My Abusive Boyfriend ~ Nathan...

By the_wanted_lover_

385K 6K 889

Savannah is a young, beautiful girl with crystal blue eyes and curly brown hair. She has a boyfriend, Nathan... More

My Abusive Boyfriend ~ Nathan Skyes Fan Fiction *Being Edited*
Chapter 1 ~ Let's meet up!
Chapter 2 ~ Bathroom Trip
Chapter 3 ~ I Saw Brandon ....
Chapter 4 ~ Sorry Nathan .... :/
Chapter 5 ~ You left your phone, Nathan >:(
Chapter 6 ~ I'm done
Chapter 7 ~ Don't
Chapter 8 ~ The Belting (?)
Chapter 9 ~ The Car
Chapter 10 ~ Saved Tonight's beating
Chapter 11 ~ I hate you, Nathan
Chapter 12 ~ Got Out :(
Chapter 13 ~ The Lucky And The UnLucky
Chapter 14 ~ Tried to call
About Being Their Girlfriends ~ MUST READ
Girlfriends Of The Wanted Are ...
Chapter 16 ~ Why Did I Come Back?
Chapter 17 ~ Why Didn't You Tell Me, Jay
Chapter 18 ~ Restaurants and Sluts
Chapter 19 ~ Broken Laptop Pieces And Cuts
Chapter 20 ~ Jaythan's fight
Chapter 21 ~ They Were Forced To See ME!
Chapter 22 ~ I'm Leaving The Country
Chapter 23 ~ 2 Years and Nathan Later
Chapter 24 ~ Nathan and I
I have a new story
Chapter 25 ~ Nicole
Chapter 28 ~ Taken
Chapter 29 ~ Cheese And Tomato
Chapter 30 ~ LAST CHAPTER

Chapter 15 ~ It's NOT Her Fault

11.6K 193 11
By the_wanted_lover_

"Why were the police here yesterday morning?" Max asked me. I looked down, wondering what to say. From the corner of my eye, I could see Nathan
giving Max a glare.
"Well?" Tom asked me, getting very impatient.
"And we want the REAL reason this time" Tom said, glaring at Nathan. Think quickly Savannah, think quickly .... I got it! =D
"They were speaking to Nathan, not me ... But I heard them saying we were loud, and THAT was because we had a little argement ... But it's all good now, we
solved it out" I said, smiling at Nathan. Hoping he would understand. That wasn't the best thing to say, but I didn't know what else to say ... And I had to say
something ...
"Er ... Sure" Tom said, from the tone of his voice and the look on his face, I knew he wasn't at all convinced ... Well it was better than nothing, and it was true ...
Well half of it was true ... I got up and walked into the kitchen ... I opened the fridge and saw Nathan coming in ... He stood right behind me and he looked really
angry ...
"What did I do now?" I sighed as I rolled my eyes.
"Why'd you tell them? Why? After what happened yesterday, I thought you would learn. And I was going to say sorry today" He said.
"Well, number one; I don't want your pity" I said, glaring at him.
"Number 2; They are your friends ..." I said to him.
"And you are very lucky I didn't tell them everything" I glared at him, again.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that, EVER again" he said to me.
"Nathan, really" I asked him.
"You never learn, do you?" he asked me, rolling his eyes. I looked at him, confused.
"What the fuck do you mean?" I asked him, still soo confused.
"Don't you dare use that language with me!" he said to me, a little too loudly for my liking.
"Just please shut up! I'm really not in the mood for you" I shouted at him. I walk out of the room instantly and see the boys staring at me, wide - eyed.
"What?" I asked them.
"What just happened, Savannah?" I hear Nathan from behind me. He looked really upset, such a great actor. He even had a tear falling out of his eye.
"Oh no, don't you dare trick them or me, you aren't fooling me! How dare you! I don't even know what I did to deserve a bitch like you! i thought we solved our
fight?!" I shouted at him. He looked down at the ground. Aww! I really wanted to hug him, oh yeah ... HE'S A FUCKING LIAR!
"You don't believe him, do you?" I turned around and looked at the boys who were upset and angry .... I didn't just scream at him .... Oh god!
"Savannah" I heard Siva say. Even he was angry at me. I turned to look at him.
"Get out of this house" He told me.
"But Siv" I was cut off.
"Get out, now please" He said to me. :( :'(
"Fine" I shrugged and ran out of the house. I was crying a lot right now. Someone grabbed my hand. It was Jay. He looked at me and noticed me crying.
"Savannah, why did you yell at him like that? What did he do wrong? Everyday, he says to us about how much he loves you and how much he never wants
you to leave him. He loves you soo much. Sometimes when he talks about you it gets annoying because he talks a little bit to much about you" he said which
made both him and I giggle. Wow, does he really love me that much?
"Yes, Savannah, he does love you that much" Jay said to me. Was I thinking that aloud?
"Yes" he said to me.
"Oh" I mumbled and looked down.
"Why did you yell at him like you did just then?" he asked me. I hesitated on whether I should tell him or not. Because Nathan told me that if I tell anyone, it'll
be worse than what he usually beats me. Nahh, I can't tell him.
"Well, we had another fight" I said to him.
"So ... Is that how you yell at him? I know how you are, I know WHO you are and you aren't like that. That girl that was in there screaming at Nathan for some
reason wasn't you. Savannah, that wasn't you" he told me.
"Now he's crying and all the boys think that you are a terrible person. I don't believe that you're a terrible person, though. After what they saw I really don't
know what they think of you ...." he finished. I didn't know what to do, so I hugged him.
"If only you knew" I whispered.
"What do you mean?" he asked me.
"Nothing" I mumbled.
"I didn't mean to yell at him like that, I was just really upset" I said to him.
"What do I do now?" I asked him.
"Go home and get some rest, I'll talk to you tomorrow" he smiled. I smiled in return and hugged him.
"Thanks" I said as I was about to walk home.
"Do you need a lift?" he asked me.
"No I'm fine thanks" I said as I walked away.
"Are you sure?" he asked me.
"Yes I'm sure, thanks for the advice Jay" I said to him.
"No worries" he replied.
     Jay's Point Of View

Nathan loves her with all of his heart. He never wants to let her go. He loves her too much to let her go. He'll go after her, hopefully.
I know what you are all asking, do I know that he abuses her? Well, yeah I do. I know.
The story goes like this;
One night, I went with Nathan to our friends place, and when it was time to go home, I dropped him off.
"Thanks Jay!" Nathan said to me.
"Anytime mate!" I said to him, smiling.
"Bye" we both said as we waved at each other. That's when he walked into the mansion for him and Savannah. I was about to drive away when I noticed he
forgot to take his phone. That was when I heard a scream come from their place. I walked to their house and I heard screaming and crying along with pleases.
I looked through their window, it was closed, but you could still see their shadows. I saw Nathan's shadow and hers. I know what you're all thinking;
how do I know who is who. Well, Nathan is taller than her and his hair is short and her hair is long.
I was his shadow hitting her and hurting her. I wanted to do something, but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't. I feel sorry for her.
I should've done something for her. But I didn't.
Anyway, instead of giving it to him then, I gave it to him in the morning.
Because I didn't go in that night to help her, I thought I should speak to her and help her at times, like tonight for instance.
I feel it was my fault that this still going on.
I want to say something to Nathan or at least confront him in front of the boys, making him seem like the terrible person and not her, because it was NOT her fault.



Thanks for the comments and votes! =D



@LT_sasmasta - I have and thanks

@Astri - Now you know! ;)

@sarsoorababee - Haha thanks! =D

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