If My Memory Serves Me Right

By RageandBrutalLove

62.3K 2.1K 1.1K

*Sequel to As My Memory Rests* Cassandra has finally settled in with the Armstrongs, and is starting her Juni... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 16

1.7K 73 18
By RageandBrutalLove


I quickly got ready the next morning in dark skinny jeans, a black Nirvana shirt with the signature yellow smiley, and a pair of white Vans. I walked downstairs and saw Jakob standing by the door, most likely waiting for Joey to drive us.

I walked over and noticed he seemed a little nervous and high strung, "Jake...you okay?"

His wandering eyes snapped towards me and he mumbled, "Yeah, fine." I raised an eyebrow and he said, "I'll explain later." I was satisfied enough with that answer since he seemed nervous enough.

Joey finally ran over and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Jakob yelled out, "FINALLY," and ran out the door to the car.

Joey watched Jakob basically throw himself in the car, and asked, "What's with him?"

I shrugged and replied, "He said he'd tell me later so I left it at that."

Joey sighed and said, "C'mon let's get to school before Jakob pees himself." I laughed and followed him out, shutting the door behind me.


I met up with my friends in our usual morning spot, and I noticed a lot of tension between Conner and Chelsea. This was weird because they were usually all over each other in the morning, or at least standing right next to each other.

I stood there, taking in the awkward silence for a moment before asking, "Uh, is everything okay?"

That's when Conner and Chelsea exploded into another heated argument, and Ryan face palmed. "Ugh, they had just shut up."

"Sorry, but what happened?" I asked, watching as Chelsea stabbed her finger into Conner's chest.

"Well, they were basically screaming at each other, but what I could make out was that Grace was flirting with Conner at the lacrosse practice yesterday night. The cheerleaders have practice right next to them, so Chelsea saw the whole thing. She thinks Conner didn't do anything to stop Grace so now they're fighting. I think the whole fight is stupid."

I groaned and said, "It is stupid."

Ryan nodded and said, "And now everyone is taking sides, so I guess it's just you and me on the outside."

I laughed and said, "Well I hope everyone works out their issues soon." Ryan nodded and finally the bell rang, breaking Chelsea and Conner out of their fight. They both stormed off in different directions...this is going to be a long day.


Soon it was lunch time, and I noticed how Chelsea and Conner made a point to sit as far away from each other at our table as possible. I assumed Valerie and Lizzie were on Chelsea's side, since they were sitting next to her, and Tyler was on Conner's side. Ryan sat awkwardly to the side, so I plopped down next to him. The girls were in a heated discussion, occasionally shooting a glare an Conner and Tyler who'd roll their eyes.

"Wow, this is intense." I whispered to Ryan.

"This is one of the worst fights they've ever had. That's why I chose not to get involved." I nodded and started munching on some carrots from my lunch. As lunch progressed, the tension got worse and worse so I decided maybe it was time for them to talk.

I got up from my seat, ignoring Ryan's pleading to cone back, and exclaimed to the group, "Conner, Chelsea, I'm sure whatever happened last night can be worked out. Maybe if you just sat down and calmly talked about it, you could-."

I was cut off by Conner and Chelsea screaming in unison, "SHUT UP CASSY!"

I threw my hands up in surrender and headed back to my seat. Ryan chuckled and said, "Told you not to get involved."

I couldn't help but smile a little, but I smacked him lightly and said, "Oh shut up smartass." He laughed and for the rest of lunch, we talked about Oasis and the Replacements, and our favorite albums by them.


I finally made it through the rest of the day of school, and I met up with my brothers in the car. As Joey started driving, I noticed Jakob's mood had changed from nervous to extremely giddy.

"Wow, your mood changed. Want to tell me what happened?"

Jakob sighed dreamily and Joey and I both screamed, "WHOSE THE GIRL?"

Jakob seemed a bit taken aback, "How'd you two know that?"

I laughed and said, "You look like a lovestruck idiot, now what's her name?"

Jakob smiled and said, "Morgan."

I grinned and said, "Awww, what does she look like? Personality?"

"She has brown hair a little past her shoulders, and hazel eyes. She's pretty outgoing, sociable, athletic, and she's in choir!"

I smiled and said, "Really? What's her last name? I'm in choir too!"

Jakob shook his head no and said, "No way I'm telling you! You'll embarrass me!"

I sighed and whined, "C'mon please Jakob?" He shook his head and I pouted.

"Did you ask her out?" Joey asked.

Jakob blushed and quietly muttered, "Yes."

Joey and I cheered and I asked, "Where are you taking her?"

Jakob stuck out his tongue and said, "Wouldn't you like to know." Ugh, he was so stubborn. Well, Joey and I can figure it out...I need to make sure my little brother knows what he's doing on this date.


Soon it was time for dinner, and I rushed downstairs. Everyone was already sitting down, so I sat down and started picking at my salad.

Billie asked, "How was everyone's day?"

Joey smirked and said, "Why don't you ask your youngest kid, I think he had QUITE an interesting day." Jakob blushed deeply and smacked Joey on the arm.

Joey laughed and Billie smiled and asked, "Jakob, did you finally meet a girl?"

Jakob looked down at his food and muttered, "Maybe."

Billie locked eyes with Adrienne and she asked, "That's great honey, what's she like?" Jakob started explaining to them and I met eyes with Joey.

He mouthed to me, "Talk to me after dinner." I gave him a slight nod, and once we were all finished, I followed him to the Music Room and Joey shut the door.

"What's this about?" I questioned.

Joey said, "We need to find out where Jakob is going on his date. We need to spy on him."

I grinned and said, "Definitely, where do you think he would take her?"

Joey thought for a moment and replied, "Probably either the beach, the skating rink, or the movies. Probably not the skating rink though, unless she's a skater. We should check all the places when he goes on his date. We'll know when it is when Mom or Dad drive him."

I nodded and Joey said, "We'll have to be super careful or Jakob will kill us."

I smirked and teased, "C'mon Joey, have a little faith. I've done some stalking in my days."

Joey laughed and answered, "Well Cassy, I'll hold you to it." We walked out and I had a little gut feeling telling me this was wrong, but this was my little brother and I want him to be happy. He seemed really excited about this girl Morgan, so I'm going to make sure this date goes perfectly


So the youngest Armstrong finally got a date! Thank you so much for all your comments and votes, it means so much! We always love looking at your comments! What do you guys think of the sequel so far? Thanks for reading and leave a review! -Emma

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