Star Wars EU Ships and One-Sh...

By EUStrikeTeam

2.2K 118 9

A book filled with one-shots all about your favorite EU pairings. More

Go Ship
With Death Comes Life
Together, Forever
Skycrawler Part 2
The Good Kind of Nervous
A Grandfather's Grandson
A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes
The Darkness
Mommy's Here
Don't Leave
Don't Tick Me Off
A Mother's Love
Facing the Future
Looking For You
Quirks and All
Carry Me Home
Sick Leave
A Corellian Lullaby
Fingers and Toes
Having That Family
Incubus Of The Night
Ready to Forgive
My Last Words To You

Love You Forever

77 5 1
By EUStrikeTeam

Lyrics from 'Love You Forever' by Robert Munsch
  She heard Jag's scream, urging her and Han to hurry in and help with Jaina. This whole time everyone had been waiting, fear had been gnawing at Leia's heart and she felt just about sick knowing that it was over. She had to wonder, though, fear for what? There had been a plan and the plan had been accomplished. There had been a mission and that mission had been completed. Jaina was going to the Anakin Solo to kill Jacen. And she had. Why had Leia been afraid when she'd always known what was going to happen? Perhaps, it was fear of the aftermath, of dealing with another son's death and the grief which was sure to come. Or, rather, was it the fear of seeing Jacen's body there, lying lifeless, skin cool, face dead and gaunt? Maybe that was it. Leia knew, at this moment, that that scared her. Scratch that. It terrified her.

  She kept pace with Han, racing to the Biodisposal Pit, leaving Cilghal, Tekli, and Luke in their dust. Leia found herself in the room, falling to Jaina's side. She avoided looking at the dead body lying right beside her daughter. She tried, in vain, not to think about it, not to smell the scent of charred flesh and oozing blood. She managed to swallow her vomit, take a deep breath, and focus on Jaina. She took something from a medpac and worked on Jaina's injuries, until Cilghal came, told her daughter words that sounded semi-comforting until Luke was there and she didn't have to fake anything for Jaina anymore. Then, Cilghal rushed off with Jaina on a hovergurney and Tekli, Jag, and Luke all followed. And Han and Leia were left with what remained of their son.
  Han stood to leave, but stopped when Leia didn't move. He knelt beside her and put a hand to her shoulder. "We need a minute, don't we?"
  Leia, her face grim and her heart darker, subtly nodded, turning herself on her knees so she was facing Jacen's body. She reached out a hand and brushed it through his dark waves and, with her thumb, she caressed his cheek. "This is our son, Han," she said. She took a wipe from the medpac at her side and wiped the blood and sweat from Jacen's face. Cleaned off, he looked more like that little boy she missed so much. Then, she took him into her lap, held his head to her chest like she used to when he was so little and he'd crawl into her lap to cuddle. She held him this close and cried into his hair, summoning every memory she had of her dear, sweet boy. "I still love you," she whispered into his hair, her tears flooding down her face. "Mommy still loves you."

I'll love you forever

I'll like you always

As long as I'm living

My baby you'll be

  Eventually, Cilghal came back in. She approached slowly, seeing mother and father grieving over their son's body. She came quietly to Han's side and told him in her softest voice, "I think it's time you let me prepare his body." Han nodded and gently tapped his wife on the shoulder. "Sweetheart," he whispered to her. "It's time."



  Leia Organa Solo stood from a few feet away, watching the flames on the pyre flicker in the night. She hugged herself to Han's side and cried silently, still thinking about every dear memory she held of her son. She could remember holding him for that first time, his tiny fists fighting to get out of the blanket and search for Leia.
  She saw him crawling across the floor of their Coruscant home, giggling as he made way for her, caught up in a close race with Jaina.

  She saw him sitting on the floor with his uncle, his brow twisted in concentration as he lifted a pile of heavy rocks into the air. Then, he looked to her, smiling, waiting for her to cheer him on. And she did.

  She saw him slowly walking down the hall with Jaina and Anakin, approaching her to give her one last hug before he left with his siblings for Myrkr with the rest of their strike team. She took him into her arms first, holding him there, silently praying that no harm would come her older baby boy. But harm would come like a storm.
  Now, she watched his body burn, engulfed in the flames as he lay in his resting place on that funeral pyre outside of the Falcon. And as the memories continued to rush through her, Leia thought to her little boy as she said her goodbyes . . .

I'll love you forever

I'll like you always

As long as I'm living

My baby you'll be

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