When We First Met (A Poofless...

By Emiwoo4U

14.9K 499 102

When Rob and Preston first met they were skeptical about each other, but when Rob starts to have feelings for... More

Chapter 1.When they met
Chapter 2. The awkward experience
Chapter 3. A new friendship
Chapter 4. Try to mend a broken heart , with ice cream
Chapter 5.Memories
Chapter 6.Awkward
Chapter 7. I'm not in love
A/N:Thank you!
Chapter 8. What do I do?
Chapter 9. I Love You More Than Anything.
Chapter 10. You're My One and Only.
A/N: New story
Chapter 11. The Date
Chapter 12.Hate
Chapter 13. Moving in
Chapter 14. He's Gone
Chapter 15. Were Sorry
A/N: Thank you!!
Chapter 16. Get Away
A/N: Super sorry!
A/N: I have no motivation...
Chapter 17. Were Back!
Chapter 18.Movie Night!
Chapter 19. Dreams
Chapter 20.Therapy
Chapter 21. Back to Normal?
Chapter 22. Were Not Acually Alone
Chapter 23. Hanging out
Chapter 24. Visiting
Chapter 25. Florida Fun
Chapter 26. One Down, Two to Go.
Chapter 27. Flu
Chapter 28. Better?
Chapter 29. Scars
A/N: Do you want?
Chapter 30. Best Boyfriend
Chapter 31.Bye Lachlan!
Chapter 32. The Way Home
Chapter 33. The Way Home Pt.2
A/N: Where have I been?
Chapter 34.The Way Home Pt.3/Were Home!!!
Chapter 35. Persuasion
Chapter 37. Where am I going with this?
Chapter 38. Wedding Day!
Chapter 39. Honeymoon
Chapter 40. Lazy days
Chapter 41. Time To Go
Chapter 42. Staying home
Chapter 43. Ring Shopping
Chapter 44. The proposal
Chapter 45. Remember When?
Chapter 46. Wedding Preparations
Chapter 47. Rehersal Dinner
Chapter.48|The big Day
Chapter.49| The Future
A Last Goodbye

Chapter 36.For the love of Ryan!

147 7 0
By Emiwoo4U

(Hello people!)

Mitch's POV

I sat on the couch twiddling my thumbs. Bored out of my mind. That's when out of the blue the door bell rang. "Someone get that!" Preston screamed from the bathroom. "I'm on it!" I called back. "Kay!" He said. I rolled my eyes, and opened the door. And there beholding all the glory stood Ryan, and Danielle (I hope that's right...). "Mitch!"he exclaimed hugging me tightly. "Hey Ryan!" I said laughing patting his back. "Ryan!" Jerome screamed racing in, and then wraping his arms around both of us. "Hey Danielle." I added, she smiled and waved. "Oh we heard the news! Me and Danielle congratulate you." He said smiling. "Oh hey Ryan." Preston said his hair was still wet from the shower. "Plebers!" He said, Rob came out "Hello Milk Man." He said smiling. "Rob!" He exclaimed. "Wait, where's Vikk? And Lachlan?" Ryan asked. "Vikkstar is right here, hi Danielle and Ryan." Vikk said waving. "Lachlans back in Australia visiting his mom." Jerome said. "Oh." Ryan said. "Well before we die of heat stroke, let's go inside." I said. "Yeah." He said.

~Several hours later~

Yeah so we've had just a few drinks. Not nothing to be worried about. "Hey guys *hic*, how about we play a *hic* game." a drunk Preston slurred. "Yes!" Jerome exclaimed. "What about truth or dare?" Danielle suggested. "Yes!" We all said. "Okay, Uhm. Rob truth or dare?" She asked. "Uhm, I'm a wimp so truth." He said. "Would you rather kiss Preston, or Mitch?" She asked. Ryan spit out his beer from laughing. "Uhm...Preston." He said. "I was about to slap you." Preston said laughing. "RYAN, you made the carpet all wet!" Vikk exclaimed. "For the love of Ryan!" Jerome exclaimed. Everyone laughed, which lasted forever because we're all drunk. "#FortheloveofRyan!" I exclaimed. Everyone laughed. "God dang a bachelor party would be horrible. Especially if this is is while drunk." I said sighing. "Trueee." Rob said. "Hey, wait. You and Preston are the ones that haven't confirmed that you'll be proposing." I said. "Wait? Vikklan is going to cannon?" Ryan asked. Danielle squealed. "Yep. I'm going to propose to Lachlan when he gets back." Vikk said. "Oh my gosh!" Ryan said. Everyone smiled, I guess were getting more sober.

~The next morning~

Everyone threw up, any where. Everyone was hung over. "Heh, for the love of Ryan" Preston said laying on the table holding a ice pack to his head. "Funny." Ryan said. Everyone was too hung over to laugh. Atleast we got to hang out with Ryan, and tell him about Vikk and Lachlan.


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