Totally Awesome Harry Potter...

By 416bunny

53.4K 883 195

As the title says this is my book of Totally Awesome Harry Potter One Shots! Most of these little scenes are... More

Totally Awesome Harry Potter One Shots!
Fred and Georges Prank Part One
Fred and George Prank Part 2
Quidditch Tryouts Part One
Quidditch Trials Part 2
The Heir of Slytherin....
True Story.... No really it its. SIRIUSLY
The kids coming into their powers. This should be fun.
'Never again on washing day' godric's hallow, before James and Lil died
Harry scream's for ice cream
The Princess Phase Part One
Princess Phase Part Two
That Nerd in the glasses is my boyfriend!
Death Eater: So I was like AVADA KADAVRA, and he was like dead.
The Harry Potter Fashion Line
This chapter has no title for It would give to much away.
Malfoy's Diary
Harry .vs. The Shorties
The Talk ( you know which one I mean)
*shrug* Its an AMERICAN thing
I look smashing!
Ramen noodles
My rather odd dream.
Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for
The Last Prank
Marty the Squid
Cars, Cars, and more Cars
Christmas One Shot
Hot Chocolate
Kidnapping part1
The Long Waited Kidnapping Part Two

Polyjuice Potion

1.1K 20 7
By 416bunny

AN~ Hey I'm sorry these updates are getting farther and farther apart but I'm running out of ideas! Up to about The Nerd in the Glasses is My Boyfriend, where ideas I had thought of before writing this, now I have to think! UGG!

I got this idea while doing my homework cause I was drinking water and was liking what if its polyjuice potion, then I thought of Moody's comment on Goblin Piss. Then I thought LIGHTBULB!

  Anyway Harry is not in this one.... excpet maybe as an baby... Guess you know what that means... SIRIUS IS ALIVE!!!! This is whle James and Lily are alive too.... COMMENT


Sirius apperated to Godrics Hallow and started making his way towards his best friends house. The order meeting wasn't for another ten minutes but Sirius had to get their earily so that he could allow people to get inside, being the secret-keeper and all.

As Sirius walked past the church the cottage came into veiw. Dumboldore dicided to hold the Order meeting at the house because James and Lily couldn't leave their house for their own safety, also because it had the protection of a secret-keeper on it so Voldemort doubly couldn't find it.

Sirius rounded the corner and was now standing in front of the house. He made his way to the gate and took his position to let people into the home. Padfoot was standing there for about two minutes when the first person showed up, Mad-Eye.

Sirius stepped out from his position and came face to face with Moody. "Evening Mad-Eye." Sirius said with a smile on his face. Mad-Eye just made a grunting noice that Sirius took as a hello.

 "The Order of The Pheonix is meeting at the home of James and Lily Potter in Godrics Hallow. As secret keeper I give you permishion to come inside." Sirius recited from memory, having had been doing this for about a month now. Sirius then snapped his fingers and watched as Moody opened the gate and then hobble inside the house.

Sirius got back to his post when another person came into veiw, this time it was Dumboldore. "Hello Albus. Got any Sherbert Lemons?" After being around Dumboldore you would get many of his Lemon candies, most members didn't like them but Sirius had grown to love them.

"Of course Sirius." Dumboldore said as he reached inside his beard and pulled two out, one for each of them. Sirius took the candy, unwrapped it, and they tossed it above him and caught it inside his mouth. Dumboldore's eyes twinkled as he watched Sirius and then he too was aloud into the Potter household.

Ten minutes later everyone from the order had shown up and they were all now inside the house, sitting around the kitchen table, which was enhanced to fit all the members.

Sirius was sitting in the middle of the table next to Lily and Mad-Eye. After the last meeting he wasn't aloud to sit next to James, something to do with them putting pepper-up potions in everyones drinks. Which when drunk when not needed causes what muggles call a sugar rush, but ten times worse.

So now Lily and Mad-Eye had to keep all eyes, magical and normal, on him. Moody didn't trust being next to Sirius when he had a drink so he brought his own to the meeting.

Sirius' listened to Dumboldore as he spoke of Voldemort and all the new horribably evil things he had done since the last meeting. Sirius went to grab his cup of hot chocolate, Lily refused for him to drink anything strong around baby Harry 'who she was holding'.

Sirius took a sip and gaged, it tasted like Troll Sweat. With the surprise of the off tasting drink Sirius fell to the floor so now everyone was looking at him. Once he got up from the floor he had found that he couldn't see anything, or at least clearly.

He, more or less, watched as Dumboldore waved his wand over something or other and then passed it down to blurry figure one, who passed it two blurry figure two, who handed it on to blurry red head, who passed it to him. Sirius looked down at the object and found that they were glasses.

Sirius put on the glasses and then everything became clear. 'I can see cleary now the rain is gone' Sirius thought to himself. "What was with my cocoa and why did it taste like Troll Sweat?" Sirius asked Dumboldore, for he had all the answeres.

"Well as I started to explain we had a plan to use polyjuice potion to lead Voldemort off James and Lily's trail." Dumboldore explained. A light balb went off over his head.... literally. Moody picked up the lightbabe that had just been formed and placed it inside one of his many pockets.

"So I drank Polyjuice potion? Why leave that stuff lying around?" Sirius asked. Moody grunted as in to say look before you drink. "Alastor was just about to hand it to me." Dumboldore said calmly.

"So wait!" Sirius said holding his hands up in a stop symbole."Who did I turn into?" Sirius got up from his chair and ran to the bathroom before anyone could easily just tell him. When he got to the bathroom Sirius let out a little scream.

"AH!!! I'M A NERD IN GLASSES! NO!!!" Sirius cried out.

Sirius curled up into a ball onto the floor while everyone laughed, James got up and handed Lily a camera to take a picture, and he took baby Harry.

James crouched down on the floor and held Harry is one arm and had a thumbs up in the other. Sirius was still just on the floor mumnling about being a bespecialed git forever.


Hope you liked it!! Sorry it took a while to post, I had to think of something, good new though, Last night I thought of two more ideas... and I have to flip threw my note book, I might of missed one... Please Please Please COMMENT! And I want to say thank you for getting my story to over 1000 reads... not this one but my other. It made me happy, I was skipping around the room and my family had looks of WTF? On their faces. COMMENT

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