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Haha, okay so I don't know what to title this chapter because it's basically just a whole sh*t tonne of ranting because I'm pretty peeved off right now. I'm peeved off about something that has nothing to do with the werewolf genre, Wattpad or writing in general but when I'm this angry I tend to think better and more easily about things that have been bugging me long term.

Face claims - for everyone that doesn't know what a face claim is, it's the actor you pick to play your characters. I really don't have issues with models being used or cast lists being posted...but no sh*t, why do people have to use the same f*cking faces over and over again?

It's so boring and my mind thinks that once I see a face claim used in one story it really can't be used in another story. Because my brain has dedicated that particular face to the particular character that I first saw being played by the famous person.

People might be asking, why don't you mind flawless and perfect people to play characters? That's so dumb, we can't connect with perfect people! My answer to that stupid logic is....who the hell else are they going to google to play their characters? 

Do you want people to stalk your Facebook, instagram and all those other stupid and vain social media websites for photos of you that they can steal/ rip to post to their stories? Do you want them to research when you were born, how old you are and what country you live in? 

Because I can guarantee a lot of people who use face claims will do that sort of researching shit just to see if a face fits their characters. And yeah, it's kinda weird that they'd do it for famous people...but imagine how fucked up it'd be seeing a photo of YOU and YOUR name plastered on a story. 

Yeah, creepy f*cking sh*t man.

But honestly, I can't handle many more Francisco Lakowski (however you spell that name) characters....and I'm fully turned off of reading a book if I see a One Dimension band member playing a character (and any other bands/ singers that I deem 'lame' but a writer doesn't have to suit my pervy preferences). shit, there might be a million Damien's but there can be at least one Simon, Peter or Quasi. <<--------- that's a title btw.

Come on people, lets get a little friggin creative in this's fantasy for crying out loud.

Yeah, while your names should suit the environment in which your character and story is set in can we please get a bit of diversity going here? If I see one more Damien, Luther, Gabriel/ Gabrial, Heath and all those names that are associated with ripped, half naked, sizzling hot white guys who show their aggression easily and usually either reject their mates or act like tool bags Trump would be proud of (not a fan of either things if you must know).

You can give aggressive characters 'normal' and pleasant sounding names. I mean, it's not about the name it's about the characteristics that you're willing to give them and for some reason Peter and Simon are always nice guys who are a bit on the nerdy side.

I don't know about Quasi though, he seems like he'd be a bit of a weirdo no matter how you wrote that guy out.

But honestly and seriously, can we move away from the boring ass vanilla names? (and I'm talking about Damien, Gabriel, Heath and Conner sorts of names). 

Or, just give the guy some weird *ass f*cking name that shortens into a normal sounding nickname. That's what I like to do a lot of the time and use their long/ weird name as a sort of insult when they're in trouble or people want to tease the sh*t out of them.

Anyway, that's me...I'm tired and the angry is gone so I'm going to bed. Haha, this was supposed to be longer but as always I forgot what I was saying.


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