All About the Werewolf

By twistedwerewolf

14.6K 630 464

My thoughts on the Werewolf genre and a bit of advice for being different and standing out. More

Here We Go - The Start
Getting the Basics Right
Concepts that need more thought.
Glitchy on the Cliche
When You Don't Get What You Want
New Cover
FAQ's and Me
Mating and Luna
From the Bottom
When sending me stuff...
This is a rant
What's Wrong With the Werewolf Genre?
Research is your best friend.
What Are You Doing?!
Can We Not Love the Genre?
Werewolf Types pt 1

Belittling Others to Promote Yourself

803 41 17
By twistedwerewolf

You know what I've noticed a lot in the werewolf genre and on Wattpad in general? 

Well, if you missed the title then that's what I'm talking about.

Since when has it become okay to belittle others but promote yourself at the same time? Like saying 'they are popular but their stories are crap, my story isn't popular but you should totally read it!!!'

And then said person proceeds to throw their story in your face like it's Wattpad's best creation.

Sorry to burst that fat head of yours, but if you have to belittle people to gain attention then your story really isn't worth the read. I belittle things all the time, but never narrow it down to certain people or groups.

And if I do? 

Well fuck, I've just gone and contradicted myself...haven't I?

Sure, some of those people doing the belittling probably do write well, have a unique plot and really do deserve the attention. But come the fuck on people, do you have to rub others faces in the dirt to get that attention?

Most writers on here are here to get famous, lets not joke around about that.

But, I've lost my train of thought so that's all you're getting in this update.

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