Chapter 16 ~ Why Did I Come Back?

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      Savannah's Point Of View
       Next Day
I woke up on my bed and got up .... Yes, I am at my friend's place, I explained every single detail to her and she couldn't believe it ...
No, I'm joking, I WISH I told her every single detail, but instead of telling her the truth, I just told her that Nathan and I had a little fight .... It was true, well half
of it was ... She asked me why, and I told her it was because he thought I was cheating on him ... It was a dumb thing to say, but I was soo depressed last
night that it wasn't funny ... It wasn't funny at all ...

And guess what else happened last night ... Julie and I had a fight because she doesn't want Nathan to come back to her place like he did before ... She told
me to never go to her place again ... It was quite a fight last night .... I can't believe her! Some cousin she is ....

Well ..... Today should be a good day for me .... I walked over to my side table to see if I got any phone calls, messages etc.
Guess what? Just please guess how may I got .... I FUCKING GOT 43 FUCKING MISSED CALLS AND 56 MISSED MESSAGES!
Guess who they're all from? GUESS WHO THEY ARE ALL FUCKING FROM! YEAH .... YOU GUESSED IT ...
Nathan FUCKING Skyes ....
Well ... Ok then .... The doorbell then rang and I saw my friend, Jade get up so she could answer. I ran to her, "NO". She turned to me, "No?" she asked me,
an eyebrow raised.
"I mean ... I'll get it! You go back to doing ... What you were doing" I told her. She nodded and walked away from the door. I opened the door and saw Julie.
"What do you want?" I asked her, coldly. To be honest, I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but it came out that way. Instead of saying anything, she pulled
me into a tight hug.
"I'm soo sorry" she told me.
"It's ok" I told her, smiling.
"Seriously, I am soo sorry" she said to me, "I love you soo much and I was just ... I was really pissed off and I am going to explode soon".
"It's ok" I replied, again.
"Come in" I motioned, "Sure" she replied, walking inside and into the living room.
"Anything wrong?" I asked her, walking out of the kitchen, giving her the coffee and sitting on the couch next to her.
"Yes, what about you?" She asked me.
"Nathan" I looked down. She placed her hand on my shoulder, "What is it now?".
I told her and after I told her, she hugged me.
"Do you miss him?" she asked me.
"I don't know why, but I do ... I miss him a lot!" I exclaimed.
"How do you feel?" she asked me.
"Heart-broken, upset, furious, annoyed, fustrated, pissed off, cut, shattered, dead, broken, confused, irritated, angry-" she cut me off.
"ok, I get it" she giggled.
"Do you really love him soo much?" she asked me.
"Yes" I said, quietly.
"Especially after what he did to you?" she asked me, why soo many questions? Geez!
"Yes" I cried.
"I think you know what to do" she said to me ... No, that doesn't mean ... Oh god, no ...
"Drive me?" I asked her.
"Sure, why not?" she smiled as we both got into the car.
"JADE" I called out.
"YEAH" she asked.
"OKAY! HAVE FUN!" she shouted back at me. I giggled as I closed the door.
We arrived at his house in 10 minutes.
"Go" she pushed me out of the car. I gotta admit, I was shitting myself, I'm terrified of what he might do to me, but I miss him. She beeped her horn at me.
I looked at her wide eyed and she just smirked in return.
"Here it goes" I whispered to my self as I knocked on the door.

"Hel- Oh, it's you" Nathan said as he was about to close the door.
"PLEASE!" I shouted which made him stop and stare at me for a moment and then he sighed heavily as he opened the door, "Spill".
"Sorry" I started crying.
"Please Nathan, I am soo sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that! I swear I was really fustrasted and pissed off and I wasn't in the mood! I love you, Nathan!
I do, I swear I won't do it again! Nathan please, I will do anything! Nathan" by now, I was balling my eyes out right now.
"Please" I cried.
"I'm soo sorry" I cried. All of a sudden I was pulled into a tight hug. I smiled and hugged back.
"Come inside" he told me. I waved at Julie and she waved back and drove away. I walked inside and sat on the couch.
"Why would you do that in front of the boys?" he asked me.
"Please can we forget about it?" I asked, ignoring the question.
"No" he stated simply. This is why I was scared.
"I told you I wasn't in the mood" I said while staring at the ground.
"THAT ISN'T A GOOD FUCKING EXCUSE! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU COULD'VE DONE?" he said slapping me. I didn't do anything.
"YOU ARE JUST A WASTE OF FUCKING SPACE" he said, kicking me so I fell off of the couch and landed on the floor.
"Sorry" I mumbled, still looking down.
"SORRY ISN'T A GOOD FUCKING EXCUSE, BITCH" he yelled again, still kicking me while I was on the ground.
"Stop, please, Nathan" I asked him.
"What ever" he mumbled, walking out of the room.
@blahhhhiluv1d - you are Tom's girlfriend :) But I really need your first name please :)

Please could I at least get
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for this chapter and then I'll post the next chapter.
:D :) =D =)

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