Concepts that need more thought.

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Small concepts are also important to overall plot, these sorts of details can make or break a story.

If you're reading this, then please....PLEASE (I'm begging here) come up with something that is from your head and not something from someone elses book! I mean, you can tweak and add an idea you might have seen in your travels, day to day lives or whatever but don't read someone elses story and then think, 'oh yeah, I like that idea so I'm totally going to use it.'

That's just wrong and a bit shit on your part.

Here are the plots that I will absolutely steer clear of.


What is rejection in a society where mates are supposed to be forever? (A big f*cking contradiction, that's what!). If you're going to have rejection in your story then at least make it for reasons other then, 'my mate is too fat/too ugly/ too socially retarded/ too far down in the pack rank/ too weak/ too ugly...oh wait.

Those are all such teenage ideas and not all those doing the rejecting are teenagers! So, make up an excuse that is age appropriate, I get that we're all stupid as teens and think we know everything but to reject your lifelong partner....THE ONLY ONE MADE FOR YOU just because he/ she is fat/ ugly/ weird looking, is just moronic. 

I won't tell you what is appropriate, you can come up with that all by your lonesome. 


I hate plots where the main character is used as the pack slave, not even real wolves have a pack slave. Sure they have the pack clown, but there's no slave...mostly because they'd die if they didn't work as a team.

Some of the beating scences are jus so unrealistic, I get that people write their werewolves as having super fast healing but seriously? Broken ribs, broken bones of any sort don't heal in a split second, even with advanced healing...they need to be set or your character is going to walk around with a janky arm or leg for the rest of their lives.

Also, there are other words to describe yell and scream, I now hate that word after seeing it written so many times in werewolf stories. Also, writing in caps does equate to yelling BUT NO ONE LIKES TO READ AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH THAT IS WRITTEN IN CAPS!

Please, read a dictionary to expand your vocabulary. There are prettier words if you do want your main character to be abused.


Okay, I don't know if a lot of people realize this is sort of contradictory, but alot of people write that their werewolves are automatically fit, heal in the blink of an eye...and yet they can get cancer. How is that possible? 

Beats me.

This entire concept stumps me, especially when someone writes in one chapter how quickly a broken bone heals and then in the next chapter describes how another wolf somehow ends up with either cancer or a deadly disease. 

It'd make more sense if you took one of those concepts out.

The not so mythical white wolf

I cannot stress how much I hate this f*cking concept.

Do people not realize how racist....wolfist? Elitist a white wolf sounds? It just is, don't put all importance into a single, rare white wolf, especially if you're going to have five other white wolves appear in your story.

White wolves in nature aren't rare, they are born to specific regions of the world. A wolves fur colour is dependant on the environment in which it is born, so you're not going to get a white wolf in the middle of the rain forest, you're less likely to get a naturally occuring black wolf in the arctic...having a black coat in a wintery environment kinda means death I would think.

So please, remember setting is vital to pelt colour!

Wealthy Packs

How did a pack become wealthy? All I ever see is what the pack drives around in, sleeps in but I never hear how they've made their money. Sure there might be some vague explanation but it's never really a good enough explanation as to why they're rich. 'They just are' seems to be the only explanation I get.

If you're going to write wealthy werewolves then PLEASE tell your readers how they became wealthy. Being a CEO is going to make a single wolf wealthy, running a mine or car company is going to make more then the alpha wealthy.

Description is key!

  Omega wolves and rogue wolves

Okay, lets start off with the most obvious fact there is about omega wolves....they don't have to take shit from an abusive alpha. I'm not sure if people know this but if an alpha cannot tolerate an omega in their pack, it can be run off. The same goes if an omega cannot tolerate an alpha, they can leave.

I don't know if it's just human nature to want your characters to suffer but honestly, omega wolves in real wolf packs put up with a lot less sh*t then omega werewolves do.

Rogue wolves! Just remember, if you're writing rogue wolves then you spell it ROGUE, not ROUGE!

One term is to describe a lone wolf, the other is a colour.

Not all lone wolves are bad! Not all of them are crazy, and most of all...not all of them are murderous. Lone wolves get a bad rep through werewolf stories, it's like they have the black plague or something so everyone steers clear of them. Male lone wolves in nature tend to be driven away from a pack territory because they threaten the alpha status, lone female wolves are less likely to be driven away.

And that's it for now, I may write a part 2 of this as I've only covered a few concepts that need more thought. If you have any concepts that stump you then post below, if you have an opinion then leave a comment.

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