The Hotel GIrl (Lauren/You)

By izzyjauregui99

29.1K 1.1K 138

You are 17 years old and from London, England. You have two brothers, Cameron (18) and Keiran (11). When you... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

4.5K 183 22
By izzyjauregui99

Your POV

Green bold eyes stared me down and for a moment I forgot how to speak. I looked down and realised I was still in my pjs and dressing gown, grabbing my brothers arm I raced for the elevator. 'Y/N I need to meet dinah!' Keiran yelled at me as I pressed the button to close the elevator doors.
'Keiran you can see them tomorrow maybe, yanno when we both aren't in our pjs'
'Fine but if you don't help me meet them then I'm telling dad you and Cameron let me out of the hotel room again!'

Cameron🙄: where did you go?
Me: we are upstairs now.
Cameron🙄: okay now coming, yanno them fifth harmony girls?
Me: yes Keiran wanted to meet them
Cameron🙄: oh well they are in the elevator with me right now😂😂😂

'Keiran go to your room now please Cameron will be there soon okay?' I said to my brother as he ran down the corridor. 'Okay but Cameron has the room key' he replied as he sat down next to the door. 'Well that was great planning then, how the hell did you think you would get back into the room if we hadn't have noticed you were gone!'
'I would of just knocked until Cameron opened the door' he said innocently.

'oh hey guys why you just sitting here?' Cameron said as he finally approached us. 'Well Keiran here forgot his room key when he snuck out' I said to my older brother as he shook his head at Keiran. 'Right well Keiran get into bed and stay there please' Cameron said as he unlocked the door using his key. 'I'm going to bed too so don't wake me up too early tomorrow guys' I said to them both as I opened up my hotel room and ran to my bed.


Lauren's POV

We finally made it into the hotel lobby as the fans were screaming and yelling outside, I love them so much but I don't understand how they can have the energy to track down our hotel and wait for us at 3am. We approached the check in desks as the screaming died down outside. I looked around as Will sorted out our booking, he's with us for this trip to the UK as security and management.

'Oi Dinah looks like you have a little fan!' Normani said as we all turned round and saw a little boy wearing a Spider-Man onesie looking at Dinah with his mouth wide open. He was so cute! 'Aw look at him he's adorable' Dinah said to us as we nodded in agreement. Will shook his head meaning we couldn't go say hello as much as we wanted to. I looked back to the check in desks as they told us our room plan, Dinah and Normani were to share, Camila and Ally had the room next door and me in a separate room as I prefer the privacy.

'Aw guys looks like the little boy has a sister' Dinah said out loud so we could all hear, I turned around to where she was looking and saw a teenage girl with the little boy staring at Dinah and then her eyes moved to mine. I was taken aback, her eyes were so Y/E/C and huge they were beautiful. I examined her for a minute, she was so effortlessly gorgeous. 'Woah she just as cute as the brother' Normani said as she looked at me, her eyebrow raised as she saw my expression when I saw the girl. Suddenly she grabbed her brother and ran for the elevator. 'Who was that?' Ally said to me, 'I wish I knew' I replied as we walked up to the elevators but at that point the girl and her brother were gone.

We walked into the elevator as a boy walked in with us, also in what looked to be his pjs. He looked a little alike to the boy and girl we saw a few moments ago. Maybe he was related to them? I looked at his phone as he stood next to me, he was texting someone called 'Y/N' about us. I looked to see 'Y/N' replied to him and said some boy called Keiran wanted to meet us? Was that the little boy we saw in the lobby? My thoughts were stopped by the elevator doors opening and all of us got out onto the top floor, it looked like the boy in the elevator also was staying up here. He walked in the other direction to us as I sighed, I really wanted to know who they all were especially the girl from the lobby.

I walked into my room after saying goodnight to the others and got into bed, I was already in comfy clothes so I didn't feel the need to get changed. I checked through my social media and liked a few tweets from some fans that said about us being back in England. I refreshed my notifications on Twitter and suddenly one popped up for the Fifth Harmony account that caught my attention.

'Keiran really wants to meet fifth harmony'

There was a video with it of the little boy from the lobby trying to get out of his hotel room that his brother had obviously locked. I'm guessing that was why they were all down there before, because he escaped to find us? If that's his little brother the girl must be his sister. I clicked on his profile and looked through his pictures, he didn't have any on Twitter of the girl but he linked his Instagram in his bio so I clicked on that. I scanned through, hopefully I won't like anything by accident because I'm hardcore stalking right now.

I finally saw a picture from Christmas last year, it was a family picture of him, his parents, his little brother, and his sister who was in fact the girl I saw downstairs almost an hour ago. Her name was Y/N, woah beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I clicked on her profile and debated following her, it would be a bit random though to follow someone who didn't even appear to be a fan? It looked like most of her pictures were taken in the hotel, does she stay here often?

I messaged the group chat with all the girls in it after thinking things through for a while, I looked at the time as I sent the message 3.56am. They probably won't reply they will all be unpacked and asleep by now but at least they will get it in the morning.
Me: guys we need to try and meet that little boy tomorrow and his family, they seem to be big fans I found the older brother on Twitter.
I had to lie a bit considering the fact Cameron and Y/N didn't seem to even know who we were but I wasn't going to just admit to them I just wanted to see Y/N again.

I was about to switch my phone off when I got a text back from Dinah.
Dinah👑: okay dawg lets do it
I smiled as I read her response, at least she was awake but hopefully we can all make it happen. Suddenly my phone blew up with messages.


I looked through the messages and gasped. Oh. My. God. When in the hell did I like her picture? I was extra careful I would have noticed that happen right?!

Mani💁🏽: oh shit you didn't know? Well your creeping ass just got exposed.
Dinah👑: oh shit y'all this getting good
Ally🙊: guys it's 4am. sleep time💤
Dinah👑: nah Ally this shit just got good, Lauren has a crushy😉
Ally🙊: don't use that language at me. And since when Lauren?
Me: I don't have a crush now can someone please tell me what picture I liked I can't find it😭😭😭😭
Camila💃🏻: let me grab my popcorn
Mani💁🏽: gurl I was joking with you but you wouldn't care this much if you didn't like her😅 just saying😉😉

Oh my god. She did not just do that to me. She does have a good point tho, why do i care this much about someone's opinion when I barely even know her. If it was anyone else I wouldn't care if I liked their stuff I mean it's not like I actually know them so who gives a shit. It's just I felt something when I saw her and I don't know what it is but I don't think I can just let this go. I have to meet her again before we leave or before she leaves.

Helloooo so that was just a quick chapter because I need to take it slow in building up the story but I hope you like this so far💋

If you have any suggestions about how Lauren should meet you then please tell me💞

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