Mating and Luna

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Here's my question to everyone, when the hell did sex become mating?

Has the werewolf genre really turned that 'animalistic' that it's more acceptable to write mating scenes rather than sex scenes? Or is mating just a vanilla term for sex? And if you're writing a full blown, detailed, bit by bit steamy scene then why are you using such a vanilla word as 'mating?'

If you want to be vanilla why don't you use the word coupling? 

I've never heard of sex being referred to as mating, that's usually reserved for animals....I'm pretty sure it is a term used exclusively for animals (and now werewolves).

I'm not saying I'm right or that people should stop using mating when they're talking about people getting it on in werewolf stories, but come on man. If you're writing a sex scene why call it anything other than what it is? Sex, love making...coupling, coitus. 

That second word though, that irks the shit out of me and I know I'm talking to a majorly deaf crowd when I do mention this. 

BUT LUNA AND ALPHA AREN'T IN THE SAME F*CKING ALPHABET <<------- I broke my own rule, I'm not sorry. ( is an Italian and Spanish given name of Latin origin meaning Moon <<-- stole it off uncle Google).

Alpha and all that alphabet is Greek, I mean sure maybe there's some root origin that the two words are used in completely different languages. If you're going to chop and change between languages in your story then chop and change, but if you're only going to do it for the alpha/ luna buzz then...why?

And why are people so f*cking adamant that alpha and luna as words fit well together?

They don't.

In my opinion they're two of the most cliche things in the entire werewolf genre. 

Use your brains and come up with something way more original, I legit yawn now whenever I see alpha and luna in the same book/ synopsis/ title. I won't even read a book now if it's got the term 'luna' in it because I just can't.

It's not too hard to think outside the box, queen is a good title for a female leader...alpha too if you ever really thought about it. 

Anyway, that's ma rant forever and a day.

If you have strongly different opinions (as in, you love the word luna and hate me for naysaying it) then really, don't comment on this chapter. Just move on, we're going to end up arguing if you do comment about how you believe luna and mating are fitting words.

Because it's two points/ words that my opinion will never change on.

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