Zayn + Rebeca = Love?

By 1DandHarryLover

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What would you do if your brother was in one of the biggest boy band of all time? What would you do when he l... More

A/N ~ trailer on side
Let me tell you about myself
ch 1.On my way
ch 2. panic attack
ch 3. you?
ch 4. Talia
ch 5. You're beautiful
ch 6. stay away
ch 7. i'm sorry
On hold
sign up
ch 9. dinner time
ch 10. Remember?

ch. 8 What happened

86 6 7
By 1DandHarryLover

Well last chapter I had you guys sign up for parts and the people who get them are.....

sashthefittdinorawr - Nialls girlfriend

gabbyva - Harry's girlfriend # 1

fensinger - Harry's girlfriend # 2

Faded_May_Roses - Liam girlfriend

I will give everybody a dedication who is in the story.

Liam P-O-V

We were running down to Rebeca' s room she said that they were fighting but why they are like beat friends. When I open the door I am surprised by what I see, I see blood but I don't see them then I hear a punce from the other room, niall and I run there.

"What the heck!" I scream they were on top of each other. "Louis, stop you're gonna kill him"!

Louis suddenly stops and marches off to only God now's where mall ran after him and I stayed and help zany. "Are you okay?" I say looking at zayn.

"Yeah but I don't know why he did it" he says looking down and wiping his now from all of the blood.

"Well why don't we go clean you up and then we can talk and talk to louis after he calms down,"

"Okay" he says and we both get of the ground and go into the bathroom to get him cleaned up.

Harry's P-O-V

"Come inside" I say looking down at her crying body. Truth is I kind of have feelings for her but I know Zayn really likes her and I have a girlfriend so I won't het in there way. And I don't want to fave the wrath of louis, he can be like a 5 year old sometimes but then he goes all daddy on us like he is her father and we are all the motorcycles how jus t want some.

"Okay" she says and gets up. We both go and sit on the couch.

"What happened" I ask her she was trying to stop crying but that is not working very well.

"T-t-t-ha-a-a-y a---" she.stutters while trying to tell me what happened but just stats bursting in to tears again.

"Its okay why don't I go make some tea and then we can talk" I say and she nods unable to speak.

I get up and walk to the kitchen while looking at my phone 18672 Twitter notifications 'fan's' 1 missed call and 3 texts. I pull up my texts one from gemma one from my girlfriend and one from Louis.

From boobear

Can you make sure Rebeca is okay?

From HARRY-cat

Sure why?

From boobear

I kind of beat up zayn

What how could he they are like best friends why would he do that.

From HARRY-cat

What why

From boobear

Tell you later gotta run fans ahhh

Typical Lou run from the fans. But why would he beat up Zayn how bad did he. Eahhhhhhhhh I get cut off from my thinking from the the kettle. I pour 2 cups and walk over to her where she has finally calm down and is watching tv.

"What happened with louis and zayn?" I say while sitting down and putting the cups of tea down.

"Zayn came to my room and we talked and he almost kissed me but we got off by a knock and it was louis I told him to hide in the bathroom he did then finally when I got to the door louis barged in then found zayn in the bathroom and throw a punch at him then I ran and got niall and Liam and then you came" she said she was staring to cry again but tried to stop.

"It's okay" I say and pull her into a hug.

"Thank you" she says pulling away and getting up.

"I'm gonna go back now bye harry" she says waving and walking out the door. God that girl is beautiful.

Louis P-O-V

Why did I punch zayn he did nothing wrong all he did was was being nice to my sister. I really should apologize, maybe the gang and there girlfriends can go out to dinner tonight but they probably are really mad at me. I wasn't always that protective of her but after dad I have been very protective of her.


"Dad stop" I say as my dad is tying my sister me and my brother up.

"No" he turns to me and smirks at me. What could I do I am a 11 year old boy how is useless. I can do nothing to save Rebeca and Sam. Sam and Rebeca are twins and only one year younger then me.

"Please stop!" I'm crying now how can I let him hurt my sister and brother.

Next thing I know is he pulls out a gun. And points it at Sam. We are all screaming and crying this is nit how I wanted it to end I was the oldest and useless. POOOWW. AHHHHHH. Next thing I know is my brother is dead the gun is pointed at Rebeca and I don't know what to do. The last thing I remember is somebody coming in the house and Rebeca being shot and I pass out.

End of flashback

I think about that day all of the time after that my dad went to prison for life, Sam died, Rebeca lost her memory because she died and came back but was in acoma she doesn't remember and I hope she never does. The sad thing is she doesn't remember Sam at all.

One day I'll have to tell her about Sam she needs to know.

Zayns P-O-V

What the heck was his problem why does he need to be so protective about her she is 20 years old.

Knock, knock

"Who is it?" I scream to the door.

"Louis" the person say just audible to hear through the door.

"Come in"I say getting annoyed with him already.

"Uhhhh can you open the door I left my key in there" I get up and open the door and am met with a bone crushing hug. "I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" I say hugging him back very hard." Are you crying" I ask him.

"No I'm just sweating through my eyes duhh" he says. "How about we all go out to dinner tonight"

"Sounds like a plan" I say and we both go to round up the others.


I am finally taking this off hold but it will take a while to update cuz I have field hockey after school and then TONS of homework well that's middle school for ya. Long chapter for you yay. Well hope you enjoy this. And would you prefer lots of tiny chapters or 1or2 big chapter a week you decide gtg by.

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