My Abusive Boyfriend ~ Nathan...

By the_wanted_lover_

385K 6K 889

Savannah is a young, beautiful girl with crystal blue eyes and curly brown hair. She has a boyfriend, Nathan... More

My Abusive Boyfriend ~ Nathan Skyes Fan Fiction *Being Edited*
Chapter 1 ~ Let's meet up!
Chapter 2 ~ Bathroom Trip
Chapter 3 ~ I Saw Brandon ....
Chapter 4 ~ Sorry Nathan .... :/
Chapter 5 ~ You left your phone, Nathan >:(
Chapter 6 ~ I'm done
Chapter 7 ~ Don't
Chapter 8 ~ The Belting (?)
Chapter 9 ~ The Car
Chapter 10 ~ Saved Tonight's beating
Chapter 11 ~ I hate you, Nathan
Chapter 12 ~ Got Out :(
Chapter 13 ~ The Lucky And The UnLucky
Chapter 14 ~ Tried to call
Chapter 15 ~ It's NOT Her Fault
About Being Their Girlfriends ~ MUST READ
Girlfriends Of The Wanted Are ...
Chapter 16 ~ Why Did I Come Back?
Chapter 18 ~ Restaurants and Sluts
Chapter 19 ~ Broken Laptop Pieces And Cuts
Chapter 20 ~ Jaythan's fight
Chapter 21 ~ They Were Forced To See ME!
Chapter 22 ~ I'm Leaving The Country
Chapter 23 ~ 2 Years and Nathan Later
Chapter 24 ~ Nathan and I
I have a new story
Chapter 25 ~ Nicole
Chapter 28 ~ Taken
Chapter 29 ~ Cheese And Tomato
Chapter 30 ~ LAST CHAPTER

Chapter 17 ~ Why Didn't You Tell Me, Jay

9.8K 154 19
By the_wanted_lover_

      Savannah's Point Of View
       Next Day
I woke up on the floor in the living room. Of coarse. When do I ever wake up on a bed in this house? >:( . Now today, I want to try and stay out of trouble ...
I walk up the stairs and changed and as I walked down the stairs the door bell rang. I walked over to the door and see Jay and Tom, they looked at me,
"What?" I asked them, glaring at Tom. They just stared at me, Tom pushed me to the side as he walked inside ignoring me. I looked down and
blinked my tears away. Not now, Savannah, not now.
"What happened?" Jay asked me, stepping inside the house. I looked around and saw Tom staring at me from the other room. I glared at him and pushed Jay
outside of the house and closed the door behind me.
"I went to my cousin's house and we had a fight because she doesn't want to see Nathan because last time he .... Did something to her and then I went to my
friend's house and slept over .... Then in the morning, she came over to apoligize and we had a conversation and I told her I missed him and I still love him and
she told me to go to him and I did, yesterday" I said. He looked at me and said,
"Why is your face full of bruises and your arm is as well ... and you have bruises and both of you arems and your legs?" He asked me.
"Shit" I whispered to myself.
"Alright I can't keep acting like I don't know ... I can't believe I am saying this, but ... I know he abuses you, I know because I have seen it myself" He told me. I
just stood there stunned, Heart-broken, upset, furious, annoyed, fustrated, pissed off, cut, broken, confused, irritated, angry, confused, heart-broken, confused,
heart broken, sooo confused, soo soo sooo confused.
"Why didn't you do anything?" I asked him, angry, "Why didn't you tell me before? Why didn't you do anything? We are close friends! We are like best fucking
friends?" I asked him. "Wait .... How do you even know?" I asked him.
"The story goes like this;
One night, I went with Nathan to our friends place, and when it was time to go home, I dropped him off.
"Thanks Jay!" Nathan said to me.
"Anytime mate!" I said to him, smiling.
"Bye" we both said as we waved at each other. That's when he walked into the mansion for him and you. I was about to drive away when I noticed he
forgot to take his phone. That was when I heard a scream come from your place. I walked to your house and I heard screaming and crying along with pleases.
I looked through your window, it was closed, but you could still see your shadows. I saw Nathan's shadow and yours. I know what you're thinking;
how do I know who is who. Well, Nathan is taller than you and his hair is short and your hair is long.
I saw his shadow hitting you and hurting you. I wanted to do something, but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't.
I should've done something for you. But I didn't.
Anyway, instead of giving it to him then, I gave it to him in the morning.
I am soo sorry Savannah! I am truly am" he said to me.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked him.
"Because I didn't know how you would re-act" he told me, worried.
"Well now you know, I am your best friend and you don't even tell me that? Out of all secrets you could hide from me, this one, Jay? And - " I asked him, tears
threatening to fall. That was when Nathan opened the door.
"Everything alright?" he asked us and then when he looked at me, he pulled me into him and he looked at me like a warning, "Yes" I mumbled.
"Let's go inside" he said to me as we walked into the house and sat on the couch. I didn't see Jay follow. I wanted to go after him, but Nathan wouldn't let go of
      Jay's Point Of View
I know I should've told her earlier ... But I was scared of her reaction .... It's all my fault that she isn't talking to me anymore .... Should I go inside? Naah, give
her some space ... I'll talk to her later!
      Savannah's Point Of View
"So Savannah" Tom said, knocking me out of my thoughts.
"What's wrong Tom?" I said, glaring at him. I don't want to talk to him, why can't he just keep away from me and let me be?
"What did I do now?" Tom asked me, acting all innocent, placing his hands in the for defence (How ever you say it).
"just why don't you just -" Nathan cleared his throat, signalling me to shut my mouth.
"Why doesn't he just what?" Nathan asked me.
"Why doesn't he just .... Tell me what he was going to ask me?" I asked him, sarcastically. Smiling, sarcastically as well ...
"Well ... I was going to ask you what you are doing tomorrow" he said to me.
"I have pl-" Nathan cleared his throat.
"You have what, Savannah?" Nathan asked me.
"I have ... Time ..." I said, glaring at the both of them. Tom just smirked at me, finding this very amusing.
"Great because my girlfriend and I are going on a date and we want you both to join us" he said to us.
"Why?" I asked, smirking.
"Because I really want you to meet her, she is amazing and I am soo sure you'll love her" Tom just informed me.
"What's her name?" I asked him.
"Rebecca, but we call her Becca" he exclaimed.
"Fine" I huffed, impatiently. Tom just smirked at me in amusement, again.
"I don't know what you find soo fucking amusing" I said as I got up and walked out of the room.
I just hope he doesn't abuse her like Nathan does to me.
Thanks for the comments! And the VOTES! =D
@zaynsgirl__x - Haha thanks =D
@Astri16 - I am soo glad you love the book! :D
Thanks again for the VOTES and COMMENTS!
I am soo glad you love the book! :) :D =D =)

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