Justin and Me

By awesumkrazygurl

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A fictional story of me meeting Justin Bieber and becoming the love of his life. More

Chapter One: The Simple Joy Of...Meeting Justin Bieber?
Chapter Two: Beach Party Swag
Chapter Three: Dinner And Dancing
Chapter Five: Double Date Plus One
Chapter Six: Japan!
Chapter Seven: Cure The Fever Dr. Bieber
Chapter Eight: Cheater, Cheater. Pumpkin Eater
Chapter Nine: Who Let The Jerk Out?
Chapter Ten: I Need...Space
Chapter 11: Studio Session With Scooter
Chapter 12: The Crowd Will Be Screaming My Name
Chapter 13: Celebration
Chapter 14: Off To Stratford
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Four: Justin Leaves...With My Heart?

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By awesumkrazygurl

I woke up the next morning smiling. I stretched and went downstairs to make a bowl of cereal. Cap'n Crunch was not only Justin's favorite cereal, but mine too. I sat there munching and wondering why Justin hadn't called yet. It was starting to get to me. Why was I being so stupid? He doesn't have a lot of free time to just be with me. I finished my breakfast and decided to check on Laney. I knew my mom was probably still asleep so I left her a note on the counter. I went upstairs and put some clean jeans on. I looked in the mirror and realized I must've fell asleep with my clothes on last night. I laughed to myself and remembered the wonderful time we had together. I headed downstairs and walked outside. It was another perfect sunny day in L.A. For some reason it felt like a longer walk than usual to her house. I must be overthinking things. When I got to her house her mom was outside gardening. "Hi, is Laney here?" "She sure is, she's in the kitchen." I walked in the house and saw Laney slumped over her bowl of cereal looking really depressed. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "I'm never going to meet a guy as awesome as Austin was." She started crying and I walked over and hugged her. "Don't worry. He's a jerk and you just need to forget about him. Come on. Want to do something fun?" I said. "Like what?" she asked. Just then my phone rang. It was Justin. "Sorry, I'll get back to you on that." Laney laughed at how in love I was with Justin. I answered the phone and said, "Hey baby what's up?" "Not much girl just called to ask you if we could meet up somewhere because there's something I have to tell you in person." He seemed so upset. I couldn't imagine what he would say to me. Did someone die? Is he breaking up with me? "I love you babe but I gotta go so meet me outside when it starts getting dark." "Ok love you Justin, bye." I guess I looked pretty upset because now it was Laney asking me what was wrong. "Nothing. Let's go to the mall." We both got up and headed to outside. "Bye, mom. Be back later." Laney said to her mom as we walked passed her. We walked and talked. When we got to the mall, the first place we went to was Aeropostalé. That was probably our favorite store. We both didn't seem to enjoy it though. We walked over to claire's and looked around. I laughed when I saw all the Justin Bieber merchandise. Laney asked, "Why don't they have Chaz and Ryan stuff? They're just as good looking." I laughed and we kept walking. Laney decided to get a new pair of earrings. I bought a Justin Bieber necklace to give to him as a joke. Laney laughed when she saw what I was buying. We walked and saw Austin with Natalia. Besides stealing Austin from Laney she was a pretty nice girl. So Laney walked over there and said hi to Natalia. She looked awkward seeing us there. But she said hi back and started talking to Laney. I laughed at Austin. He looked pretty stupid there seeing the two girls he likes talking to each other and not fighting. He glared at me which only made me laugh even more. Eventually, he got tired of standing there watching them talk. So he started pulling Natalia away. She said bye to Laney and I and left with Austin. Laney was smiling and saying if she's happy with that jerk-face than I am too. She smiled at me and I knew she was ok. We left the mall and walked around town. I texted Caitlin and asked if we could come over. She said, "ya come on over :)" I asked Laney if she wanted to hang out at Caitlins house for a while. "Caitlin. As in Caitlin Beadles? Umm YES!" I laughed and we walked over to her house. When we got there I knocked on the door. Caitlin answered and smiled at us. "Hi Ali! Who is this?" she asked. "This is my best friend Laney." I told her. "Nice to meet you Laney." she smiled at us and invited us in. We walked in and opened our mouths in amazement. "You're house is amazing." I said to her. "Thanks." Caitlin said. We sat on the couch and watched some t.v. Laney and Caitlin were totally hitting it off. I could tell they were going to be great friends. It started getting late so Laney and I said bye and walked home. When I got to my house I sat on the couch and waited for Justin. It started getting dark so I waited for him outside. He finally got there and said, "Grab a sweater. You're going to need it." he smiled at me and I ran inside. I came out with a sweater and hopped in the car. "How are you babe?" he asked me then kissed my lips. "Great. You?" He laughed nervously and said, "Good." I don't know why he was being so quiet. I was starting to feel weird. He was so quiet it was making me nervous. I looked out the window. I saw Justin look at me out of the corner of my eye. He reached for my hand. I looked at him and smiled. "We were meant for each other." he said then kissed my cheek. We pulled up to an empty field. He got out and laid a blanket down and sat down. He said, "come here girl." and smiled at me. I walked over and sat down next to him. He held me in his arms and we talked. "So what was it you were going to tell me?" I asked him. "Well...I have to leave." he said. "What do you mean 'leave'?" I asked him. "Like, leave. To Japan. For two months." I felt tears in my eyes. They were coming out. I sobbed into his chest. "Hey, hey. Please don't cry." he said and wiped my tears away. "I know it's a long time but there's even worse news." he looked down and I could see him starting to cry too. I held him tighter and asked, "what is it?" he looked at me and said, "after Japan, it's not like I can come right back. I'm on tour so next is Paris." he looked at me sadly and held me tight. I cried even harder. "There is some good news though." he looked at me and smiled. "I can't live without my girl so I asked Scooter if you could come on tour with me. And...he said yes." I smiled and stopped crying. "You are so sweet. I don't know how I could live without you." I told him. I'm sure my mom would say yes. We were happy and smiling. We laid next to each other looking up at the stars. He reached for my hand and kissed my cheek. I laid my head on his chest. He smiled and said, "I love you shawty." We stayed like that for about an hour. Then it started to get late. We got in the car and he asked me, "your friend Laney and us should hang out sometime." I smiled and said, "I'm sure she'd love that. When?" "How about tomorrow? Chaz and Ryan will be there too." I texted Laney and she said yes. I told Justin, "She said she'll come."We smiled at each other and talked the rest of the way. We got to my house and surprisingly Justin followed me into the house. I asked him, "What are you doing?" He smiled and said, "please go get your parents." I had no idea what he was doing but I went upstairs and got them. We all came downstairs and Justin said, "good evening C.C. And Mr. Zavala. My parents smiled at Justin asked him why he was here. "Well, I wanted to properly ask if you're daughter could come on tour with me." he said. "You are such a gentleman" my mom gushed. My dad was sort of a grump but said, "well you seem worthy. Just keep my angel safe." "I will sir, thank you." Justin kissed me on the cheek, said bye to my parents, and left. "Well isn't he just darling?" my mom said. "I guess he's better than some other hooligans strutting around." my dad said. My mom and I laughed and he stormed upstairs. My mom and I both knew that was his way of acceptance. I called Laney and told her to ask her mom if she could spend the night. She didn't even answer just showed up 10 minutes later. It cracked me up that we were so close that she practically could just walk into my house and stay for a week and it was normal. We had so much to talk about. I told her everything about the date. I also said, "oh, and I forgot to mention Chaz and Ryan are going to be there." she screamed and said, "are you serious?" I laughed when my dad said, "pipe down!" she was crying tears of joy. I knew she had a thing for Chaz since she first saw him. We were laughing and being excited and we finally fell asleep on the floor of the living room.

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