
By Alyss-sama1122

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{A InuYasha GenderBender FanFic} In the feudal Japan, the half demon Inusakuya was sealed away by the priest... More

❖ Prolouge ❖
❖ Inusakuya Revived ❖
❖ Tama o Nerau Mono ❖
❖ Shibugarasu ❖
❖ Kagoya no Ya ❖
❖ Sakasa-Gami no Nura ❖
❖ Hone Kui no Ido ❖
❖ Kikan ❖
❖ Nura no Su ❖
❖ Kyuuchi ❖
❖ Tama Utsushi ❖
❖ Hanyou ❖
❖ Haha no Kao ❖
❖ Author Note ❖
❖ Mu-Onna ❖

❖ Fuuin Sareta Shounen ❖

854 11 1
By Alyss-sama1122

Volume 1:
Act One:
The Sealed-Away Girl

Tokyo, 1997.

"Shikon no Tama...?" A boy asked confused.

"Well... as long as you keep this, your house will safe and your business will prosper. " An old man said.

"Are we going to sell them, Jii-chan? Theses glass balls?" The boy ask holding a top chain ball with the word Sunset shrine as he play with it with the cat, Buyo.

*Jii-chan = Grandpa

"Now listen, Kagoya... the history of the Shikon Jewel begins with..." His grandfather said but was cut off by him.

"Besides that, Jii-chan... do you remember what day it is tomorrow?" Kagoya ask looking at his grandfather.

"How could I forget my handsome grand-child's birthday?" Holding out a present.

"Wow! A present!?" He smiled.

"I know it's a day early, but... Happy Birthday Kagoya!"

"That Mummified Kappa's hand brings good luck. It's history begins with..." But was cut off again.

"Here you go, Buyo." As Kagoya handed it to the cat.

"Ah! Hey, that was wasteful!" His grandfather cried out.

'My house is a very old shrine... The four of us... Jii-chan, Oka-san, and Imouto live here together.'

"The history of these pickles begins with..." But the old man was cut off.

"These were from Ujiko-san, weren't they." Kagoya said as they were eating.

'The Go-Shin-Boku is 500 years old... and this concealed well is supposed to have some kind of legend. All of these things have their own history, but...'

*Go-Shin-Boku = Sacred Tree

"I'm leaving!" Kagoya yelled out as he runs out of the house.

'No matter how often I hear Jii-chan say...'

"It's history begins..."

'I completely forgot. I never thought about why I couldn't remember... until today, the day I turned 15.'

"Huh... Suki?" He spotted his little sister.

"Nii-chan..." She turned towards her brother.

*Nii-chan = Big Brother

"You shouldn't play in the shrine." He said.

"But, Buyo is... inside the concealed well."


"I think he's down there, but..." Sora said.

"Then why don't you go get him?" He kneel down.

"But... this place feels kinda creepy." She said.

"What are you scared of? Are you a scaring cat?" But soon heard noises.

"So... something's down there!" She hid behind her brother.

"Like the cat, maybe?" He said.

"Geez... Hm?" he stood up walking down the stairs but stop.

'The sound... is coming from inside the well...?'

"No way..."

Until he felt something on his leg which scared him, as he look down to see it was just Buyo.

"Ah... that scared me! Don't scream like that!"Suki said.

"Now look, you..."

"!" Suki heard something as she looks at the well.

"On...Onii-chan!" She yelled as the well opened as several hands appears pulling him in the well.


'What!? What is this?'

"How wonderful... I can feel my powers returning..." The centipede woman spoke.

"My body is growing back... you have it, don't you?" She licked Kagoya cheek.

"Le... Let go of me! That's disgusting!" He push her face away from him as his hand glowed.


"Damn... you..." The centipede woman started disappearing.

"I won't let you go... Shikon... no... Tama..."

"Shi... kon...?

"Inside... the well?" He look up.

'What was that just now...? A dream? It wasn't...' As he noticed the centipede woman hand.

'I won't let go... Shikon no Tama...' Remembering what the centipede woman said.

"Shikon no Tama...? Have I heard that before?"

"...... Better get out of here... Suki are you there!? Go get Jii-chan!"

No response, so he decided to climb up the well.

"Geez... that girl ran away, Huh?"

"Hup. Huh" He made it to the top only to see a forest.


'I... must have fallen into the well in the shrine...'

"Jii-chan. Oka-san..."

'The house... has disappeared?' But soon notice the tree.

"Ah... The Sacred Tree!" As he run towards it.

'Great... My house must be near there!' As he kept running until he made it to the tree.

Once he got there he notice a girl struck to the tree, which shock him.

'A girl...?'

"Umm... what are you doing? Excuse me..." he climbed up but stopped as he noticed her ears.

"Those... aren't human ears..."

'I want to touch them.' As he put his hands on her ears as he touched them.

'This really isn't the time for...'

"You! What are you doing over there?" A unknown voice yelled as arrow came shooting.

"This land is forbidden."

"Are a foreigner?"

"......" As they tied him up and took him to the village.

"He was in Inusakuya forest?"

"It be a young boy in strange clothing..." As the villagers talked about him.

"Hey! You didn't have to tie me up!" Kagoya yelled.

"Could he be a spy?" "Could it be that there will be another war again?" "A Fox demon in disguise, perhaps...?" The villagers still talking about him.

'What kind of place is this? It looks like something out of Sengoku Jidai...'

*Kitsune = Fox
*Sengoku Jidai = Warring states period of Feudal Japan

"Clear the way... Lord Kaito has arrive." As the villagers moved aside, an old man came walking towards Kagoya.

"Who are you? Why were you in Inusakuya forest?" The old man ask.

'Jeez... another weirdo has arrive.'

"...Hm?" The old man noticed something.

"Let me see your face clearly... try to look more intelligent."


"You resemble... Kyo-Onii-chan."

"Eh?" Kagoya look confused.

The priest took Kagoya to his hut as he talked about his older brother.

"My brother was called Kyo. He was the priest who protected this village." As he was making food.

'Listen carefully, Kaito... take this and burn it with my body.' Remembering his brother words.

"It has been fifty years since that day... and I was only a child when he died." As he pour the food in the bowl and handed it to Kagoya.

"What's wrong, aren't you going eat?"

"Umm... could you maybe untie me?" Kagoya ask.

"Ah." Then started to untie him.

"Umm, this... isn't Tokyo, is it?"

"I've never heard of it... is it your province?" Kaito ask.

"Umm... yeah, I would'nt mind getting back home now..." As he grabbed the bowl and started to eat.

'Huh? But how am I supposed to get back...?' He wondered until he heard noises.

"What is all this!?" Both of them came out of the hut only to see a horse fell in front of them with a wound.

"Evil spirit!" The villagers yelled only to see the centipede woman.

''s her.' As Kagoya recognize the centipede.

"Give me the Shikon Jewel!" As it went to Kagoya direction.

"The...the Shikon Jewel!?" Kaito said shocked.

"You... are carrying it!?"

"I... I don't know, but..."

'Damn her... she's targeting me...'

"I have to lend her away from this village, before everyone is..."

"Neither spears nor arrows are working!" The villagers yelled.

"We must drive it back to the boner eater's well." Kaito said.

"Bone eater's well!?" Kagoya spoke.

"It's in Inusakuya forest."

'The well I came out of...'

"Which way is that forest!?" Kagoya ask.

"To the east..."

"Where that light's coming from... I got it!" As he started running to the east as the centipede woman followed.

"Waiiit!" They called out to him.

'What was it that boy said...?' Kaito thought.

"In that evil forest, normal people cannot see it, but... did he just say that he could...?"

Far in the forest, there a heart was beating as the girl hand sharpen her claws as she brought it close to her face.

She open her eyes and spoke, "I can smell it! I can smell the man who killed me..."

"He's coming closer..."

Kagoya kept running from the centipede as he thought, 'I'm going to be saved somehow... aren't I!?'

To be continued...

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