Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book...

By JosephineCastillo-Nu

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Just when he thought he had the most out of his life - a career as a doctor and alpha lupus to a strong pack... More

Fate Smiles on My Alpha
Chapter 1- New Beginnings
Chapter 2 -Fight for your Life
Chapter 3 -To Know You is to Love You
Chapter 4 - Wide Awake
Chapter 5 - Three for the Love of One
Chapter 6 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 - The Lake House
Chapter 8 - Missing Piece
Chapter 9 - Visitors
Chapter 10 - Complications
Chapter 11 -Meet the Folks
Chapter 12 - The Nύptíís
Chapter 13 - Wedded Bliss
Chapter 14 - Amazing Discoveries
Chapter 15 - Surprises and Contradictions
Chapter 16 - Imperiled
Chapter 17 - First Heat
Chapter 18 - Whore's Dust
Chapter 19 - A Glimpse of Red
Chapter 20 - Real and Normal
Chapter 21 - One Tough Cookie
Chapter 22 - Unexpected Progress
Chapter 24 - Go Into the Light
Chapter 25 - Kiss and Make Up
Chapter 26 - Real Issues
Chapter 27 - Rewind
Chapter 28 - Control and Surrender
Chapter 29 - Taken
Chapter 30 - It is Done
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Afterglow
Chapter 33 - Second Chances
Chapter 34 - Natalis

Chapter 23 - Precipice

20.6K 518 45
By JosephineCastillo-Nu



Queran was already exhausted by just looking at the expanse of field that was set up as an outdoor gym and training field.  The place almost resembled a military camp with 5 obstacles to get through to the finish line.  A series of hoops, ropes, a log and a 10 foot wall to scale.

As it turned out, Tanner had outdone himself in making sure everything was in order for the day’s training.  She was overwhelmed by the warm reception of a majority of the pack’s youth sector and mostly comprised of the hot blooded and hot tempered teenage boys.  Tanner was smirking at her for having drawn the young pups that had more pride than brains and the girls who cared more for socializing with said boys and their appearance.  Oh she was going to have her hands full and even dirty and Tanner was going to sit back and enjoy the torment.

“Wipe that smirk from your face, beta or you are going to get another ass kicking from me.”  Queran glared at him. 

“What did I do now? I went through all this trouble getting the field prepared and this is the thanks I get.  You wound me, my Luna.” Tanner laid a hand over his heart.

“Aww, poor baby.”  Queran’s pouty lips amused him even more.

Tanner shook and snorted.  “You are something else Queran.  You’re a handful sometimes.  I wonder how Keegan puts up with you.”

“FYI, he loves everything about me.”  She retorted.

Tanner rolled his eyes and raised his arms in defeat.  “Here we go again with the sappy love sick quips.  Whatever.  So! What’ the agenda for today?  The kids would be here in half an hour.”  Queran stuck her tongue out.

“I figured we start with sprints to develop leg power and endurance.   Let’s go for a 3-mile run around the territory and get into the obstacle course.  We group them depending on their level of strength and motor and sensory skills then go from there. You reckon?”

Tanner nodded and rubbed his hands together.  “Sounds like a plan.”

Queran raised a lone eyebrow in consternation. “Are you well, Tanner?  You seem kind of amenable and uhmm happy?  Care to share?”

Tanner let out a full on grin. 

Did he just blush?  Queran thought to herself.

“Am not!”  He countered.

“You ARE blushing.  I can’t believe this.  She came back did she? You finally got around to meeting her, have you?  Oh Tanner I am so happy for you!”

“Excited much.”

“SPILL Beta!  That’s an order.”

“Don’t go all Luna on me, that ain’t gonna work.  BUT, because you’re my girl-friend…er…girl-friend-ish.  Arghhh.  Friend Period.  Whew!  Why the hell am I flustered?  OK, yes.  I sort of felt her but still haven’t seen her.”

“You do realize that you just did not make any sense just now.”

“Well, it’s kind of bizarre and difficult to explain.  I “felt” her but I couldn’t see her.  Does that even make sense? Hell if I know.”  He paced and kicked imaginary stones in his path.

Queran looked with empathy at her friend.  He really does not make sense but she was not going to rub it in.  Maybe there is some kind of explanation.  No not maybe.  There sure is, but yeah hell if they knew.  She approached him and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.  She was struggling a bit with his height and she was stretching out a bit.  She made the mistake of looking at him and there was that smirk again and raised of an eyebrow.  She let go and punched him on the arm and he laughed.

“Give it sometime, bud.  She’ll show and you would get your answers then.”

By then, the sound of tires crunching on gravel had their heads swiveling to the direction of the bus with the pack kids and the teenagers.  They both exchanged amused and sneaky  glances at each other and laughed their asses off.

“Let’s get this show on the road.”  Tanner exclaimed as he rested his hands on Queran’s shoulder as he pushed her gently to the obstacle course.


Keegan and Dan were poring over some charts in the medical-surgical ward.  Even in the alpha’s happily mated and married state, he still draws a string of women to fawn over him.  He was still swoon worthy and still a steady object of open admiration from the staff.  Women dream of him, men want to be like him and he still remains to be oblivious to all the attention and focuses on just one face to get him through his day – His Queran.  Like a lovesick fool his lips would curve into a semblance of a smile as he remembers any snippet of what they do every morning and what could happen later.  Funny that before meeting Queran, he practically lived in the hospital where he sneaks to take a power nap for a few hours in his office and get right back to work.  Now, all he ever thinks about is counting down the hours till he is home and she is in his arms.   He just wrapped up writing his post surgical orders on a patient’s chart when he snuck a glance at Dan whose hand is poised to write but was staring into space.  He back tapped him to get his attention.

“You alright, Dan?  You seem distracted.  What’s wrong?” He asked.  When a pregnant silence stretched, he followed Dan’s gaze and fell on Emma who was leaning on the floor to ceiling glass windows with her arms crossed in front of her.  She was looking out into the woods with a defeated and faraway look.  Keegan winced at the sight of her.  She has gotten really worse, it was a miracle that she is still standing and able to carry on her work.  Something tells him that she needs help but she is unwilling and incredibly stubborn to even ask.  He had attempted far too many times to approach her that he lost count.  She would avoid him like the devil is on her heels.

“Keegan, Emma is definitely not in good shape.  She has gotten worse in the last couple of weeks and I’m concerned.  There is something she is not telling any of us.  And if the rumor is even true, they say she has met her mate and he rejected her.”  Dan surmised.

Keegan waited in concerned anticipation.  “Believe me I tried to talk to her and every time I’ve been unsuccessful.”  He turned fully to face his friend and colleague.  “Her parents are really worried about her.  They said she hasn’t been home and has been living with a guy they have not even met. “

“A guy you say?”  That got Dan’s attention.  “Do we even know him?  Is he from the pack?”

“No idea.  We can only assume she could’ve found her mate and definitely not a pack member since they live outside the territory.  The scouts have not reported any rogues roaming around as of late.”  Keegan shrugged his shoulders and turned to the next chart.

“Keegan, we have to do something.  I may be mistaken but I think she may be dying.”

“What did you say, man?”  He whipped his head to look at Dan again with a look of consternation.

“I just remembered reading once in the lycanthrope journals that a rejected mate of a werewolf would die a slow death unless she remains unclaimed until the next full moon.  With how frail she looks, this may be the case.  And the next full moon is in less than a week.” 

“Crap!”  Keegan snapped and went in search of Emma who disappeared from where she was earlier.


Carter waited for Emma to get off from work.  This was the least he could do for his mate.  Sure he felt bad that she is withering in front of him but he remained focused on his goal.  Call him a bloody son of a bitch but nothing—nothing is going to sway him from taking what he wants. Emma did this to herself.  She sealed her fate when she bit and claimed him.  She has not touched her since then because it terrified him that she would break down the barriers he erected on his heart and his emotions.  It wasn’t a hard task seeing how she looks now; gaunt and anorexic.

Then reality hit him straight in the face.  He is now all on his own.  Enrique had disappeared and abandoned him after his attempt on Queran.  The rogues who took advantage of his cash and his stuff, just took off without a backward glance.  Those bloody cocksuckers are not worth his trust.  He was going to do this on his own and no matter how suicidal it looks, he was still an alpha and he can take on the world.

For weeks now, he has studied Keegan Lucas’ every move.  He has not seen Queran visit him so it is highly likely that she is stashed safely in the lake house, heavily guarded by enforcers who looked mercenary.  No doubt ready to kill and be killed for the safety of their Luna.  So no luck there.  Lucas is never seen with a guard so that works to his advantage.  It won’t be long now.  Keegan Lucas is going down.


“Great job everyone!  You make me feel so proud of you all!” 

Queran clapped her hands with gusto at the extremely tired looking faces of her captivated audience and trainees.  The great thing about it is each face beamed with a satisfied look in their faces.

The first hour of the training was an emotional obstacle course for her and Tanner.  The surge of energy was all over the place and was uncontrollable.  The boys who were all very gung ho and rowdy until they reached the 10 foot wall and they kept pulling each other down to advance themselves.  It was amusing to watch but got out of hand with a group of boys.  They ended up in fisticuffs and 2 needed a bone setting to be able to heal properly.

The rules were so simple; that they race against each other in a healthy kind of way and no phasing into their wolves.  Today was all about testing the limits of their human strength.  They were grouped accordingly and Tanner assigned them into specific groups.  They discovered potential fighters, trackers and enforcers.  Surprisingly, the girls were also open to the idea with only a few divas that cared more about impressing the guys and taking care of their looks.

They have not even reached to the self defense lessons and here they are riding in Tanner’s Rover on the way to the hospital to get some bones set properly.

“Way to start boot camp Luna, getting started on an injury list.  Keegan is going to be pissed.”

“Shut up and drive Corbin.  It’s not my fault that these boys have tempers that can rival a raging volcano.   It gave me something to think about.  Maybe we should work on the anger management, get them to rein on their temper and maintain focus.  Getting overwhelmed with anger will do them in and a misstep can cost them their lives.  Are you alright boys?”

Queran glanced at the teens catching their gazes from the rear view mirror.  They said yes in unison.  Funny they were more subdued now than how they were earlier.  They were already turning into the corner to the hospital when Queran felt an eerie feeling that got her hackles up.  She chalked it up to nerves and worry for the boys.  Tanner parked the car and hurried to the emergency room to get some help. 

Queran had just retracted her seatbelt and opened the door instinctively.  Then she turned to check on the boys one last time when she saw their eyes wide as saucers.

“What is it?  What’s the matter?”  She asked.

Then it happened so fast.  A strong familiar hand grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the car.  Before she can look at her attacker, she was trapped in a chokehold.  His breath fanned against her ears.  Then came a voice that haunted her and wished she would never ever hear again.

“Hello Queran.” 

A/N:  Hey guys!  it's the weekend once again and hope you like this chapter update.  Dun dun dun dun.  Sorry for the cliffhanger but I assure you that you won't have to wait for a week for the update.  I would appreciate your comments and a vote would go a long way.  Thank you.

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