Heroes of Olympus Imagines {...

By rarehearts

13.5K 569 225

Requests are officially open :) My style is x reader, but I will accept requests & try my best to write! Cove... More

{1} Burns // Leo Valdez
Burns // Pt. II
Burns // Pt. III
Burns // Pt. IV
A Little Bit About Me
{2} Kiss The Girl, Seaweed Brain! // Percy Jackson
Kiss The Girl, Seaweed Brain! // Pt. II
If You Want To Request An Imagine...
You Left Me // Req. For Elizabeth ~Nico di Angelo
You Left Me // Req. For Elizabeth ~ Pt. II
You Left Me // Req. For Elizabeth ~ Pt. III
{3} Frozen Flash Mobs // Nico di Angelo
{4} He Won't Say He's In Love // Leo Valdez
Character Q & A!
{5} Way To Be Cliche, Superman // Jason Grace
Way To Be Cliche, Superman // Pt. II
{6} Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU)
Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU) Pt. II
Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU) Pt. IV
{7} Sick // Percy Jackson
{8} Memories // Nico di Angelo
Memories // Pt. II
Memories // Pt. III
Just A Dream // Req. for Moira ~ Leo Valdez
{9} A Perfect Miscommunication // Nico di Angelo
I Forgot To Mention ...

Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU) Pt. III

235 16 4
By rarehearts

A/N: Above is the dress you wear to the party. Hey, every girl has gotta have a little black dress :)

"Y/N, do you mind zipping me up?" Hazel turned to you & you came running, zipping up her gold dress, one which perfectly matched her eyes. "You look fab-u-lous," you mimicked Sharpay, snapping your fingers in a z formation. Piper, who was changing behind a screen, started cracking up. Annabeth, who was curling her hair, simply chuckled. "You kids & your movie references," Hazel rolled her eyes & began to do her hair.

You had already got your dress on, it was a sort of revealing, teasing, little black dress. Typically not your style, but hey, it was going to be the biggest party camp had ever had, & you sure as hell wanted to look good. But one thought stopped you as you started to put on your black pumps. Frank. Thank the gods he wasn't on your mind at the mall, but now, he was fucking invading it.

You pushed away your worry, & continued to put on your heels, walking to the vanity to apply some makeup last minute. You were known as the only girl at camp who knew how to apply makeup better than an Aphrodite kid. And you had to admit, you were pretty skilled. Quickly you applied primer, foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, & red lipstick, & a little under eye concealer. You grabbed your setting spray and sprayed your face. You looked at yourself. And damn, you looked good.

"Piper, are we ready?" you shouted across your room. "Yup!" Piper ran to the door, putting on silver bangles to compliment her silver dress. "Hazel, you ready?" "Yes!" Hazel finished pinning her hair & ran over to Piper who was by the door. "Annabeth?" you yelled, & the daughter of Athena came stumbling through the door of your bathroom, struggling in her teal heels. "I got it," she said as she successfully picked up speed & was at the door.

"Ok, it's party time!" you exclaimed & the four of you were out of the door faster than you could list just 5 of Zeus' wives. Along the way you met Katie Gardner, who looked radiant in a petite pink dress, a flower crown atop her head. She walked with you, & you all noticed camp was starting to fill up with people. Soon enough you spotted a familiar figure. "Reyna!" you exclaimed as you ran over to the girl, tackling her in a hug.

"Y/N!" Reyna hugged you back, & you squealed. "I haven't seen you in years," you laughed as Reyna chuckled & wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "I hope your modern day parties will satisfy me," she says as you beckon Piper, Hazel, Annabeth, & Katie. You all talk about camp, quests, horrible puns, you know, the whole enchilada. Speaking of enchiladas... "Y/N!!!"

Oh gods. "Grover, hey!" you hadn't seen Grover since last year, after he went abroad with his girlfriend Juniper in Spain. Your whole group greeted Grover with hugs & hellos, & you had to admit, he & Juniper looked like one classy couple. "Jun (pronounced June), you look great!" Piper compliments as Juniper blushes a bright pink. "Thanks," she replies shyly. Juniper was a shy gal, & you loved how laid back she was.

Finally, your group had reached the Hermes cabin. Everything, & I mean everything, was cleared out, with a DJ booth in the front, & colored lights streaming everywhere. There was a food table, & a drinks table. Piper leaned in to whisper to everyone. "And uh, guys, I think Travis & Connor stole like 30 gallons of whiskey-" "WHAT." Hazel exclaimed. "No. Not happening. I'm going to avoid being intoxicated tonight." Annabeth piped up. "If I get too drunk, & Percy is being an idiot & not helping me, you guys better be there," you laugh & nod & head over to say hi to Will, who's DJing to make some song requests.
"This is the story of how they met, her picture was on the back of a pack of cigarettes,"
Fall Out Boy blared through the speakers, omitting all sound. It was about 2 am, & the party had started at 9. Not to mention, you were wasted as fuck. You danced with Annabeth, Reyna, & Piper, banging your heads to the song & swaying your hips like freaking Shakira. They were, as well, wasted. You sang out the lyrics, slurring your words & laughing at yourself. You had probably had like, what, 10 shots already? Whatever, around that number.

"And when she touched him, he turned ruby red, a story that they'll never forget, never forget,"
And then you saw him. Frank Zhang stood by the wall, & drink in hand. He took a swig, & though the music was blaring & the lights discoloring everything, you could see in his eyes he was slightly drunk. He eyed you, scanning your body up & down, & that was when you remembered what sort of dress you were wearing. You childishly giggled, & began to dance more, making your hip movements more profound & sharp.

You had no idea what you were doing but there was one thing on your drunken mind. Frank. The song blared, & you looked to Frank, who was biting his lip, still eyeing you. You smirked & threw your hands in the air, along with everyone else on the dance floor. You bangles clinked, & your hair was whipped. You could dance pretty well in heels, & after turning once more to look at Frank, you made your way to the drinks table, leaving a drunken Annabeth & Piper dancing alone.

"And all the boys are smoking Menthol's, girls are getting back rubs, I will drift to you if you make yourself shake fast enough,"
You wiped the sweat from your brow as you went for a shot. You had never had whiskey before, & damn you thought it was good. You were adventurous. By now the liquid didn't sting as it slid down your throat. Your veins coursed with blood & alcohol, making energy build up inside you. Before you could turn around to dance once more, you heard a husky voice whisper in your ear. "Damn, you're something," you blushed & whipped around, almost stumbling.

It was Frank, smirking, & playing with his lip ring. His eyes scanned your face & you were filled with a desire to kiss him. Hey, alcohol works in mysterious ways. His brown eyes sparkled with the lights & his face was so pretty. You giggled. "Shut up, Frankieeee..." you slurred as you stumbled to walk away from him & ended up almost falling if it wasn't Frank. He held you & when he spoke you could feel his minty breath on your face & smell his cologne. "You're extremely hot when you're drunk, Y/N," he smiled & you felt your insides melt.

    "Need air. Wanna come out?" you smiled & drunkenly beckoned Frank to come out with you. He eagerly followed you as you stumbled through the Hermes cabin, holding his arm out to support you. Finally, the both of you were outside. The full moon was out & the air smelled fresh, a tiny break from the scent of sweat & whiskey. "Ah," you slurred & leaned against a pillar. Now if you weren't drunk, you wouldn't  of just teased Frank Zhang with your dancing, then giggled at his comments, then let him come outside with you. But being drunk was a whole new thing to you.

     Frank stepped up to you, & you noticed he was getting very close to you. With your heels on you were as tall as him. You giggled slightly at the closeness, blushing. Frank's eyes flickered to your lips, & yours did too. He looked at you, & for a moment you just absorbed the essence of being drunk. You didn't give a damn anymore. Despite your sober conscience holding you back, you grabbed some of his leather jacket & pulled him close, lips crashing together.

    Frank made a low growl in his throat &  kissed you, & you felt fireworks explode in your gut. His lips were warm & tasted like whiskey, the cool metal of his lip ring teasing you slowly, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you to him, so you were pressed up against each other. Your arms wrapped around his neck & tugged at the strands of his hair, earning a groan from Frank. He held you tighter, only making you kiss him harder. Your lips were moving fast now, every kiss tasting like alcohol.

    Your hands roamed his body, his face, his neck, his chest, his arms, anywhere you could touch. He was touching you too, arms & hands running over your dress, sometimes over bare skin, which made goosebumps erupt on the surface. You gasped as he grabbed your hips, allowing him entrance to your mouth & pressing you against the pillar. You felt him smirk as he kissed you, & you kissed him.

    His lips travelled down to your neck, leaving trails of kisses down it. He stopped at a spot right above your collarbone, & made a bright red hickey, one that was prone to show itself the next day. You let him do whatever he wanted, & kissed up your neck to your jawline, then to the bottom of your earlobe, making you shut your eyes, butterflies escaping your stomach & goosebumps rising on your arms.

    "Frank," you whispered softly before he kissed your mouth again, & eagerly you responded, holding his face in one hand, Frank's arms around your torso. "Damn," he whispered, his voice husky & smooth & minty. You kissed him like it was your last minute on earth. Hard. "Y/N, fuck," he whispered as you took control of your kisses, your hands in his hair, tugging slightly. Your fingernails traced patterns on the nape of his neck, as he held you tightly.
     All you felt was Frank. His skin, his lips, his voice, his touch. Everything was him. The both of you were hot by the time you pulled away slowly, & you saw Frank smirk, his lips red & swollen, his hair messed up. You bet you looked like that too & you giggled drunkenly, the whiskey still working its magic. You slid to the ground & sat, sighing & staring at Frank, who sat down too. "If only you could kiss me like that if you weren't drunk," he whispered in your ear, dangerously close to you.

    You closed your eyes as he began to kiss your neck once more, leaving more hickeys, peppering kisses along your collarbone. You sighed softly. "Frank,
I-" you began. Frank stopped for a minute to gaze at you. "Yes?" he inquired, & all you could focus on was his lips. "I am veryyy drunk," you stated simply, slurring your very. "I can see that, babygirl."

Welp, anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Look out for the next part soon!

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