Chapter 12 ~ Got Out :(

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I am sitting in this room like I have been for the last 1 and a half days .... He came in and gave me food 2 or three times so far ...
I knocked on the door ...
"Nathan? Nathan please open up?" I asked, wondering if he could hear me or not.
"What?" He snapped back at me.
"Umm .... Please open the door .... I want to get out .... Please?" I asked, thinking if he would say yes or no ....
"Maybe later" Now I may be on the other side, but I could practically hear the smirk.
"Please" I begged him.
"Shut up" he said.
"PLEASE" I begged even louder.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" he shouted.
"IF I DO, WILL YOU LET ME OUT!" I shouted to him.
"N-TO THE FUCKING-O" he shouted.
"FINE! LALALALALALALALA" I kept on singing, so he could open the fucking door.
He then opened the door, took his time. He was walking to me looking very angry, while I was backing up against the wall TERRIFIED! Why couldn't just shut
my mouth?!? I finally couldn't back up much further, when I couldn't go back any further, he slapped me. I looked up at him to see him smirking.
"STOP!" I shouted at him, surprising both him and I by my outburst.
"What?" he then smirked.
"BECAUSE YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT!" he shouted back at me. That hurt ... NO Savannah, don't show him ...
"Oh and you're any better?" I asked him, smirking. Damn! Shut up Savannah! Now I have just pissed him off! Fuck! He slapped me again, and again and again.
I did something I didn't think I'd ever do ... I slapped him. He stopped and placed his hand on his cheek.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YA?!?" he yelled, which made me wince.
"NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL" I shouted back at him.
He moved over and I ran out of the room and locked it just in time ...
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" he demanded. I wouldn't, but I don't know what he'll do to me if I didn't.
"O-ok" I stuttered as I opened the door. When I did, he slapped me and I landed on the floor with a 'Humf' while holding my cheek.
He then kicked me in the stomach a couple of times ....
I didn't stop screaming so he shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" and just hit me harder and more.
"STOP" I shouted at him.
"SHUT UP!" he kept hitting me.
"STOP PLEASE" he continued.
"STOP HITTING ME" I shouted at him. That's when the door bell came on ....
Nathan and I stopped and I ran to the door before him.
I opened it to see .... POLICE
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Thanks again .... :D

My Abusive Boyfriend ~ Nathan SykesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz