To Far Broken (An Austin Maho...

By MustacheYouJelly

17.1K 521 21

Hailey is your average fun, caring, bubbly, athletic 15 year old girl with the perfect life.. or so she thoug... More

To Far Broken (An Austin Mahone Love story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 10

604 25 0
By MustacheYouJelly

Happy saturday!! Please read authors note at the end pleasee!?! (((:

Chapter 10

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock in the early morning. But its still dark. I reach over turning on my lamp in my room. We stayed in one of those condo hotels, It's like a temporary house. I Tiptoe to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I stripped and hopped into the shower letting yesterday replay in my head. Am I making the right decision?

No you need to stay here with the one that love you the most

But they don't really love me.

Yes they do!


They would run across the world for anything you ever needed. They really love you.

I turned off the water to stop myself from over thinking the situation I'm in. I just need a break, from everything. I need to leave. I put on a pair of bright pink skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt. I looked in the mirror remebering the day Austin gave me his sweatshirt..

Flash Back

"Austin!" I laughed as he pushed me higher in the swing. I smiled as I came closer to the sun with every push. I slowed myself down and turned to Austin. The wind started to blow. I shivered a bit as Austin took off his sweat shirt and handed it to me.

"No its-''

"No I insist" He winked making me blush a deep red. I looked down at my shoes finding them interesting. He put his finger under my chin lifting my eyes to meet his.

"Don't be embarrassed babe. You're cute when you blush" He smiled cheekily as he took my hand in his.

Calm down Hailey.. Its just a 'friendly gesture'

I smile as we walk to the nearest coffee shop and walk in. The warm air hits me in the face. I take in the sweet smell as I find a booth to sit at. Austin returns with a sweet tea for me and some weird looking drink for himself. We sit and talk about our lives as we drink our tea's or whatever his is. I smile at the thought of how perfect this moment is hoping it will last forever.

Flashback over

That was a great day. I wipe the last tear off my face sniffling a bit as I finish packing my bags, remembering why I'm packing my bags. I sigh grabbing my grey backpack, throwing it over my shoulder and grabbing my suitcase and walking out the door.

Austin's POV (Hehe)

I wake up to hear sniffling. I groan as I get up sliding a shirt of with my basketball shorts. I walk out the door to see the front door closing. I furrow my eyebrows together. I walk over and open the door. I see Hailey walking down the long hallway with her bags in her hand. I instantly remember what I had said to her. Guilt washed over me. I grabbed my phone and walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked with Sarah behind him rubbing her eyes.

"Hailey is leaving. I have to get her!" I said as they instantly woke up following me out the door.

I'm coming

Hailey Pov

"Flight 574 now boarding" I picked myself off the old lousy chairs and walked to the Plane entrance.

"HAILEY!" I heard a voice I knew all to well. I spun on my heels to be meet with the lips of some one I have been dying to kiss since I met.


"Please don't leave" He begged after I pulled back. I looked down taking him into my arms, hugging him tighter than ever before. I'm surprised he could breath.

"I'm so sorry I need a break from all of This Please let me go" I begged as I looked him in the eyes to see his tears falling from his eyes. "So much has happened over the last couple of months that I need to get away. I promise I will be back"

"Last call for flight 574"

"That's me" I said sadly. I saw Sarah and Alex standing there begging me with there eyes not to go. I smiled at them sadly before giving Austin a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't forget me" I whispered into his cheek before walking away from the people I love most. But then I realized

Why am I leaving? No one is making me leave

I turn around and see Austin starring at me with sad eyes. Sarah hugging Alex like no tomorrow. Why am I putting them through so much? They don't deserve this pain.

"Ma'am are you boarding?" The flight attendant asked me. I looked up at her and then looked back at the others. "Ma'am we have to go" I smiled widely at her before shaking my head.

"I have something's I need to do first" I smiled before running to Austin and jumping in his arms.

"I thought you were leaving?" he asked tilting his head to the side.

"I'm staying with you" I said smiling at him widely. His smile fell into a straight line.

"No" he said sternly.

"But Austin I want to" I pleaded back grabbing his arm.

"Is this your dream?" he asked me. I nodded my head looking him in the eyes. "Then go live your dream Hailey" He said smiling sadly.


"No buts go!" he said crying. I looked down and turned around to walk away. He grabbed my arm spinning me around. He kissed me with so much love I could barely stand it.

"I love you" he said smiling at me. I nodded my head turning around to walk away. I handed my ticket to the lady and turned around and mouthed to him,

"I love you too"


Hey guys! Happy Saturday! My birhtday is tomorrow and I'm super excited! ((: So how is your days going?

If you like this chapter or have any ideas (I would greatly appreciate some ideas or how you guys think the story should go) leave them in the comments or just inbox me!! I love you all beautiful ladies!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and soundjudgement" 2 Timothy 1:7

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