Zodiac Madness II: Galaxies C...

By citykidliz

7.8K 231 55

>> Book 2 Version 1 << So there was romance added, but I wanted a sequel, and I can't just have lovey-dovey n... More

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532 19 4
By citykidliz

As crazy as it sounds, I'm not really one for all this drama. I guess being involved with so many people can only mean problems, and I do prefer having a lot of friends. I'm just going to flat out say that the Sagittarius thing was a big misunderstanding. Here's how it went.

Aries, Gem, Sag and I went to hang out at the skate park, fairly late. I was told Leo and Aqua were coming, but then they cancelled. I had been best friends with Leo and Aqua before distance and disagreements got between us. It hadn't even come to mind that these guys had girlfriends and my every move was significant.

It was all fun and games, until Sag asked me to take a walk with him. We talked about a lot of things, and he had never opened up to me before. I was all ears and was very happy to give him any advice I could think of. It was a wonderful conversation and it ended with a kiss. He pulled away first, the sudden realization striking out of nowhere.

I tried to apologize and he asked me, "What for? It was the two of us." I replayed it over and over until I felt my stomach flip.

We went to reunite with Gem and Aries, who already formed countless theories of what the two of us were up to. Unfortunately, I couldn't clarify anything since Sag was dragged off into a hit and run sort of fight. Yep. Behind some small building far from the crowds of people. I felt so guilty.

Maybe we had messed around before things got serious with him and Aqua, but once they did I distanced myself.

Moving to present day, I spent most of my day cleaning house. I tidied up and called Gemini, just about the only person I could really talk to at the time. After getting the scoop with him, I figured I should try to talk to Aquarius, who still did not want to do anything with me.

Perhaps there was a bigger problem than the mess in Sag's relationship. I had the most disturbing thought that someone was after Sag, but I had to let it go. Aqua wouldn't listen, and Sag would be in even more trouble with her if he tried to override her decision.

An tortuous feeling came over me. I tried to tell myself it was something that'd was almost entirely unlikely to happen again.

To get away from my own thoughts, I had to get out the house and run some errands.

While I was grocery shopping I ran into Scorpio, in the fruit aisle. "Oh hey!" I exclaimed. He turned around and took a second to register my face.

"Hi, Libra. How've you been?" He eased into a casual smile.

"I guess I've been ok... Have you heard about what happened to Sag?"

"What? The accident three months ago?" He glanced over the packaged pineapple.

"Yeah." I nodded slowly. Accident.

He pouted ever so slightly and said, "I've heard bits here and there. How's he doing?"

I shrugged. "He's recovered totally. I mean, other than a little physical therapy, he says."

"What did he hurt?"

"He broke his leg." Scorpio looked preoccupied with other thoughts, so I figured I'd let him be. "I better get going," I dismissed our conversation.

"Yeah me too, nice seeing you."

I didn't have enough evidence to prove my gut feeling. Surely something couldn't be adding up. Usually I could open up to people and have a crew of makeshift detectives in a day. I guess this time I'd have to do my own research.

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