The Art of the Game (Laurinah)

By Wolfy009

69.4K 2K 7.8K

Dinah's sure that some people would look at her life and think she has it all. Star basketball player on her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
The Harmo Awards

Chapter Five

3.4K 129 296
By Wolfy009

"Hun calm down and explain what happened," Tori and Normani leaned in close to each other on the bed, listening to soft sniffles as Dinah tried to collect her thoughts.

"Lauren has a huge crush on Camila Cabello and she has this sketch she drew of her but she lost it earlier. She must have lost it at school because somehow Camila found it and just posted it on twitter along with a message asking her mystery artist to reveal who they are. She was obviously flirty too and it's like a dream come true for Lauren," Dinah scoffed hugging her teen titans blanket closer around her body, trying her best to hold herself together. "Lauren called me and asked what she should do and I actually fucking told her to go for it and tell Camila everything. I'm such a fucking idiot and I just ruined any chance I had to be with Lauren because I got scared and pushed her away. Or I don't know, maybe I was just trying to be a good friend and do the right thing. Fuck... This is a fucking disaster so of course it would happen."

Dinah heard silence over the phone. She felt her ribs actually shake from anxiety and waited for any sort of reassurance that she hadn't totally fucked herself in the ass with a giant purple dildo. Halfway between the urge to fall apart completely and give up or take on the entire world in a fistfight to sate her fury, she awaited what she hoped would be wisdom from her friend.

"Wow. That's definitely intense. But sweetie, it's not the end of the world and you haven't ruined anything. If anything when Lauren discovers your feelings for her she will realize you put her feelings before your own. She'll see you put her first and that's a really admirable thing. She'll know you truly love her," Tori felt relieved when she heard what sounded like a sigh instead of a sniffle pass through the phone. "You still have a good chance Dinah. Nothing is even close to written in stone. Lauren hasn't talked to Camila yet and even if they do you still have the opportunity you need. But honey if you really want her you're going to have to make sure she knows what her options are. Right now she has no idea how you feel. You have to start somewhere."

"I know. God... Why am I such a fucking pussy I should have told her a long time ago," Dinah sighed again trying not to feel hopeless. "It's just not that simple though. What if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same? Everything will be awkward and it might wreck our friendship. I just didn't know what to do because I don't want to ruin what we have. She's literally everything to me."

"I know she is. But that is exactly why you're perfect for each other, because hun I know you're her everything too. You never know Dinah, she could feel the same way about you and also be too afraid to say something."

"That's unlikely since she's stuck up the Hobbit's ass so far, she's probably found the ring by now," Dinah glared down at her ironman socks hating the world and looking like a petulant pouting preschooler. She pulled a corner of the blanket that rested on her shoulders like a cape and wiped it over her red tear stained face. She heard snickers pass through the phone and realized they were coming from two different people. "Tori, you're not alone right now, are you?"

Dinah smirked when she was met with deafening silence.

"I mean I'm just hanging with a friend right now having a snack," Tori smacked her lips on the last consonant letting her eyes slowly trail down dark naked thighs.

"Really... And which 'friends' house would you be at at 12:30 in the morning?" Dinah couldn't help but grin at what she knew had transpired between her good friends. She could tell just from the giddy sound of Tori's voice; could hear a coy smile punctuated in every word. Tori and Normani were probably naked cuddling right now like the adorable dorks they were. It was about fucking time. They had literally been oozing sexual tension around each other for months now.

"I am... at the chocolate factory, and the Cocoa Queen is giving me quite the tour," Tori implied suggestively and then braced for impact as Normani's hand swung back around to give her left ass cheek a harsh hersey's kiss.

Tori gasped and watched as Normani giggled adorably not knowing how much that spank had affected the curly blonde. She was tempted to hang up the phone and get even.

"Alright, well I'll let you guys go so you can continue... ehem... sampling the goods," Dinah chuckled in amusement. "But you were right about what you said Tori. Nothing is for sure yet and I still have a chance. I just need to take it."

"You will babe. I know you will. And Lauren is gonna see what she doesn't know she's been missing all this time. There's no way she's gonna pass up a chance to be with you. She loves you Dinah."

"I hope so. Hey, thank you for being such a great friend Tori. You know I got your back too right? I love ya girl." Dinah smiled at the immediate peaceful hum that sounded through her phone in acknowledgement.

"I love you too D. And I know you my ride or die bitch. I always got you." Tori spit in her best gangster accent before melting into laughter.

"Good night Tori, and Normani!" Dinah raised her voice so she knew Normani would hear her. "Have fun."

"Night D," the girls replied before Tori hung up her phone and laid it onto the nightstand with a smirk.

"See... I don't think it's fair," Tori began, scooting the snacks towards the end of the bed and slowly crawling back towards Normani who paused with a strawberry midway inside her mouth, "that you got to spank me while I was vunerable and distracted with a crisis, especially when I'm not the only one who's been naughty today."

Normani gulped hard, the strawberry dropping to the bed forgotten, as she watched Tori straddle one of her legs and push the other away to the side.

"Do you think that is..." Tori paused before drawing a hand back and smacking the side of Normani's cheek and thigh hard, the slap emphasizing her last word, "fair?"

Tori smirked as Normani opened her legs just a bit wider, her mouth falling open at the harsh contact. She took the opportunity to grab Normani's wrists and pin them back, forcing the girl to lay down, before she could retaliate.

"Answer me," she whispered inches away from Normani's lips, trying her best to keep a straight face and maintain the intensity even when she saw Normani breaking into a slight grin.

Just as Normani was about to give her answer, she felt a swift slap to her cunt, the action causing pleasure to course through her center quicker than she would have expected. Shock registered on her face and she gasped at the same moment as Tori parted her lower lips with a single finger and teased it up and down twice before slipping it inside her without warning. The slight sting she had felt from the slap was immediately soothed with arousal as Tori worked her finger inside, touching every spot she had discovered that made Normani weak.

Tori leisurely slid her tongue around a stiff nipple and added another finger, pumping them inside sticky heat just a bit faster and listening for the telltale gasp she knew would come from Normani's lips falling open.

Just as Normani was starting to latch onto her aroused state and Tori felt the dark hips she was gripping start to roll, she removed her fingers and sat up on her legs, watching in amusement as Normani came back to reality with a confused glare.

That look was instantly replaced with heated fascination when Tori brought her own gooey fingers to her mouth to suck them off. Normani unconsciously bucked her hips up when Tori gripped her sides tightly and just waited there, enjoying Normani's impatience.

"Tori..." Normani groaned warningly, knowing the blonde would drag this out as long as she possibly could just to torture her. She had learned in just a few hours that Tori was a frustrating tease and liked to gradually kill her lover with a slow burn.

Tori smirked and grazed her hips and center tantalizingly gentle into Normani's. She was in absolutely no rush and loved to watch Normani squirm in anticipation. When she was satisfied with Normani's obvious level of frustration, she grabbed a long slender leg and hooked it around her side before grinding her center down hard. Normani moaned as she felt Tori's slick sex stroke against her own and she trailed her hands down to grip at Tori's ass, prompting her to grind down harder.

"Fuck, that feels so good," Tori gasped out, pulling Normani up to a slightly different angle so she could kiss her while their bodies moved together. "I love your body, you're so fucking sexy," Tori practically growled switching her hips with extra emphasis and palming Normani's breasts with both hands. She tasted strawberries inside her mouth as their tongues met and mingled.

Normani loved how this woman made her feel when they made love. The sex was filthy and toe curling but it was also sensual and strangely comforting. Tori layed Normani back down to the mattress, covering her body with her own and slowing her hips. She wrapped her arms around this amazing person she was very quickly falling for and kissed her sweetly. Lazy lips caressed each other and fingertips trailed mindlessly over precious skin. Normani started to agree that patience was a virtue as she felt completely held.

"God I really, really, like you." Normani spoke pulling back so she could stare at the goddess above her and Tori tried hard not to visibly swoon.

"I really, really, like you too." Tori placed one last kiss to the girl's lips before sitting up with grin and another hip roll. "How do you want me to fuck you? Do you like it like this? When I grind my dripping wet pussy all over yours?" Tori demonstrated the motion again, pulling the leg she had hooked around her waist higher so she could reach an even more pleasing angle. Normani let her eyes flicker down her own stomach to the apex of her thighs where dark skin met tanned. She tried not to drool as she watched their sex slide together and soft sticky pink lips rubbed her exactly the right way. Fuck that was probably one of the hottest things she had ever seen. She watched Tori reach a hand between them to part their lips and then she couldn't watch anymore because God it was so fucking sickly wet and she could feel Tori's clit on her own and her eyes were rolling back in her head as the pace suddenly was far too fast for the sane.

"Fuck just like that Tori. Don't stop."

Tori rested a hand low on Normani's stomach to brace herself as she fucked the gorgeous Queen beneath her, hips rolling faster and faster to meet hers. Every contour of Normani's body and every drop of sweat had her utterly transfixed as they made love. Tori moved her fingers over soft curves feeling every breath Normani took. She smacked Normani hard on the ass again with the hand she was using to hold her leg up and listened as Normani keened and clutched at the bed sheets, the sound mixed in with how their pussies slipped against each other. With each thrust of her hips she could feel herself growing tired and closer to her own orgasm. Her legs shook the harder she stroked and she shivered trying to keep herself from losing it just yet, knowing Normani was getting close too from the sound of her moans.

"Are you gonna cum with me baby? I'm so fucking close. I wanna watch you. You're so fucking gorgeous when you cum," Tori gasped feeling her own sex clench and her clit throb against Normani's.

She never got her answer because within moments she could feel Normani tensing up and saw as her back started to arch, her hips jerking fast into her own. She could feel how her flooded sex twitched against hers and the spasms were enough to tip her right over the edge with enough force that she dropped onto the girl in a panting shaking heap, grasping at her sides to keep her grounded.

"Fuck," Normani groaned as she rode her aftershocks, enjoying the way she could feel Tori's right against her. "That was so fucking good Tori. Goddamn," she hugged the exhausted girl to herself so she could roll them over. When she found herself on top and heard nothing but a hum in acknowledgement she pushed herself up to hover above the near unconscious blonde so she could find a blanket for them to snuggle up in. Looking down, she noticed how soaked the sheets were and how their thighs looked like a damn slip and slide. Normani got up off the bed to find a towel so she could dry both of them off and when she made her way back to the bed she stopped to stare, struck by the sight of the girl she had craved for months snuggled up and sated in her bed. She didn't think it would really happen and now that it had she could still barely believe it. She moved onto her bed and began to clean up Tori's thighs before dropping soft kisses onto them. Tori awoke at the feeling and watched as Normani stared hungrily between her legs like she was eyeing a hot sticky beignet. Normani couldn't resist taking one slow gentle lick and she moaned at the taste of their cum mixed together. Feeling devilish she ran her tongue over her lips and savoured the taste of their sex as her eyes met Tori's.

"We taste really fucking good together."

"Let me try," Tori asked, pulling her love down to her for a heated kiss. They both moaned and Normani settled on the bed beside Tori, their lips moving slow and languid.

When Normani felt Tori's movement stop she pulled back and saw the blonde was falling asleep. Her eyes flickered shut and her lips moved once more searching for lips that weren't there and Normani felt her heart melt entirely. She snuggled closer to Tori, wrapping her arms snuggly around the woman and fitting their legs between each other. She watched Tori dream until she could no longer keep her eyes open and then, she too, fell asleep feeling very lucky.


Lauren woke up the next morning feeling exhilarated. Today was full of possibilities and the one that smacked her right in the face was her opportunity to reveal herself as Camila Cabello's mystery artist. From the minute she woke up til the minute she arrived at school and throughout the day she could think of nothing else than the fact that Camila wanted to meet her. Her mind drifted to various fantasies of her and Camila meeting and Camila asking her on a date and sweeping her off her feet, each scenario ending in a dramatic romantic flourish.

She thought long and hard about how she would reveal herself. Maybe she would draw another sketch of Camila and present it to her with the request of dinner and a movie and would you please be my girlfriend because I can't stop staring at you, you freaking gorgeous, adorable, infuriating, human.

The very idea of actually introducing herself as the mystery artist had Lauren practically shaking in anticipation and anxiety so by the time English rolled around and she actually had to be in the same room with the girl she couldn't keep her mind off of, she was a complete wreck. Camila sat peacefully in the row in front of her, oblivious to and not at all bothered by the worries Lauren was torturing herself with. What if she revealed herself and Camila was disappointed. What if she just brushed her off then and she wasn't at all interested when she saw her mysterious artist was a shy little nobody. Lauren shook her head reprimanding herself for thinking like that. Just because she was a geek didn't mean she was a nobody and that type of thinking was superficial. What would Dinah think if she knew Lauren kept degrading herself like that. Besides Dinah was the one that had encouraged her to have courage and take a chance on Camila. Lauren after all barely knew her so she couldn't yet judge how Camila would react.

She just wish she had more courage.

English class was nearly through and Lauren tried to spur her confidence. She promised herself she would talk to Camila right after class. She knew if she waited any longer she would chicken out. Lauren watched the clock tick by and sat patiently. When the bell rang she collected her books calmly, pulled her bag onto her shoulder and turned to confront her fears and opportunity with a brave face.

Camila stood across the room near Zendaya's seat chatting with her friends and Lauren paused to overhear what they were saying.

"Oh my god and you don't know who he is? That's so romantic. Secret admirers are so exciting," Taylor said with a flip of her hair as Selena stood next to her looking intently at the sketch on her phone.

"And just think, if he's that talented with his hands, you two are definitely gonna have some fun..." Zendaya giggled bumping her hip into Camila's suggestively.

"Perhaps. We will see. That is if he ever reveals himself to me." Camila smiled almost shyly at the attention from her friend's and stared longingly at her phone studying the sketch she had gazed at in wonder all day.

Shit. He.

Lauren felt any confidence she had simmer out cold as she discreetly watched Camila's friends enthuse about the handsome mystery man that would undoubtedly reveal himself in the near future. Camila would most definitely be disappointed that the mystery artist was a she and not a he.

Lauren left the classroom feeling crushed and made her way to art class, struggling to keep any tears threatening to escape in check. She pulled out another assignment that was due that day and started putting the finishing touches on it, doing her best to keep her brain distracted. What would normally do much to soothe her only added to her dismay making her think of the sketch and how Camila would probably never see her in the same way she saw Camila. She felt devastated that Camila would just assume a boy was her secret admirer. That meant she basically had no chance.

When Lauren finished with her assignment, she signed it and then walked up to the teacher's desk, waiting as Zendaya struggled to explain her unusual interpretation on the assignment.

"I suppose it is acceptable," the teacher said after some convincing from the sly girl, "but next time I expect a little more effort from you. I know you have it in you."

Lauren moved to place her assignment in the stack on top of Zendaya's as the girl thanked the teacher.

Zendaya was just about to leave when she noticed the signature on the sketch a girl had just placed in front of the teacher. Her jaw dropped as her mind connected where she had seen that signature before.

"Wow that sketch actually looks amazing," she said reaching onto the teacher's desk for the paper. "Who drew this one?" The girl asked playing it dumb.

"That is a piece by Lauren Jauregui. She is actually one of my most talented students. You could definitely learn something from her sketches. That girl is going places." Zendaya held the picture carefully as an idea struck her.

"Really? Then you wouldn't mind if I," taking out her phone she quickly snapped a picture before the teacher could object, "took a pic for future reference. Thanks!" Zendaya said cheerfully before dropping the sketch and returning to her seat with a few curious glances thrown at this Lauren Jauregui. How fascinating. Camila would definitely be surprised with this information. She couldn't wait to break the news.


Dinah stretched after practice as she noticed Normani and Tori looking cozy over on the bleachers. Both a sweaty mess and neither of them caring, Normani sat on the seat behind Tori and hugged her from behind, whispering something into the girl's ear that made her squirm in her arms and giggle like she was a middleschooler.

Dinah smiled watching her friends but couldn't help but feel bittersweet in the moment. She looked around wondering where Lauren was. Normally Lauren would show up and wait on the bleachers at least half way through practice. Right now she was nowhere to be seen. Dinah tried not to let her mind go to the worst possible scenarios yet and she fished in her bag for her phone. Shooting Lauren a quick text to make sure she was ok and let her know she was going to get cleaned up and change, she shoved her phone back in her bag and headed toward the locker room avoiding talking to her friends just yet. She knew they would ask her if she had made any progress on the Lauren and sharing feelings situation yet and she didn't want to have to tell them the same old thing.

That she was too fucking scared.

To her chagrin she had let her fear get the best of her, passing up an opportunity to talk to Lauren all day even though they had several classes together. She even went so far as to go somewhere out to lunch just because she didn't want to face Lauren yet. She had tried to keep the feeling of hope she had felt after talking to Tori last night, but seeing Lauren stare dreamily off into outer space knowing she was thinking about Camila all day, was enough to quell any hope she had left. So she had done her best to avoid Lauren. Now that she wasn't here Dinah was even more worried that something terrible had happened. She mused on the possibilities as she got in the shower.

Either Lauren had told Camila and they were running away together to Vegas to get married. Or Lauren had told Camila and Camila had rejected her and Lauren was crying somewhere in a bathroom and fuck if Camila had hurt one tiny hair on Lauren's head or one itty-bitty feeling in Lauren's heart.... she was a dead woman.


Little did Dinah know, Lauren actually was crying in a bathroom. After the bell for art class had rung she couldn't contain her devastation anymore and so she had scurried off to find some privacy before she could be spotted and became known as a teary eyed freak throughout the school. She had sat on a toilet seat that she had previously covered in toilet paper because, germs, and cried into a wad of toilet paper that served as makeshift tissues.

This whole day had been flipped from sunshine to shit within minutes. How did Camila have the power to do that to her? She had spent so much time hoping and wishing things would go like some fairytale and then before she even had a chance to speak up, her dreams were smashed to shit by heteronormativity.

If all her friends assumed that Camila's secret admirer was a dude then she had to be straight which meant Lauren had no chance. Which means she was a complete idiot to have ever gotten her hopes up because she pretty much had always figured Camila Cabello was straight but there went her heart anyways; jumping right off the doomed cliff of love to commit suicide.

And here she had been, thinking she actually had a chance when she knew all along it was slim to none. Here she had been doubting herself as a person and feeling like she wasn't good enough for someone when deep down she knew that wasn't true. Lauren did love herself. But the moment she started crushing on Camila Cabello she had doubted who she was and had even dissed herself and hated things about herself, thinking she was a loser or just plain not good enough.

Realizing that had made her more disappointed than anything.

After a considerable amount of time passed that she felt was appropriate for her pity party she wiped the remaining tears off and told herself it was time to pull her shit together. There were plenty of girls in the world that weren't Camila Cabello and she knew for a fact that she was amazing enough to find one that would love her for her. Even if she didn't find someone she promised she would love herself for her. Or she would at least try harder to.

Lauren felt herself calm a bit and she dug in her bag to find her phone so she could check the time. Unlocking her phone she stopped as she saw she had received a text from a strange number.

Hey this is Camila Cabello. I know you're the one who drew that sketch of me and if you don't mind, I would really love to meet you Lauren.

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