The Shadow Knight

By Speed360

49.7K 1.2K 901

After returning from Ludos Castle and defeating Toffee, Star and Marco are now dealing with new problems such... More

The Next Day
The Next Day Part 2
Guess Who's Back?
Thank You
A Day Off?
Falling Star
Round 2
Twin Shadows Part 1
Twin Shadows Part 2
Future Plans
Twin Shadows Part 3
Star's Training
AN: What Do You Want?
The New Kid
Shady Business
The big 100!
Time to Prepare
Moving On
Where I've Been

Long Time No See

1.8K 54 54
By Speed360

Marco was laying down in his room on his side. He stopped crying an hour ago but his eyes were still red.

I can't believe I lost. I can't believe I lost and let Star get hurt! I said I was gonna protect her and yet I've failed. Miserably. Marco thought.

Well then, maybe its time for a little training don't you think?

Marco shot up in bed and looked around.

Shadow? Is that you?

Long time no see Marco. His shadow said as he materialized out of thin air. I've been waiting for you to come back and yet, you never did. And now its costing you. I think you need a little review on the powers of darkness. Suddenly, Marco felt sleep take over and passed out, his shadow disappearing.

In Marco's dreams...

"Huh? Here again? Why did you bring me-" then Marco pulled out his sword and blocked a strike from his Shadow.

Heh, not bad Marco. You got stronger since the last time. The Shadow complimented. His sword then began to glow with a purple aura. This oughta be fun!

Marco had to back away as a purple explosion occured and created a smokescreen. When it finally cleared, Marco couldn't believe his eyes. In his Shadow's hands was a large black sword with a sharp edge. Then the shadow charged with speed surprisingly fast for a sword like that. But surprised of not, he had to keep dodging just to avoid getting diced. He finally put enough distance between them so he could breathe.

Now you see that power of darkness is nothing to be trifled with. And this power can be yours. But only if you give yourself over to the darkness. The Shadow said. Marco grew nervous at those words. He wanted to get stronger but giving himself over to the darkness might end hindering him instead of helping. And what if Star gets hurt because of it?

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm good." Marco responded.

Heh. Bad choice Marco. You may think you're good, but if you have to fight Dusk again and you haven't gotten stronger, yoire gonna have a 'bad' time. But since you actually have been showing progress, I guess I can give you a little reward. The Shadow said while snickering.

"Reward? What do mean rewa-!" Marco couldn't move. He looked down and saw his shadow piercing him through the chest with the sword. It didn't hurt, but he felt numb.

If you ever need me, which you probably will, you know where to find me! Marco's eyes began to closed and then all be saw was darkness.

In Marco's room...

Ugh, what did he do to me? Marco asked himself. He took off his t-shirt and looked at his chest. He didn't see anything but it felt tingly.

"Hey Marco, it's time to get-" Star barged in before she stopped midsentence. Her face began to gradually turn red as she stared a Marco's chest.

"Uh Star? What were you saying? Star? Starrrr?" Marco called out. Star just stared until she fell backwards and plopped on the ground. Marco ran over to her saw that she had passed out. He sighed and changed into his clothes while she was asleep. Then he picked her up bridal style and walked downstairs. He put her on the couch and grabbed thier backpacks. He picked her up again and used his powers to vanish into a shadow into the ground.

"This is gonna be one of those days isn't it?"

At school...

Marco jumped out the portal in front of thier classroom and put thier backpacks in thier lockers and grabbed thier stuff. He walked into class with Star slung over his shoulder and then set her down in her chair. He plopped in his chair with a sigh. When he looked around, he saw students glancing and glaring at him.

Why are they all staring at me like I'm some sort of crimina-oh right. Marco thought remembering what happened at the party. He groaned and put his head down. He glanced to where Star was and saw that she was still sleeping. He did feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of his head. He turned around was met face to face with Angel, who looked very ticked off.

"Hey there are you doing?" Marco nervously asked.

"You're lucky that we're in class. Otherwise the floor would be littered with blood!" she yelled before turning away from him. Marco sighed and leaned back in his seat.

At least I don't have the whole school mad at me. Only three quarters of it. Marco thought to himself. He held his hand out in front of him and created a dark sphere. Why was I chosen for this? Why not Star? She would handle this much better than I would. And who gave this to me? The Shadow didn't, he just came with the package. So who?

"Marco?" A voice asked from beside him. He turned and saw Star awake but really groggy.

"Hey Star, you ok?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, I think so. How did we get to school? When did we get to school? And why was I asleep for it?" Star asked.

"Well you see what had happened was-"

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Oh well, tell me later ok?" Star asked. Marco sighed and nodded. He faced towards the board as Mr. Toff walked in. Marco didn't know why, but he felt like he's seen him before. Maybe he was roaming the halls and saw him? He decided to worry about that later and focus on the lesson at hand.

After class...

Marco and Star were walking to their table when they saw another blonde sitting at it.

"Angel!" Star yelled as she greeted her. Angel, however, was startled and almost fell out her chair. Marco moved fast and caught her before she hit the ground.

"You ok Angel?" Marco asked looking down at her. She blinked a few times before picking herself up.

"Yeah I'm go-I mean, yes I'm fine thank you." she corrected herself, going back to her old way of talking. Marco deadpanned at her and she sighed. "Yeah, I'm good Marco. Thanks."

"There we go." Marco said as he sat down between her and Star. However right as he was about to eat the apple he got from lunch, a hand snatched it and he heard a large 'crunch' behind him. He turned and saw Jenna munching on his apple.

"Sup." She simply greeted.

"Hey Jenna!" Star greeted.

"Hey I know you! You're the girl that was at the party right?" Angel asked.

"Yup." Jenna answered. "And you're that girl that almost killed Marco right?" Jenna asked back.

"Huh? H-how did you know about that?" Angel asked. Marco and Star were puzzled by this as well.

"Oh come on! Like you're just gonna miss two people fighting with swords near your house. Like that's gonna happen." Jenna answered.

"Oh yeah well, I guess that would explain it." Angel said. Jenna plopped down next to Star and took her apple as well.

"So, whatcha nerds talking about?" Jenna asked.

"First off, we're not nerds. Second, none of your business." Angel said, quickly showing her dislike for Jenna.

"Don't mind her Jenna. We're actually just sitting here doing nothing. But what brings you here?" Marco asked.

"I was gonna ask if you guys were gonna go to the football game tomorrow?" Jenna said. Marco immediately covered Star's mouth before she could say anything.

"We would love to but we have, uh, other things to do. So sorry but-EEK!" Marco cried out as Star licked his hand.

"Of course the three of us would?" Star answered.

"Wait three? Hold on I never agreed to-"

"Oh come on Angel it'll be fun!" Star persuaded. Angel thought for a second before she sighed.

"Fine, I guess I'll go to." Angel answered.

"Cool. It starts at 5 so don't be late. And please try not to kill or mortally injure someone this time Marco." Jenna said.

"Hey!" Marco yelled feeling a little offended.

"Alright, see ya later nerds!" Jenna said before grabbing Angel's apple and running off.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that!" Angel cried out before giving chase to Jenna. Marco and Star started laughing at the two of them. Star got up and went to follow them but tripped. And guess who she bumped into...

"Aiee! My cheerleader outfit! Butterfly!" Brittany called out in anger. She had a large white stain from mashed potatoes on the front of her cheerleader outfit.

"Oops? Sorry Brittany, I didn't mean to-"


Star fell to the ground and held her cheek. It was a little red and tears started to form in her eyes.

"Oh when I'm through with you, you will be!" Brittany declared. She walked towards Star unt Marco blocked her path. "Out of the way Safe Kid. I've got business to take care of."

"Sorry Brittany, I can't let you go any further. Plus it was an accident! Its not like she meant to ruin your outfit." Marco said.

"Oh sure, just like she didn't mean to ruin my party. Or ruin the football game. She's always ruining something on 'accident'! And now I'm gonna make sure she doesn't ruin anything else!" Brittany told him. She went forward but was yanked back by Marco's arm.

"I'm trying to be nice here. Let it go, and walk away. Or else." Marco threatened, his eyes turning red.

"Or else what? You're gonna call the teacher? You're gonna run away? Or are you gonna beat me up, just like you did Lars at the party!?" that set Marco off. With a flick of his hand, which was now emitting a purple aura, Brittany was sent flying against the cafeteria wall. She was stuck there and couldn't get down.

"No Brittany, I can do so much worse." Marco told her, his eyes emiting a red trail. She looked into them and started shaking. Her eyes were beginning to go into the back of her head. Marco glared and 'hmphed' before he put his hand down and let her fall. He turned around and grabbed Star by the hand and walked out of the cafeteria not caring about the stares he got.

After school...

Marco and Star walked home in silence, even though his hand was intertwined with hers. When they reached the house, Marco went to go get an ice pack. He pressed it against her cheek and sat next to her. She kept her head down and her hair was covering her face.

"How does it feel?" Marco asked.

"Better. Thanks." She responded. Marco sighed and turned on the tv for them. Thier favorite tv show was on which was about three rock ladies and a half rock half human rock boy going against a rock in the Earth that a rock in space wanted to grow.

AN: ;-)

"Star, is what Brittany said bugging you?" Marco asked. Star nodded her head. "Don't listen to her, she's just being a drama queen."

(Play media here)

"But she's right about me. Ever since I came to Earth I've been nothing but trouble for the school, my friends, you...I just feel like, maybe I shouldn't be here anymore. Maybe I should go back to Mewni..." Star told him.

"What? No Star, don't believe her. Ever since you came here everything has been great! You make life exciting, fun, dangerous! Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You are not a mistake, you are a gift ok?" Marco told her. He brushed her hair out of her face and smiled. "Ok?" She started to tear up and buried her head in his chest and cried.

"Y-yeah. I*hic* got it. T-thank*hic* thank you M-Marco*hic*." She said in between sobs. Eventually, the two went to sleep in each others arms until Marco woke up. He picked up Star gently and carried her upstairs to her room. He layed her down gently and held her cheek.

"Goodnight Star." he told her as he left the room and went into his own. She smiled and hummed in content in her sleep.

"Goodnight Marco...I love you..." she said silently so he couldn't hear her. And then, she fell back asleep, thankful for having someone so good in her life.

Holy carp I'm so sorry for taking so long on this chapter! I had a lot deal with in school and home and I couldn't find time for writing this So I'll hope you'll forgive me for this. Hopefully I can avoid doing this in the future. Anyways of you enjoyed be sure to Vote, Favorite, and leave a Comment about your favorite part of this chapter. Until next time, See ya!

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