well she seems to be just fine to me." He explained to me. "Ok well I'll give you some medicine and if she doesn't get better, just come by again and we'll run some more serious tests." He checked her heartbeat again and pressed around on her stomach. She didn't show any signs of discomfort which reassured me a whole lot.

After getting the medicine we headed back home. Sean and Luna were sitting in the back seat. Sean was reading her a story, which was really nice of him.

Once back home, Luna was fast asleep. I watched as Sean took her out of her seat and carried her inside into her bedroom.

The rest of the day was spent editing videos and recording a single new one which was to go up as soon as possible.

I set up my camera in my usual area, turned on my mic and made sure everything was recording.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and I don't have a gaming video for you today. In fact, I won't have a gaming video or any type of video up for the next 10 days or so. I have decided to take a break. I know you're all wondering why and what happened and I'll be explaining that in a minute."

"First of all I want to say thank you all so much for supporting me in everything I do. It means the whole world to me and I don't know where I would be without you guys. You guys are so special to me; you all have no idea. But you guys aren't the only ones I need to be taking care of. I spend so much time making and editing YouTube videos that I barely have time for my own daughter."

"Some of you may have seen the panel me and Sean orJacksepticeye did the other day. We had my daughter, Luna, come up on stage and she was asked some questions. Her answer to the question how does it feel to have the Markiplier as your dad, made me realize a lot of things."

"I've been missing out on so much that she does, I feel like she's growing up and I'm not noticing it until it's too late. I always wanted to be the best dad I could be and I wanted to provide her with everything she needs and she does get the things she wants. I mean I don't spoil her or anything but I can't say no to her cute face all to often. She gets toys and books but she doesn't get me very often. I'm always away or recording a video."

"Even though I am a stay at home dad in that sense, I only talk to her a couple times a day and that is not healthy. Not at all. She's my fucking daughter for fucks sake and I feel like I'm failing her. So I hope you all understand the reason why I am taking this break. I'll still be present on Instagram and twitter but this YouTube channel will stay quiet for a few days." I whip away some of the tears on my face as I do the outro and begin to the edit the video.

Once it was complete I set it online and wait for the responses.

Everybody was really understanding and super nice apart from some people who were telling me not to blame YouTube for being a shit dad, I just scrolled past those.

I began to pack two suit cases. I threw in a bunch of clothes and things we would need at our destination. I made sure to pack light so that we could bring souvenirs back. I also made sure to pack warm clothing which included a ton of sweaters and long jeans.

When I was done I threw myself onto my bed and closed my eyes after setting my alarm.

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