When He's Everything

By madi1219

5.9K 111 34

18 year old Madi meets Ethan Dolan at a party after he stands up for her. She wants to see him again and she... More

That Just Happened? **
There he goes again
I just saw you
Explanation A.N
The Day Before
It's Finally Break
My Gosh
You Guys Are Awesome A.N .
That's Unique
Stalking me?
Merry (Almost) Christmas To Me
It Snowed
New Year's
New Book. a.n.
Helicopter Ride
Month anniversary
3 Month Anniversary
6 Month Anniversary
1 Year Anniversary

Good Memories and Good News

145 4 3
By madi1219

Right now my mom and I are getting ready to have a New Years party so we are cleaning and cooking. She's inviting our neighbors and some old friends of mine and their parents. It takes us about Five hours to cook and clean. By the time we are down it is two and people come at six so We have four hours till the party, six hours till midnight. Yay, but i dont know what to do untill then.

I decide to go take a a walk in the freezing cold and go to starbucks because im bored.

During my walk i start to think , not about anything in particular, but like now my birthday is soon. Janurary 17 and now mine and Graysons one month anniversary. I wonder if he would do something for it, or if he's one of those people who don't .

I eventually get to Starbucks and I get  Peppermint Hot Chocolate with extra whipped cream and a chocolate chip cookie. I gave the guy, Matthew, my money, he gave me my change, and then I went outside. I walked to the park and sat and watched the little kids sledding, making snowmen, and having snowball fights. It's so sweet, it reminds me of me, Marilyn and my Meredith. Oh, Meredith was one of my best friends besides Marilyn. We were the three musketeers. Also all of our names started with M. When We were all eight she moved to Guatemala. I dont think ive ever cried so much. She visits sometimes but i havent seen her for a while.

I finish my Starbucks and start to head home. I eat my cookie on the way and remember the three musketeers adventures that happened in this Town. I get am e-mail, it says:

Dear Students,
School is going to be closes until next  year due to a fire. No one was hurt, thankfully. We are sorry for the inconvience, but we have online classes that every student is required to do.

Thank you,
Jamie Loose(the principal i guess you would call it.)

I dont care what all these people think, I start sqealing and jumping up and down. I eventually stop and get weird looks From everyone but i dont care. My school burned down , Yay.

I get back home and tell my mom the news. Today was good but its not over. We still have the party.

Oh my gosh. I know i havent in like a month but we just got done with testing. Thanks for ALL the reads. 521, thats more than half of a Thousand. Thanks so much. Lots of Love.

Be Lovely, Stay Lovely 💙

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