Justin and Me

By awesumkrazygurl

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A fictional story of me meeting Justin Bieber and becoming the love of his life. More

Chapter One: The Simple Joy Of...Meeting Justin Bieber?
Chapter Two: Beach Party Swag
Chapter Three: Dinner And Dancing
Chapter Four: Justin Leaves...With My Heart?
Chapter Five: Double Date Plus One
Chapter Six: Japan!
Chapter Eight: Cheater, Cheater. Pumpkin Eater
Chapter Nine: Who Let The Jerk Out?
Chapter Ten: I Need...Space
Chapter 11: Studio Session With Scooter
Chapter 12: The Crowd Will Be Screaming My Name
Chapter 13: Celebration
Chapter 14: Off To Stratford
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seven: Cure The Fever Dr. Bieber

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By awesumkrazygurl

I woke up the next morning feeling like crap. I was all sweaty and my legs ached. Justin wasn't with me and that just made it worse. I laid there for a few minutes and stared at the ceiling. Just then Pattie walked in. "How are you feeling, Hun?" She asked me. "Horrible." I replied. "We should get you to a doctor." she said with sympathy. "Where's Justin." I immediately asked. "Can't be away from him can you?" she laughed. "He said he had some studio time booked with the Rascal Flatts." "Oh, do you know when he'll be back?" I asked. "I really don't know sweetie." She told me. "Well let's get you ready." "Ok." I said. I slowly got up and got dressed. I was really hot for some reason but it was freezing outside. I decided to just wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I walked out and Pattie was waiting for me. "You ready Honey?" She asked me. "Yeah." I said. She led me to her car out back. We both got in and she started it up.

"Allergic to any medication?" "Not that I know of." I said. "Well let's take a look at your tonsils. Say Ahh." "Ahh. *cough* *gag*." I choked and gagged as he stuck a wooden stick down my throat. "Looks very red and swollen. Have you been out in the cold lately?" "Not really, I don't think so." I said. "Well no need to run tests because I'm certain that you have strep throat." Pattie looked at me worriedly. "You"ll be fine let me just prescribe some medicine and make sure you drink plenty of water." "We'll make sure that she does." Pattie said smiling. "Alrighty, have a nice day." The doctor said smiling. We left to the car and before Pattie started the car she looked at me and asked, "what's wrong?" "I miss Justin." I said. She laughed and said, "he should be at the hotel now." She saw my eyes light up and smiled. She started the car and we headed toward the hotel.

"Hey how's my 'Favorite Girl'?" Justin asked me. I blushed and ran into his arms. He hugged me and kissed my neck. I giggled and wrapped my legs around him as he picked me up. "I missed you." I said into Justin's shoulder. "Awwh. I missed you too girl." he said smiling. He grabbed my hand and led me out the door. "Be back later Mom." Justin said to his mom as we passed her room. "Where are we going?" I asked Justin. "We are going to get an ice-cream. I thought it would help your sore throat." "Awwh you heard?" I asked him. "Of course. I'm so sorry I couldn't be with my baby." "Did you even come at all last night? Because I woke up and you weren't there." Justin looked at me kind of nervously and said, "Well, umm I spent the night at Usher's so he could give me a ride to the studio." "Oh." I said. He held my hand and we walked. "I also gotta be somewhere tonight so I won't be here. I'm sorry to leave you all alone." "It's okay." I lied. I was really disappointed. I hid my disappointment pretty well because we didn't talk about it at all until we got to the ice-cream shop.

When we got there Justin's phone rang. It must've been important because he answered it right away, gave me some money and told me to order something. Then he just went into the bathroom. I ordered a strawberry bowl with chocolate syrup. When they handed it to me I sat at a table and waited for Justin. He was taking a really long time. I wonder what was going on. I barely ate the ice-cream. It didn't seem to taste very good. Something was up and I wanted to know what it was. I let the ice-cream melt in front of me. I got up and threw it away. I waited another 10 minutes. Then he finally came out. I got up and led him out of the shop. I put my arm around his waist hoping he would put his arm around mine but all he did was pull out his phone and text the whole time. "Hey, I really gotta go." he said. "You're not gonna walk me to the hotel?" I asked. "Nah, sorry I gotta meet Christian at the audition." He didn't even say bye. He just left. I walked home kind of glum. I understood that he was busy but he was acting REALLY weird. I decided to visit the hotel Caitlin was staying in. She was always a big ball of energy.

"Hey come in." said with a smile. I walked upstairs to Caitlin's room and went in. She was was really awkward when I walked in. Why was everyone being so weird? She quickly texted someone and smiled at me and told me to sit down. "How have you been Ali?" "Fine." I laughed. A couple minutes later I got a text from Justin telling me that the audition got cancelled and he wanted for me to hang with him. I texted back that I was busy and turned my phone off. I wanted to focus on having a good time with Caitlin. She suggested we go downstairs and play videogames. They basically moved into this hotel. I laughed at that thought. Surprisingly Christian was already in the game room playing the Xbox. "Didn't you have an audition?" I asked him. "Uhmm no." he laughed. Caitlin looked nervous and said, "Let's walk around outside instead." She led me outside and I couldn't keep my mind off of what Christian said. Maybe Justin was talking about a different Christian. I highly doubt it but it is very possible. I tried to focus on the sky but my thoughts were clouding up my mind. I started to not feel so good again so I said bye to Caitlin and started walking to our hotel.

I walked into my room and laid down on the bed. I was almost asleep when Justin walked in with some pills and a glass of water. "Here you go babe." I sat up and took the medicine then laid back down. He laid down next to me and tried to cuddle with me but I just turned the other way. "What's wrong babe?" he asked me. "I'm just...tired." I lied. "Do you want me to leave?" he asked. I was shocked. Why was he so quick to ask? "I don't care." I said with a tone that even surprised me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I fell asleep.

A couple of hours later I woke up sweating. I could feel Justin stroking my hair. Without any warning I got up and walked out of the room. I wanted to hang with Pattie. I walked in her room and she was painting her nails. I sat down and she offered to paint mine. "You okay Hun?" I smiled weakly and said, "Just a little queasy is all." I was glad Pattie was still awake this late at night. She was the only one not being weird lately. Justin walked in and asked, "Babe why'd you leave?" I didn't answer just kept talking to Pattie and pretended not to hear him. He sat down next to me and with a lot of sympathy wanting to know what was wrong. By then, Pattie had finished and Justin REALLY wanted to talk. So he picked me up and started walking out. I smiled at him glad he was being his normal self again. When we got to our room we started talking. "So what's really going on Ali?" he asked. "That's what I'd like to know." I said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well you're being really weird lately." I said. "I didn't notice. I'm sorry if I made you upset. You know I would never want to hurt my girl." he said smiling. I smiled too and sat on his lap. Everything was okay now and I was glad. I turned my head around so him and I could kiss. After a while I guess I must've fallen asleep because I felt Justin pick me up and set me in bed then leave.

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