Unexpected || Teen Wolf [1]

By cjswonders_xx

67.5K 2.4K 266

"to love is to suffer and there can be no love otherwise." THE UNEXPECTED BOOK 1 TEEN WOLF SEASONS 1 & 2 (qu... More

01| The Search
02| Beta
03| After Party
04| False Accusations
06| Innocent
07| A Truth Revealed
08| Time Race
09| All I Have
10| Alpha's Attack
11| Mistakes
12| Being Yoda
13| Anchors
14| Beginning of a Nightmare
15| Trapped
16| Pack Bonds
17| Full Moon Effects
18| A Cure
19| The Chase
20| Cousin Miguel
21| Search for Revenge
22| Misunderstandings
23| Whiplash
24| Growing Problems
25| Formal Preparations
26| The Formal
27| Reasons
28| Unplanned Outcomes
29| The Search For Lydia
30| Omega
31| Problems
32| Shape Shifted
33| Transformations
34| Strength In Numbers
35| About Survival
36| Abomination
37| Venomous
38| Battle Lines
39| Not A Monster
40| Horrible Planning
41| Consequences

05| Learn the Risks

2.5K 110 16
By cjswonders_xx

I followed Scott's scent to Allison's house, and coming to a sudden stop I hid behind a tree as I watched Scott fall off the roof and run into the street. Just as he was about to make his way across he got run over by a car, and not just any car, Mr. Argents car. I watched from the shadow as Allison came running into the street to check on Scott.

"He just ...He just ran onto the driveway." Mr. Argent attempted to explain to his horrified daughter as he rushed out of the car. The instinct to run to him was overwhelming knowing how much danger he was in, but I also wasn't willing to expose myself for someone who clearly didn't want my help. Especially after what he and Stiles did to Derek.

Scott shook his head as he lay on the street, and all I could do was hope that he would continue to stay there longer. If he stood up too quickly the Argent would surely become suspicious, especially now that he was aware that there was a young beta in Beacon Hills. "I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm sorry."

"Are you okay?"Allsion questioned as she kneeled down beside him.

"Yeah, completely." Scott groaned as he slowly brought himself to his feet with Allison's help. "I should go. I've got a lacrosse game to get to. You're still coming, right?"

"Of course I'm coming." Allison said in a hushed tone as she got closer to Scott who smiled at her response.

"We both are." Mr. Argent declared as he interrupted their little moment. Hearing this practically caused all the air to leave my lungs already imagining all the terrible outcomes if Scott continued his ridiculous fantasy of playing in that game. The Argents like all other hunters had no mercy, it was something that Scott would soon learn.

At that moment Scott looked over in my direction, probably sensing me there. "Okay, see you there." Scott replied awkwardly before he began to walk towards me. Without a word I began to walk deeper into the forest wanting to put as much distance between us and the Argents as possible.

I came to a stop once we were at a reasonable distance to find Scott looking a little pale. A sight that was comforting because it meant that the risks of his new condition were very real. "Now you definitely can't play in the game."

"No, I have to play." Scott argued immediately to my surprise. "I'll lose too many things if I don't."

"And not losing those things won't matter if the Argents kill you." I reminded him, trying to make him see that there's a bigger picture than just high school drama. "If you shift on that field with an Argent present it'll be the end of you. Of all of us."

Scott nodded and for a moment I thought I succeeded in getting through that thick skull of his, but there was still that stubbornness in his eyes that crushed any hope I had in him. "I know that. But I have to play tonight."

"Can't you see the risks?" I snapped, as my frustration started to become overwhelming. It was so much more than him hurtsing a teengaer out in that lacross field. "You can't play until you learn control."

"Then teach me how to control it." He practically pleaded.

"Control isn't something that you learn in a couple of minutes."

"How do you control it?" Scott asked, and I thought about everything that Derek and Laura had taught me when I first began to shift and develop my abilities. Before the fire everyone had thought that I was born human as I hadn't begun to shift at the expected age. It wasn't until after the fire that I began to shift, and from that anger and trauma I was able to find my anchor.

"I found my anger." I told him as I looked away from him. "Anger is what makes us stronger and what brings us back."

"Anger towards what?"

"The murder of my family." I found myself saying without really thinking. This was something that I never thought I would be telling Scott, but I also had to acknowledge the fact that he needed to trust me to listen.

"I thought that was an accident?" Scott questioned, I knew that since what happened the rumors that have been spread are both ridiculous and false. None of the rumors that had been spread were true, but who would suspect that such a seemingly perfect family like the Argents to be murderers.

"It was anything but an accident." I replied bitterly, Derek had always warned me about letting my emotions get the best of me, yet sometimes I could feel myself getting consumed by hatred.

A hatred that could be terrifying. There was a fine line between anger and letting that anger consume. Letting that anger consume you could turn you into a real monster.

It was terribly obvious that unless I chained Scott up there was no stopping him, even if that was an option I had thoroughly considered, I came to the conclusion that Scott McCall was not my responsibility. Though my consciousness wouldn't allow me to at least attempt a last try at reasoning with him. The game was going to start in an hour, and as I walked into the boys locker room a series of whistles were directed at me from immature players. Ignoring them I walked towards Scott and Stiles who were getting ready. When Scott's eyes met my own a sigh escaped his lips.

"Are you going to try to convince me not to play?" He questioned already making it perfectly clear that his mind was still set on playing. "If I don't play, I Iose first line and Allison." He told me as if either of those things had any important value. I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of his argument.

"Allison's not going anywhere." Stiles said firmly and I couldn't help but appreciate the fact that he was at least using his brain, unlike Scott who seemed incapable of being reasoned with. "And it's one game that you really don't need to play."

"I wanna play! I wanna be on the team, I wanna go out with Allison." Scott exclaimed, still in denial about the situation he's in. Granted, I had never known the luxuries of a normal life and maybe if I had my family wouldn't be dead. But the reality was that I was born into this supernatural world without a choice, Scott didn't have a voice either and that much we had in common. "I want a semi-freaking-normal life. Do you get that?"

"Well guess what?" I told him bitterly, doing my best to keep my voice down knowing that we had a n audience. "You can't have a normal life any more. Because if you don't remember you aren't normal anymore."

"And everything that's happening to me is because of you and your brother."

"You two are idiots if you still believe that all of this is happening because of us." I countered as I looked between Scott and Stiles.

"Okay now that we got that out of the way." Stiles interrupted as he stepped between us. "Just try not to worry too much while you're out there, okay? Or get too angry."

"I got it." Scott replied, anger already shining in his eyes as he continued to look at me.

"Or stressed." Stiles added.

"Yeah, I got it."

"Don't think about Allison being in the stands. Or that her father is trying to kill you, or that Derek's trying to kill you..." Stiles continued until I slapped my hand over his mouth unable to hear another word.

"Shut up." I ordered and it wasn't until he nodded his head in agreement I removed my hand from his mouth. Knowing there was nothing else that I could do to prevent what was about to happen I walked out of the locker room and out to where everyone was already seated anxiously waiting for the game to begin.

Having no intention in witnessing the unstoppable trainwreck that was just about to play out I was determined to head home, even if I had given Allison and Lydia my word that I would attend the game. And although my inability to watch Scott rip apart half of the opposing team was a reason for me wanting to go home, so was the fact that Allison's father was somewhere in the crowd.

"Alexis! Up here!" A familiar voice called out causing me to come to a stop. Closing my eyes I sighed as I looked up the bleachers to find Allison and Lydia motioning for me to join them. My eyes immediately met Mr. Argents who seemed to be studying me already. At that moment I knew that I had no other choice but to stay, so I made my way up the bleachers taking the empty seat next to Lydia. "Hey, dad this is my friend Alexis..."

"Hale." He quickly finished off with a smirk forming on his lips.

"You two know each other?" Allison questioned, looking between the two of us.

"Her family and I go way back." He informed, and I immediately knew that this was some kind of test. To measure the possibility of me being a danger because in no reality would he ever be okay with his daughter being associated with a werewolf. "Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, way back." I replied suppressing all the anger caused by the cynical expression on his face. He wanted me to snap, but I would never give him the pleasure of knowing that he affected me the way he did.

"I heard about what happened to your family, so tragic." He continued his tone insincere to my ears, but to everyone else he truly did sound like a concerned fatherly figure. "I'm sorry."

I could only wish Derek were here because he would have had perfect control over this. He was the only one who could really help keep me under control, and as I felt my heart rate begin to rise. "What the hell are you doing Alexis? Calm down!" I heard Stiles' voice, and turned around to see Stiles and Scott across the field. Scott probably heard or felt my anger, I sighed and forced a smile.

"That was a long time ago." I replied suddenly feeling Lydia place a comforting hand on top of mine, a gesture that was surprising coming from someone like Lydia Martin. Once the game started it was clear that something was going on since Scott hadn't even touched the ball once.

Allison and I were practically forced to hold up a poster that had We Luv U Jackson written on it. As the game continued, Scott continued to seem moments away from losing control as his rapid heartbeat was deafening in my ears.

"Which one is Scott again?" Allison's dad asked us, and I could only hope that he wasn't beginngon to become suspicious although from anyone's point of view Scott just seemed like a terrible player.

"Number 11." Lydia replied bitterly, never taking her eyes off the field. "Otherwise known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball this entire game."

"I hope he's okay." Allison commented as she nervously looked out to the field.

Everyone around us continued to cheer and encourage their favorite players, but Allison was silent as she watched Scott hopefully. Then suddenly Scott got a hold on the ball and began to run to the opponents net, and after backing his first goal he seemed unstoppable. He continued to Score for the team until they were only a couple of points from catching up to our opposing school.

"You can do it, Scott." Allison whispered as she anxiously watched Scott on the field. Right when the last second was about to tick Scott ran and tossed the ball directly in the net. Everyone stood up and began to cheer, because Scott just threw the winning shot. I couldn't help but clap slowly in disbelief at the fact that he had actually made it through the entire game.

Once the game was over everyone ran out into the field and I lost sight of both Scott and Allison. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned around I found a frantic Stiles standing in front of me. "Where's Scott?"

"Probably with Allison."

"And you didn't go after them?" Stiles questioned looking at me like I was losing my mind. "What if he wolfs out on Allison?"

"That would be his fault, I told him what the risks were and he didn't listen."

"Allison is your friend, and you might not care about Scott, but a part of you cares about her." Stiles began to lecture. Then he got a hold of my wrist and began to drag me towards the locker rooms. I pulled my hand back and walked ahead of him, not willing to give him the satisfaction that he was telling me what to do.

The locker room was empty except for two people whose heartbeats almost seemed to echo loudy in the deserted room.

And when I walked closer to the showers I hid behind the lockers when I saw Scott and Allison kissing in the showers. So much for saving Allison. Stiles continued to walk towards the showers, completely oblivious to the pair making out. So I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him back, but my plan of remaining unseen failed when Stiles suddenly began to cough. I sighed in defeat and let go since our cover had already been blown.

"Hi, Stiles. Alexis." Allison greeted with a bright smile on her face as she walked out of the locker room. Stiles and I stepped out from where we were hiding and over to Scott who was wearing a similar smile to Allison's, only his was more irritating

Scott sighed as if he was just waking up from a dream as he looked between Stiles and I. "I kissed her."

"I saw." Stiles assured.

"She kissed me." Scott said with the same idiotic look on his face.

"Congratulations." I said with fake enthusiasm.

"It's pretty good, huh?" Stiles replied ignoring my previous statement.

"Oh like you would know." I replied as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You know what? It's time for you to zip." He said while pretending to close a zipper on my mouth.

"I don't know how, but I controlled it, I pulled it back." Scott continued with a dreamy and hopefully look in his eyes. "Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad."

"Yeah." Stiles said, looking a bit discouraged. "We'll talk later then."

"What?" Scott asked both curious and worried, and for some reason I didn't like where this conversation was heading. I simply didn't enjoy the idea of Stiles knowing something that I didn't and from the way his eyes strayed to me I knew that whatever it was he needed to say was serious.

"The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."

Stiles met my eyes with uncertainty, not sure if he wanted to continue at least not with me here. "How about you stop pausing and continue."

"Well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human." He began to explain it slowly to Scott who still seemed confused about there this was going. "Derek is human not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."

It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders at the news, but it seemed like Scott's world was crumbling around him. "Are you kidding?"

"No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass." Stiles continued, now seemingly to avoid meeting my eyes clearly worried about something. "My dad ID'd the dead girl, both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."

Now it felt that my world was crumbling around me at the knowledge that Scott and Stiles knew. Though I really shouldn't have been surprised, of course they would have to find the identity of the body that was discovered. Laura's body. But I had been so caught up in Scott's problems to focus on my own.

"Hale?" Scott repeated in surprise his voice shaky from the news

"Derek's sister." Stiles said carefully, and then he turned to meet my eyes. "Your sister."

Both Scott and Stiles looked at me expectantly as I was flooded by unexplainable emotions. "I told you to stay out of my life." I said through gritted teeth and Stiles who only flinched at my tone, I wanted to keep yelling. To maybe hurt him, but that wasn't who I was. I wasn't the monster that the Argent's believed me to be. And all I wanted now was to see my brother "You had no right to look into anything involving me or my family."

I didn't like the idea that they might see me as more vulnerable or that they could pity me. Without another word I walked past Scott and Stiles losing all desire to try to help them. There was only I could take of their idiocy, and maybe Derek and I didn't need Scott to find the alpha. We could do it on our own.

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