Kidnapped to Marry the Prince...

By bridge16

500K 7.9K 1K

Bridget was a normal 17 year old girl with a loving family. But one night while her parents and sister are aw... More

Kidnapped to Marry the Prince of Vampires
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 11

23.4K 418 58
By bridge16

Neither I nor Justin spoke of the kiss for the rest of the week.  We went about or normal days as if nothing happened.  We glancd at eachother from time to time and he continued to show me the rest of the castle.  I got to know him better.  Justin was 98 years old and had been turned at the age of 16 by the queen herself, to make him a servant.  Ever since then, he has never left the castle. He has only seen what can be viewed from the tower.  He's never been out around the town and does not know how the mortal world has changed.

I told him about the things in my lifetime.  Justin was amazed that there was actually a black president.  I told him about computers in the internet.  He, of course, was beyond confused.  I dont know why.  I mean, they had computers in the Vampire World.  But then he said that servants arent allowed any electronics.  That saddened me.  I dont know what I'd do without computers, facebook, cell phones, texting...etc.  And of course he has no idea what Facebook or cell phones or texting was.  I felt sorry for him, so I showed him all of it.  I showed him how to work a computer, what a cell phone was and how it could be used to send people messages, call them, and even go on the internet.  I also told him that tv was now in color.   He was blown away.  The look on Justin's face reminded me of a newborn baby seeing the world for the first time.  I spent most days just talking about the modern world.  He seemed so interested and I could tell he missed his old life. 

Now to the present time...

Right now I'm wtching tv in bed with Bentley laying next to me.  He wasnt interested in the show I was watching at all, so he decided to read a book.  We hadnt spoken much these past few days.  I dont know why.  Maybe he was just stressed out.   But anyways, my show finally ended (Yes, the vampire world gets the same shows that the mortal world gets and more.).  I turned off the tv and covered myself up with a blanket anr rolled to my side.  I dont know why, but I have to sleep on my side. It feels too weird sleeping on my back.  I was turned away from Bentley because the lamp on his side was still on because he was still reading. About 10 minutes later, I finally heard that click, indicating he'd turn off the light.  The bed shook while he tried to find a comfortable position.  He lay still for a few seconds and I felt him come closer to me, until he was pressed up againstmy back.  I felt his breathing on my neck and had a feeling he was staring at me.  I acted like I was sleeping.

Then he whispered in my ear, "I know you kissed him."

My eyes flung open. My heart stopped and my breath was caught in my lungs. "Kissed who?"  I managed to say.

"Don't act dumb" He said fiercly. I breathing was unsteady now.  "And that servant boy, Justin, That's who!"  He words pierced me.

"I dont know what you're talking about." I lied

Then he flipped me over and pinned me to the bed. "DON'T LIE TO ME!!  I READ YOUR MIND!!" He yelled. He reached over to turn on the light so he could see me...see my frightened look.  "I refuse to be lied to by my own wife!!" He said with force.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I said starting to cry.

"Why would you do something like this?! Bridget, dont you love me?"

"Y-yes. Of course I do." 

"LIES!!!" He screamed in my face. "If you loved me you wouldnt have kissed him!!"

"I do l-love you.  P-please.  Im s-sor-ry." I cried with fear.

He looked into my bright brown eyes that were now filled with tears. I felt them streaming down my face.  His eyes were fierce and full of anger.  He shook his head.  "You don't love me.  You never did love me, DID YOU?!?!  You were too afraid of me, like you are now.  But you WILL love me, Bridget.  I'll make you love me if I have to!"  He said through his clenched teeth . He was breathing heavily and his veins were showing through his neck.   "You won't be seeing that Justin again, understand?"

"Wh-what are you gonna do to him?" I asked cautiously.

"Don't worry about it.  After tomorrow, he will be gone forever. Enjoy your last day with him."

"NO!! I wont let you get rid of him!! I wont let him die, Bentley!"

Then he slapped me.  I cried out in pain.  "You're mine!!! Not his or anybody elses!!" He said shaking me

"YOU DONT OWN ME!!"  I yelled back.

"Oh but I do." He said with evil in his voice.  "If I didn't, then I wouldn't be able to do this."  He ripped my nightgown open, revealing my bare chest. I cried even more.  I struggled to get out of his grasp, but failed. "What?" He asked innocently.  "Don't you like this?  Don't you like how I have control? Don't you like that i have power over you?!"

I cried and shook my head, no.  He gave me a look.  I wasnt quite sure what it meant. He had a tight smile and a look in his eyes that I've never seen before.  "Well, then, that's too bad because I do.  And I do as I please and I get what I want.  And right now I please to 'do' you and I want to watch you suffer!!  Maybe then you'll finally realize you love me! You'll love my power, my control, and everything else about me.  Maybe by doing this, I'll make you love me! And if this fails, I'll do everything else to make you love me!"

"No. Please dont.  Bentley, I love you. I do."

"I dont believe you!" He spat with venom in his voice.

Then he ripped the rest of my night gown off me and took off his own clothes.  I tried to push him off me but he was too stong.  He finally had his way with me after I ran out of strength to resist.  He pushed in me with a ton of force, making sure it was painful for me.  I screamed in pain. I called out for help.  I screeched at the top of my lungs, making sure everyone in the castle could hear.  But still, no one came.  Not one person came to help me. Why didnt they come? They mustve heard me!

"No one can hear you scream my darling. It's a sound proof room." He stated pushing even harder into me.

"Ple-ease! STOP!!!" I yelled with all my might.

"Never." He whispered harshly.


yay! 2 chapters in one day! let me know what you think!

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