By gomezftdallas

13.6K 568 26

If I believe in love, and you believe in love, then we can be in love somehow Nobody's gonna love me like you... More

need your love
one at a time
night out
day out
day out pt. 2
revival tour
half way
feels like paradise
out with the old
mile high club
night out
can't remember and won't
getting ready
3:00 am
pt. 2
day after christmas


395 19 2
By gomezftdallas

Justin's POV:

"Ayy que bonita Selena!" Selena's cousin Priscilla says as she walks in the dressing room in her jewel filled body suit.

She looked stunning, it fit her like a glove. Selena spins and puts her hand on her hips.

Her family is the only thing holding me back from kissing her, oh and her cousins baby I have in my arms.

Aiden was the cutest, quite little boy. He was holding on my chain pulling it continuously.

Selena walks over and sees Aiden. "Awe, my little baby!" She says squishing his cheeks together and Aiden laughing.

She's so good with babies. She's gonna be an awesome mom. I know it. "Look at my two little boys." Selena says in a baby voice.

I smile as Selena takes Aiden from my arms. "Dang, look at the two parents to-be." Priscilla's husband says crossing his arms.

Everyone in the room laugh as me and Selena look at each other with big eyes. "Yeah, I don't think so." She says laughing.

Selena was raised in a family where you get married in your twenties and have babies. But we're celebrities, we get married in our late twenties if we get lucky, and have babies in our thirties.

Selena and I take a seat on the couch as we play with Aiden. We laugh at Aiden getting frustrated when we didn't give him his pacifier.

"Alright guys, well y'all should get to your seats. Im about to go on." Selena says getting up and handing Aiden to one of her cousins.

"Okay, go kick some ass Sel." Priscilla says smacking Selena's butt. Selena yells and quickly walks out the door.

I'm really comfortable with Selena's family. But I know I lost their respect. I really need tonight to be good.

"So JB, this is your last night with her huh?" Jay says sitting next to me. "Yeah man, I go straight back to Canada tonight."

He nods his head and sighs. "Damn man, how do you do that? I can barely change Aiden's diaper." I laugh.

"Nah man, it's hard. But I just love her. She has a really great personality and is beautiful. I just want to put as much effort in this relationship as much as I can." He nods in satisfaction.

"That's what I'm talking about bro. I know you and her had a rough past, but I know you changed and want to fix things with her. To be honest man, I can't see her with anyone else." He says passing me a beer.

"I appreciate it man. I just can't let go a strong, amazing girl like that." I say talking a chug of my beer.

"Let's go take our seat babe." Priscilla says walking up to Jay holding out her hand with Aiden in the other.

She looks at me and smiles. Jay gets up and holds her hand. "You coming with Justin?"


The whole concert was amazing, especially the part when she sang my favorite off the album, Nobody.

I felt spiritually connected to it. I almost started to tear up on it.

"So Justin, I'm glad I got to see you since forever, really. But I'm still not sure if I can trust you just yet." Priscilla says as we sit down on the couch backstage.

I honestly don't know how to respond to that. I'm a little bummed but I understand. "It's okay, I honestly would've been surprised if you did trust me. It takes time to gain trust to someone that hurt your closet thing to a sister. I just want you to know that I changed for the better and I will try all that I can to not hurt Selena." I say.

She puts her hand on my leg and sighs. "Just don't fuck it up. She's like a sister to me. I want the best for her. And it's gonna be a while until I know you're the best for her." She says and walks away.

I hope I have her thinking about trusting me. I need Selena's family trust. She already has my family's. Shit, my family has always loved Selena.

Selena walks in with her curls still in just a different outfit. "Oh Selena! That was a great show. You did amazing." Priscilla says hugging Selena.

Selena showed no emotion, just a sly smile. "Thanks." She says squeezing her arms.

"Hey Justin, you ready babe?" She says in a soft tone. I forgot I was leaving. No wonder she's sad.

"Uh, yeah." I say getting up and hugging everyone goodbye. I can't believe my time with Selena has come to an end.

I probably won't see her for a while.

"Remember what I said." Priscilla says holding me close. I nod my head and say bye to the rest of Selena's family.

I get to the door and see Selena a little down. "Let's go." I say grabbing her hand and walking out the door.

As we walk outside to the RV we hear fans scream. We walk in the RV and Selena smashes her lips into mine.

"One last time." She says dragging me along the door and locking it. Why not?

I pick her up and place her on the small counter.

I move down in between her legs and unbutton her pants and pull them down. I kiss on her thighs and she softly moans.

"I'm gonna miss this so much." She says. I move her underwear aside and place my tongue in her.

"Wait, this doesn't feel right." She says stopping me. "Why, what's wrong?" She seems bummed out.

"I don't want to have 'see ya in another month sex', I want the next time we have sex to be freaking amazing! Not that you right now, in between my thighs, isn't amazing. I just want to wait." She says catching a breath.

"Alright, well I have to pack my things anyways." I say getting up and walking away. I feel embarrassed for some reason.

I don't know if it was her talking to me while I was still in between her, or the fact she doesn't want to have sex. But you know, it's fine.

"Justin please. You know I didn't mean it like that." She says wiggling back into her jeans.

"I said it was alright, okay? If you want to wait it's fine. Next time I see you, it'll be your birthday. And we're gonna have amazing sex." I say walking up to her while she still has that guilty face plastered on her face.

"Okay." She says replacing the frown with her admirable smile. I kiss her while basically wrapping her head in my arms.

"Go get your stuff ready before I cancel my tour to be with you." She says crawling out of my embrace.

"Fine." I say and get back to packing my stuff.
Selena's POV:

The driver pulls up to the airport and there's already tons of paps there. "I'll walk you in." I say grab in Justin's hand.

"You coming Ryan?" Justin says to the bodyguard. "Of course Bieber."

The past month was amazing. Getting to spend time with your boyfriend for a whole month, 24/7, it's amazing.

I'm going to be sad not having him wrapping me in his arms when we fall asleep, or him giving me water while I'm rehearsing.

"Are you ready?" Ryan says looking back. "Yeah." Justin says.

The paps flash their lights as soon as the doors open. "Okay people make a circle." Ryan says yelling at the paps, swinging his arms.

I hold tightly to Justin's arm as we walk in. "Oh my god!" A fan says rushing into us, putting her phone in our faces.

"Hey watch out." Justin says holding me closer. "Have some respect." Justin is very sensitive with the picture thing.

It's really sad seeing fans just wanting a picture with him and not even say hi or anything.

"You alright baby?" I say comforting Justin. "Yeah." He says sighing loudly.

We get to the check in, where I say goodbye to him. "Alright, this is my stop." I say as Justin puts his stuff down.

"Okay. I'm gonna miss you." He says hugging me. "Me too. Love you." I say whispering in his ear.

"I'll call you as soon as I land." He says linking his arms across my neck. "Okay, get some rest. I love you." I say starring into his honey brown eyes.

"I love you too." He says before kissing me. "Bye." I say before letting go of his hand.

"Okay, let's go Ryan." I say sighing and walking away. This is harder than I thought. It's not a big deal, but after spending a month together, you kinda get attached to them. It's almost they're a necessity.

"Gomez, Gomez, is Justin leaving you?" An ignorant pap says.

I ignore it and keep on walking. It's just a month. It's just a month.

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