It'll Be Okay - A Markiplier...

By 13shadesofnies

9.1K 204 85

Markiplier. Youtuber, awesome human and father? Being a single YouTube dad is a lot more work then you think... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (last chapter)

Chapter 4

612 14 2
By 13shadesofnies

Check out my new Story. If you want...

Luna's POV

I watched as dad and Sean walked onto stage. People started screaming and I felt a bit scared but knowing Matt and Ryan were here made it all a bit better.

We watched from backstage as they answered a lot of questions, way more than I could count. Matt and Ryan were on their laptops so I decided to play on dad's phone. I unlocked it and ended up playing a cooking game for a while.

I was interrupted by dad coming over to me. I squealed and raced to hug him. "Hey little one. Do you wanna come on stage for a bit, a lot of people are asking for you. If you don't want to that's fine. I think they'll understand if you say no." He asked hugging me back. "I guess, but you have to hold my hand the whole time." I tell him with a serious face. He laughed a bit before pinkie promising.

He took my hand and walked towards the big stage. Sean was looking my way and gave everyone a thumbs up. When we finally got on people began to scream. I felt scared and unsure so I stopped walking. I felt myself be picked up and the crowd die down a bit.

"We need to be a bit quiet. She gets really nervous." I hear dad say into a microphone. I was very thankful that he did.

There was a lot of people here and I was really nervous. I didn't know what to do so I just held onto dad as tight as I could while he talked and explained and answered questions.

"Hello Luna, I have a question for you. How does it feel to have the Markiplier as your dad?" someone asked me. I didn't know what to say so I looked at dad for help. "It's ok, it's just like doing a video." He reassured me. "He's really cool and I get to play a lot of cool games but sometimes it's a bit annoying because he's so busy." I answer. I look at him again hoping the answer was ok. He gave me a smile letting me know I did fine.

More questions were asked before someone asked me another one. "Hey Luna, I love your shirt. What do you think of Jacksepticeye? We see a lot of tweets and Instagram pictures of you and him skyping or facetiming. Is he like one of your friends?" "Jacksepticeye is Sean right?" I asked dad. He nodded laughing and so did everyone else. "I love Sean and I wish he could come live with us so that I could see him every day. He makes the best pancakes in the whole entire world and he's my bestest friend" I explain. "Aww you're a munchkin" Sean says into the mic. I give him a big smile which he returns. I quickly slide off dad's lap, waddle over to Sean and give him a big hug. Everyone awed making me blush. "Well I guess that's all there is today. Thank you so much for coming and subscribing and just being a really, really awesome community. You guys honestly deserve the world. I wish I could hug you all separately but unfortunately we don't have the time. But once again thank you for coming and as always I'll see you all in the next video. Bye, bye." Dad says into the mic, waving. I too wave at everyone before taking his hand and walking off stage followed by Sean.

"That was so much fun." Sean says as he sits down on one of the plastic chairs. Ryan and Matt tell them that they did great and they also gave me some candy for being so brave. I felt really proud for not freaking out and actually being able to answer some questions.

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