Han Solo x Reader

By vamp_lover_663

199K 5K 1.9K

What if you lived in a galaxy far far away? ***Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Star Wars ideas or charact... More

Nightmare or Reality?
The Empire, Not Again
A Savior?
An Escape
Author's Note
An Explanation
Resolved Tensions
Don't Leave
The Death Star
The Ice Caves
Frostbite and Probe Droids
The Battle of Hoth
Stuck in the "Cave"
Crash Landing Into the Swamp
Jedi Training
A Battle
Cloud City
A Heart in Carbonite
Rage, Fear, and Hope
Starting the "Plan"
Jabba's Monster
Goodbye Old Friend
The Forest Moon of Endor
A High Speed Chase
Searching Goes "Great"
"Furry Friends"
The Start of The Battle
Join the Dark Side
A Celebration

Jabba's Palace

4.3K 111 81
By vamp_lover_663

Hey guys! So this is the last of the seven updates in a row, I will now be returning to my weekly schedule. I hope you enjoy! -Vamp Lover

~One month later~

Your POV

Jabba's palace was one of the worst places in the galaxy. Slaves of all sort and kind were pushed around by revolting guards. Bounty hunters walked everywhere, trying to get payment from Jabba, or just staying simply because they were welcome and wanted to get lucky with some poor girl.

It took a tremendous amount of my willpower not too kill everyone in the entire place. I stood in the shadows, simply observing everything that went on. Jabba was making some poor girl dance like her life depended on it, well I guess her life did depend on it. The poor band was forced to play the same song over and over again. I'd set them all free if I could, but I had a larger task on hand and there was no way I was going to ruin it.

Everyone around me didn't know who I was. Everyone here knew me as (y/b/h/n) (your bounty hunter name. I don't even know, just make something cool up). A respectable bounty hunter who had quickly made her way up the ranks. I wore a tight black jumpsuit type thing, and a green cape that flowed behind me as I walked. My face was always covered in a black and green mask that not only concealed my face, but changed my voice as I talked.

It didn't take long for Jabba to welcome me into the palace. He was under the impression I was working on a job for him, one that I needed time to gather information on.

While I had climbed the ranks as an infamous bounty hunter, Leia kept a low profile. She became acquainted with the locals, enough for them to know she was supposedly a bounty hunter from Alderaan before it exploded. They knew she was looking for Chewbacca now, who had a bounty on his head. It wasn't much, but it was enough for her to come inside Jabba's Palace and not be questioned.

I had studied and studied Jabba's Palace ever since I was welcomed in. I practically knew it like the back of my hand. The first time I had given myself a tour of the palace I broke down into tears, because low and behold the person I missed so much was hanging on the wall like a painting. I pushed the thought aside as I made my way to where the large doors in the palace were located.

Today was the day that our posse would finally meet up again. Our rescue mission was finally underway. 3PO, R2, Lando, Chewy, Leia, and Luke would all enter through those doors sometime today.

The hallways to the doors were almost empty, everyone was busy in the interior of the palace. The few people I did pass simply nodded their heads towards me. I sank back into the shadows near the large doors. I could see the man standing behind them, looking for anyone who dared ask for entrance, and giving anyone who had permission to exit their rightful access. I blended in with my surrounding easily, despite the sand all over the floor.

You wouldn't have been able to see me unless you were looking. Which, is why I didn't notice Boba Fett until he was standing right next to me. My stomach began to churn, as I turned towards him. I had dealt with the bounty hunter for weeks now, and all I wanted to do was kill him.

I swallowed my repulsion and opened my mouth, "Fett, what do you want?"

My voice was thick and husky, my actual sound nowhere to be found. It was just enough to decipher that I was, in fact a woman.

"An audience with you, is that too much to ask?" he said.

"Luckily for you I am in a good mood, otherwise your answer would be most definitely yes," I said, doing my best to hide my pure hatred.

I had to keep my composure, I had to stay in character.

"Mind me asking what a hunter like you is doing near the doors?" he asked.

"I could ask you the same question, but you of all people should know why I'm standing here," I said.

Jabba would've let me into the palace without a question, it was Fett that I had to worry about. He drilled me with question after question, before he approved of my being in the palace.

"A hunter with skills that you possess should be doing more than watching a door for rebels. I figured you'd have something better to do," he said, and my skin bubbled.

"Well with you here, I can't really look for them effectively can I?"

"Fair enough," Fett said, leaving me in the shadows alone.

Once I was allowed to use my actual powers, he would be one of the first to go. Sure enough, quickly after Fett left I could sense the approach of the first of my friends. I could sense Lando through the door.

"Jabba's guard, requesting entrance," he said.

"You will let him pass," I whispered, waving my two fingers towards the man behind the large doors.

"I will let you pass," the man said, and sure enough Lando emerged.

He wore interesting garb that concealed his body, and all of his face except the eyes. It was good that I saw what he looked like, I didn't want to accidentally kill him or something. Lando knew I was here, he just didn't know where. I watched him as he walked into the main rooms of the palace.

Soon I sensed 3PO and R2 emerge. I couldn't help them with their entrance, if Jabba could detect the guard was under mind control it could ruin the plan. The droids luckily got through, and the guard shoved them towards Jabba. I knew much of what would happen, 3PO would be used as a translator and R2 would end up being a servant of some sort. Jabba would most likely dismiss Luke's attempt of a bargain and forget all about it until he was going to be here.

It didn't take long for Leia and Chewy to arrive, and they entered with ease due to the guard not being on duty. I sank behind the two as they walked towards the main room where Jabba was at.

I was pretty much the back up plan, if anything went wrong I had to be there to protect my friends. More importantly, it was my job to get Han out of the carbonite.

I watched from the shadows as Leia engaged in conversation with Jabba, C-3PO translating. As soon as she held out her thermal detonator, I left quickly.

I navigated my way towards Han's prison quickly. No one was there due to the attention draw of Leia and Chewy. If it was so important to Jabba, you'd think he'd have someone guarding the lever, but no one being around just made my job a lot easier. I approached the carbonite statue that was my boyfriend. My heart began to race quickly.

I pulled the switch that was keeping Han frozen. Slowly the statue began to warm up, giving off a red and white light. I ripped my mask off of my head, preparing myself for when Han would fall forward. A blinding bright light ripped through the room as the last of the carbonite was worked away. Han fell straight forward.

I jumped in front of him just in time, keeping his body from smacking the ground. I pulled him into my arms, as he regained consciousness. His body was cold, and yet he was sweating. Han swung his arms around the air as if trying to feel his surroundings. I helped him to the ground while he said his first words.

"Wh-where am I? Why can't I see?" Han stuttered through gritted teeth.

"Your eyes will adjust," I said, my voice was full of raw emotion.

Han ran his hands over my face, "(Y/n)?" he questioned.

I smiled immensely, pulling Han so close to me I wouldn't be surprised if he groaned in pain.

"I love you," he said right into my ear.

"I know," I said, smashing my lips into his.

I was overwhelmed with emotion. Finally, everything felt right, and I was with the man I loved. Han didn't have to see to kiss me back. His arms wrapped around my body and pulled my close, while I racked my fingers through his drying hair.

"I missed you, I missed you so much," I said breaking the kiss, I buried my face in his chest.

"I'm not going anywhere," Han said, holding me tight.

The moment felt perfect, but it had to be ruined by a menacing laugh rippling through the room. I heard him before I sensed him, but Jabba was in fact in the room.

"I know that laugh," Han said, standing up with me abruptly.

Several guards began to close in on us, and I cursed myself for not having my lightsaber ready. Luke and I had agreed to give them to R2 awhile back, powerful weapons were easily sensed. Jabba and several guards emerged in front of us. I got poked in the back by a spear, slowly being shoved towards Jabba, I clung to Han as he tried to talk his way out of this situation.

"Sorry Princess, I don't think we're going to be getting outta this one," Han said into my ear. "How did we pull this one off?"

"Somehow, someone had messed up the plan," I muttered.

Hello again! So like I said before, I will now be returning to my old updating schedule. I hope you guys enjoyed this mini-series of updates! I love you all, and thanks for the read! -Vamp Lover

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