The Madmen Who Follow; A Man...

נכתב על ידי AzulNightmare

74.5K 2.1K 202

Azul Cross is tired of her life slowly crashing down around her, so she does something one night that causes... עוד

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter One

7.6K 195 33
נכתב על ידי AzulNightmare

Shock and agony claw at me, this wasn't supposed to happen. Why did Superman have to come? He lands softly near the hospital and puts me down on my feet.

"Are you hurt at all?" He asks and I shake my head. His eyebrows are pushed together in concern, making a crease form between them.

"Why did you save me," I whisper and clutch my locket tighter.

"You were in trouble, it's my job to save people in trouble," he answers and I let go of my locket.

"I did not need saving," I hiss out and his eyebrows raise. I step back and turn away from him, he wouldn't understand.

Anyone who would have to watch their love get slowly murdered by a madman would know why I jumped.

"I was going to......kill myself," I hear myself whisper and I hug myself. I can't cry here, not in front of some stranger.

The silence stretches on and I feel that damned madman laughing to himself at my attempt.


"Such a shame isn't it," he whispered in my ear as he slowly dragged a bloody knife down my neck.

Before me laid my husband, his once beautiful gray eyes now dead and empty. His body chopped up and his head decapitated, tears stream down my broken face and the world is a blur.

"Now pretty bird. I'm letting you out of your cage, but when I call your name. It's time for you to come home," he mused in my ear and jammed a sharp needle into my neck. Darkness clouded my vision and all that was left was his maniacal laugh.

*End of Flashback*

No one could find him, he wore a mask that was of the devil. The police said it was as if he was playing an act, he showed his face to the world and then disappeared. That was two years ago. Now it's just forgotten, but I will never forget.

I turn around and look at Superman, the man towers above me and his dark hair blends in with the night. His mouth is open as if he wants to say something, but something dark passes over his eyes and he shuts it.

"Stay safe," he mumbles and then shoots off into the sky.

I stare at where he was standing and sigh, when he showed up a warm feeling rested in my cold heart. I look away and start walking home.

Morning rolls around and dark bags hang under my eyes, I couldn't sleep at all. Nightmares plagued me of the accident, I kept waking up screaming.

I hear my phone buzz on my nightstand and answer it with a yawn.

"Hello?" I ask and get out of bed and head into the kitchen.

"Azul, you need to get your ass in the office now." My boss, Henry Reed, grumbled.

"Okay sir, I'll be heading there soon." I murmured as I poured a cup of steaming coffee.

He grunted a goodbye and hanged up, like he usually does. I work in a huge real-state business, I meet the customers and try to sell buildings out to them. I stirred my coffee and turned on the TV, the news popped on and started talking about last night's incident.

"A young woman fell off of the roof of her apartment complex and was heroically saved by Metropolis's ever hero, Superman." The lady stated with a dramatic voice, I shake my head at the twisted story. Everyone knew I was jumping, I didn't fall. I change the channel and head into the bathroom to get ready.

When I get to the office I knock on my boss's door before coming in. Henry sits in his chair facing his computer, his nose almost touching it but he jerks back when I walk in.

"I need you to head out to our newly built skyscraper near the Daily Planet and discuss the terms with our buyer. Here's everything you need to give him." I grab the package from him and he waves me out before going back to his computer.

The subway is pretty empty, surprisingly, and I take a seat near the back on the train, it shakes as it heads through a dark tunnel. I hold my locket and think back to last night, when I walked into the office everyone whispered about me.

"I wish she hit the ground and actually died, we could get a promotion if she did." Whispered a red headed girl named Amber. I kept my head high and just continued on, people have become so harsh and cruel in this business. The first day I showed up everyone acted nice, but once I got promotions flying my way I no longer heard anything near nice from anyone.

I guess greed and wealth rule this city. People strive to it so quickly and would do anything just to reach it.

I hear someone cough and see a tall man with thick, black glasses looking at me.

"The train stopped ma'am," he pointed out and a faint blush creeped up my neck.

"Oh, yes. Sorry to hold you," I mumble and slip my purse on before walking out.

"No problem," he hums and steps back onto the train. His eyes catch my attention behind their dark frames, striking blue. They seem so familiar, but the train speeds off before I can stop him.

המשך קריאה

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