Perfection (Liam Payne Fan Fi...

By Nancy_David

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My life was perfect, I never wanted anything more. I did what i liked and especially loved my professional li... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Author's note
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter - 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41
Chapter - 42
Chapter - 43
Chapter - 44
Chapter - 45
Chapter - 46
Chapter - 47
Chapter - 48
Chapter - 49
Chapter - 50
Chapter - 51
Chapter - 52
Chapter - 53
Chapter - 54
Chapter - 55
Chapter - 56
Chapter - 57
Chapter - 58
Chapter - 59
Chapter - 60
Chapter - 61

Chapter - 23

253 29 47
By Nancy_David

Just as all of you suggested this chapter is gonna be full of LOLI MOMENTS

Wow can't believe how can Liam be so soft!

Wait its not Liam that my head is on.

I opened my eyes lazily.

Under me their was so much of pillows stuffed.

I slowly tried to get up

A hand supports be my waist. I shook a bit by the sudden touch.

It was Liam. I've got no idea from where he popped out.

He helped me sit up.

"So had a good sleep?" Liam asked

"What's the time?"

"11:30 am" he said

"What? Liam what are you doin here? you should be in the office now"

"Chill girl! I'm gonna work from home. Until you completely recover"

"Why are you doin this Liam... You know you hated me." I was serious

"I never hated you Lottie!" He sat beside me and continued "well I always wanted to ask you this"

He took a deep breadth.

"Will you be my friend? I mean like a good one?"

"Hmm... I thought we're already friends" I winked.

I can't believe I'm so excited that I've become Liam's new bestie. The same Liam whom I once prayed that I shouldn't see him again. (I don't know about my leg but I'm sure my brain is gonna get amputated coz it's malfunctioning!😉)

He hugged me tightly.

"Wow you're my 6th best buddy and you're a great person I'm so honoured."

"So just agreed that Harry is still your buddy"

He broke the hug.

"N-no my tongue just slipped i-its 5..... Anyway coffee?"

The way he was stuttering I could make out he's lying in fact lying to himself.

He bought a cup of coffee.

"Ummm.... Liam i don't like eat or drink without getting a shower

"Okay let's go!"

He carried me into the bathroom.

He put me in front of a mirror.

I saw myself. Bandages. Mouth bruised.

He handed me a new brush.

Just then I remembered about my hand.

I looked at him. He already was thinking the same thing.

He took the brush from me applied tooth paste on it.

He started brushing my teeth. So slowly that my bruise shouldn't bother me.

Then he made me sit on a chair.

"Lean back" he said

"What?" I asked confused.

"Yeah your wounds shouldn't get wet. So I'm gonna wash your hair"

I obeyed.

He smoothly brushed through my hair. Poured water into it.

He gently massaged the shampoo into my hair. I felt so good never have someone cared for me so much.

He was done, he tied up my hair into a neat bun in the towel.

"Okay wash up carefully. Here's your clothes... Call me when your done."

He handed me a white shorts and a red tank.

I called Liam after I was ready. He carried me back.

It felt so good being carried by him being so close to him.


He bought a bowl of some soup.

He sat beside me. And started to feed me.

It tasted to gross. I made faces and tried to move away as he tried to feed me.

"Sorry Lottie.... I thought you'll like it... But you know I'm not a good cook and just wanted it to be healthy and-"

I took his hand which had the spoon and put into my mouth.

He smiled.

"I was just simply over reacting. And Mr. Well wisher patient's food is never tasty"

I made a puppy face

He huge smile was plastered on his face.

He handed me all my bugging tablets.

It was like I took so many sleeping pills. I felt so sleepy. Liam helped me lie down I watched him do something in his laptop as I fell asleep.


I fluttered my eyes open. I saw that it was already dark. Can't believe I've been asleep for so long.

No one was in the room and lights were off.

Gosh I'm getting so scared its so dark. The wind blew into into the room through the window making creepy noises.

My heart beats are getting louder.

I struggled and sat up. I tightly shut my eyes. All most the whole bedspread was crumbled into my hand.

I was shivering.

The door opened. I heard a click noise. But still I'm not ready to open my eyes.

"Lottie are you okay? What happened?" I felt arms around me.

I hugged back knowing that it's Liam.

He broke the hug.

He cupped my face with his palm. My eyes still shut.

"Lottie?" He sounded worried.

I opened my eyes little by little. He had a look in his face which demanded answer.

"Well I have issues with darkness."

"Oh Lottie... I'm so sorry" he hugged me again.

"I'll never leave you alone in such a situation again!" He mumbled through my neck. Sending shrills in my skin.


It's been three days with Liam in his house.

Yeah Liam doesn't stay in Payne's mansion. he doesn't like it cause its too huge (same reason I don't like it) and he like his own little space.

Its afternoon. Liam is busy in his office paperwork's. I offered to help but he refused and instead bought some heroes of the Titian series books from his collection. I liked them.

In front of me there was the book but all that my mind was thinking was Liam, the way he took care of me, the way he hugged me when I told that I was feeling low or anything, the way he was taking care of mom and Alynna by sending Niall and Louis to home (Alynna seriously loved Niall's company) well they think I'm off on a business trip.

"Okay Lottie its time for you to rest enough of reading" oh god he doesn't know that I've not even read a page.

"Liam am I not resting all the time"

"No. arguing" he came and made me lie down and he was beside me partially lying down.

"Lottie can I ask you something?


"You know last time when we fought..
We sort of you know kissed so..." He stopped for a moment. Crap why is he taking up this topic!

"I just wanted to ask was it.... Your.... umm.... First kiss?"


"ummm....n-no you know like I've had you know boyfriend before.. So we m-made out a several times" I lied. I don't know why... But he clearly looked jealous.

"Wow! I almost believed you Lottie. please don't lie in such things again" oh no! he made out I was lying probably the smirk on my face made it clear.

"Okay yeah it was my first kiss. now why are you asking this?"

"Okay Lottie you told you wanna repay me for what I've done for you right?"


"Promise me that only I'll get to be your last first kiss!" He said and looked down.

These words filled my heart with pleasure I don't know what kind. I was blushing... I'm sure I'm red

"Lottie?" He was still looking down eyes closed, I noticed his fingers were crossed.

My heart leaped

"Yes I promise you will be"

He looked up. His smile was as if a small kid was told that he's gonna get chocolate for the rest of his life (I know its a horrendous example)

He moved close to me. Making the little gap between us. I didn't resist him. This time I want us to make it. I've already promised I wouldn't let anyone else kiss me.

His soft lips touched mine. It moved gently against mine this time the kiss was more intense and turning on, than the last time which had aggression.

I already have a feeling that I just belong to Liam and he belongs to me.

The door opens.

"Sorry!" Louis said smiling and turning around.

He broke the kiss and moved away.

"Why are you sorry Louis?" Liam asked innocently.

"That I disturbed you both while you know" Louis grinning.

"No. Louis you're getting it wrong. Liam and me are now officially besties." I said in sarcasm.

Liam laughed in embarrassment.

"Yay! now its the six of us!" Louis exclaimed.

"Five of us" Liam corrected.

"So how come here?" I said changing the topic. I wonder what in the world did that poor Harry do.

"Just came here to see you Lottie, after all now you're one of us." He threw a little sass

"Aww thanks sass master" I winked.

Liam went out to attend a call.

Louis and me continued to fire swag on each other.

Okay this chapter didn't come out as good as you expected I guess. So sorry if I let anyone's hope down.

Anyway do comment and let me know what you feel about this chapter. And don't forget to vote😉

Lots of love


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