Sam Winchester x Reader: Toge...

By ABitAngelic

134K 3.8K 448

Sam Winchester has had one night stands and longtime relationships of all kinds, but what happens when he fal... More

Chapter 1: Wonder
Chapter 2: Of Course
Chapter 3: Inappropriate
Chapter 4: Protection
Chapter 5: Relax
Chapter 6: Adventure
Chapter 7: Struggle
Chapter 8: Travel
Chapter 9: A Lifetime Ago
Chapter 10: Mercy
Chapter 11: Life
Chapter 12: Tell Me More
Chapter 14: Live Again
Chapter 15: Casualties
Chapter 16: Awareness
Chapter 17: Return
Chapter 18: Cinnamon and Vanilla
Chapter 19: Sorry
Chapter 20: Noodles
Chapter 21: Burn
A Sincere Apology.

Chapter 13: Why

5.2K 177 69
By ABitAngelic

An alarm clock goes off down the hall, and somebody shifts around in their bed. Which brother it is, I'm not sure, but I need to clear up these books quick. Yes, I read two large books in the span of a few hours, but I've always been more advanced with this sort of thing. I slip the books back into their places and then I curl up on an armchair, pulling the tiny fleece blanket I took from another room somewhere between five and five thirty up to my chin. I shut my eyes and listen carefully to the footsteps of whoever is now walking down the hall. One of the many odd skills I have will now come in handy.
The steps sound sloppy, but there is a distinct timing between each slapping sound of a bare foot hitting the hard floor. Too off beat for a long stride, and a little too loud for someone even attempting to be quiet, it almost seems like a saunter. I guess that it's Dean making his way into the large room. Opening my eyes just a crack, my suspicions are confirmed. I close my eyes once more and listen carefully.
Pit, pat. Pit, pat. Pit, pat.
The noise stops in front of me, and a mournful sigh takes over the job of keeping silence at bay. He pulls the blanket up a little higher on me so that my shoulders are fully covered too. Dean then walks away, the footsteps only tiny taps now. Maybe I've been forgiven for existing. I lay there for almost twenty minutes until another alarm goes off. It's Sam's alarm, and there is more shifting coming from a different room. There is a new train of steps coming my way, and they too slow in front of me. However, there is no touch from him. Instead he just stands there for a few moments, and then walks away, following in Dean's footsteps. Then all of a sudden, muffled voices come from the kitchen. The brothers are clearly talking and I strain incredulously hard to barely hear the words.
"-ts the thou- counts-ght?"
"Yeah- I'm-st- orried. She did -sa-yo-ife- though."
"-ease- pt- her- Dean- sh- rfect."
"-mmy-... -ay- for-ou."
The syllables are broken but I can still make out the words. Dean will be going easy on me now, and I'm pretty sure that it's for real this time.
Pretty sure.
Deep down he may still be suspicious, but he will listen to his brother. I decide this is the time for me to, 'wake up'. I purposely drag my hands down the chair loudly, and slap the blanket down on its arm with force. I then pull my body towards the kitchen, looking down at the bandages on my chest. I need to change and shower soon, the blood splattered shirt and shorts I'm wearing won't work. I arrive next to the boys, and I sit down on a stool I've never seen before.
"Hey. Good morning."
Dean replies, sipping on some coffee.
"Good morning. You need me to change you bandages yet?"
Sam says immediately after. I shake my head, and cross my arms lowly.
"It's alright. I think I can manage doing them myself."
He smiles, and then walks over to a fridge, digging around in it for something. Sam steps back, food in hand. But not fast food, no. A legitimate, healthy salad. Dean groans.
"You're going to make her eat that rabbit food? Maybe she wants something else."
The two of them look to me, and I happily take the salad from Sam's hand. I honestly would prefer it over fast food, especially because I've rarely eaten anything handmade on the road. Sam steps out of the room, grinning from ear to ear, almost teasing his brother that I chose his meal over Dean's idea. I pick up a fork from the side of the Tupperware container and slowly pierce some of the lettuce to eat. The brunette stares at me.
"Why did you save him?"
I almost choke on my food, but Dean pats my back quickly, and I recover.
"What? Why wouldn't I?"
He scoots closer.
"Because I know that you'd rather work alone. I can see it in your eyes. But you still took down that shifter when you could've ran, even stealing the impala. Not that I'm unhappy with what you've done, but why?"
He's whispering now, face close to mine. Another secret conversation between us. I set the fork down and exhale.
"Because I have lost enough people in my life to know that it hurts worse than any torture, mental trauma, or abuse. To put you through that would be too much, even if you would bring him back somehow. Sam is really special, the world wouldn't be the same without him."
I grab the fork again and eat the lettuce on the end. Dean still stares at me, but a tear sits in his eye, not moving. I chew more, and swallow. I quizzically look at the man in front of me.
I'm cut off.

He's kissing me.

It ends sooner than I expected, and he's looking at me once again.
"That didn't mean anything."
He stands, brushing himself off. As he exits the room he passes Sam and bumps shoulders with him. The younger brother enters and places his laptop on the counter next to me, and sits in the place Dean was in seconds ago. The tensity looming in my presence has seemingly dissolved with his appearance.
"I wanna show you something..."
He opens the laptop, smiling. I shuffle in my seat, the stool squeaking.
He seems so happy.
"Your brother just kissed me."
No point in sugar coating it. His facial expression drops significantly.
"He did..?"
Sam closes the laptop, and puts it on his knees.
"Yeah, he did. He said it didn't mean anything though... I guess it didn't."
"Did you like it?"
His forwardness surprises me. Yet, I answer.
"I didn't feel any spark, if that's what you mean. Nothing like..."
"...Things I've felt before."
He nods, fixing his hair. Sam looks around us, making sure nobody is near, though it is obvious we are currently alone.
"Why did he kiss you?"
"This is a lot of questions."
He hangs his head in shame, shadows covering the edges of his jaw, which he clenches, and cheekbones.
"It was because I saved you. I think."
Sam raises a hand to my neck as he moves some hair from around my mouth, and leans down to my level, face resting beside my ear. His voice sends shivers down my spine when he whispers. It's low, gravelly, and almost... Sensual.
"Don't let him do that again, Y/N. Please."
He sits back, then slips away from me and out of the room once more, leaving me red and frazzled on my own. I stand up slowly, legs trembling. Blood. Blood. Deal with the bloody clothes and don't think. I run to my room, grab a t-shirt and some jeans, then jogging to the shower. When I arrive to the room, I am sure to lock the door behind me before removing my bandages to view the damage. I peel them back, gingerly taking them off. As I suspected.
No wound.
I then undress and rinse off, lathering my hair with shampoo and then washing it out. After finishing off my cleansing I put on the clothing I brought with me. The shirt covers the would-be cut perfectly. I dispose of the old bandages covered in very little blood. I unlock the door and walk into the hallway, hoping to snatch a book to read outside in private for today. Sadly, a very difficult obstacle stands in my way.
Both brothers. Next to each other. Speaking. Just feet away from my goal. I brace myself, clenching a fist.
What's the worst that could happen?
I stroll in, with only three thoughts occupying my head:
Does Dean feel something for me?
What about Sam?
How will I explain my fully healed wound?
A faint thump thump from the front of my skull brings caution into the mix. The room seems to spin, and I collapse down to the floor, everything in the near vicinity melting together. My head throbs painfully, and the last thing I see before being yanked into darkness is the worried expression of Sam.

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