His Maid ( rewriting )

By GreySkai

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Chapter 1: Mya {Game 1}
Chapter 2: Daddy
Chapter 3: Snapped
Chapter 4: Need her the most
Chapter 5: Mya {Game 3 }
Chapter 6: Legally yours
Chapter 7: Lies and secrets
Chapter 8: wake up call {Game 4}
Chapter 9: Words cut deep {Game 4}
Chapter 10: Wrong brother
Chapter 11: Storm Ahead {part 1}
Chapter 12: Storm Ahead {part 2}
Chapter 13: Young love {Game 4}
Chapter 14: You Forgive ,You Forget but you never let it go
Chapter 15: Day off
Chapter 16: His hormones
Chapter 17: Sick {Game 5}
Chapter 18: Last game
Chapter 19: Gia who?
Chapter 20: Love
Chapter 21: Aftertaste
Chapter 22: Home
Chapter 23: screw men
Chapter 24: Jealous
Chapter 26: I missed you
Chapter 27: Im getting fat
Chapter 28: Asia
Chapter 29: Orphanage
Chapter 30: Papers
Chapter 31: Happy birthday to you
Chapter 32: Family
Chapter 33: Bad dream
Chapter 34: Date?
Chapter 35: I'm so into you
Chapter 36: Sucker punch
Chapter 37: Perfect
Chapter 38: Arrival & baby Ryan Curry
Chapter 39: If you wanted to F*ck-
Chapter 40: Club
Chapter 41 : Never again
Chapter 42: Is mummy dying ?
Chapter 43: How it ends
Chapter 44 : He's not Stephen's , he's mine
Chapter 45: Surprise
Chapter 46: Let's get wasted
Chapter 47: Matthew's bad side
Chapter 48 : Stop
Chapter 49: Always wanted a son
Chapter 50: Bathroom. Now.
Chapter 51: His masterplan
Chapter 52: Good-bye Matthew

Chapter 25: 8 months

3K 111 21
By GreySkai

|| Riley's birthday ||

Three weeks past .
Stephen and I got in a fight, breaking up to Ayesha's amusement of course which lead me to take "vacation" and stay at Veronica's apartment.

*Flash back*

I carry the box of pizza inside following an over excited Riley and Sam. Since we took Riley from the after party at Dray's about two hours ago she's been excited about playing with Sam.

Veronica holds the door for me following me inside ,I rest the pizza on the counter looking around.
"It's a little bit to quiet ,don't you think?," she glance after the children who ran out back to the yard.
"Where's Wardell and Ayesha?" She ask.

I struggle about to head out back also but we hear movement upstairs.
Veronica and I look at each other for a split second , I could see the difference in our reactions. Veronica was obviously in rage while I was hurt / heart broken.
"Oh hell no!"
She grabs my arm dragging me up the stairs literally kicking open the door.

God I wish she just left me down stairs .... Don't cry Mya please don't .

Stephen scramble off Ayesha picking up his jersey quickly. Ayesha stays on the bed smirking topless.

I rip my hand out of Veronica's grip rushing down the stairs. I could hear Stephen coming after me and Veronica cursing at Ayesha.
"Mya ! Mya wait!," he calls after me.
I get to the kitchen getting my handbag but he catch me before I could exit.

"Mya!, stop I'm sorry!"He tries touch me .
I slap his hand away from me.

"Don't you dear touch me," I growled at him.
He signs looking down at the floor then back at me . It was as if he was trying to showing regret but to bad I've heard enough bullshit to know bullshit when I see bullshit.
"Listen I'm sorry I didn't-"
"Fuck you mean you didn't!! Stop lying do I even matter to you? Or am I a play thing,"I shout.

He open his mouth to say something but all the memories of hearing things about Ayesha and him was all true!! Even what Ayesha was telling me.
"How long!?"
"I don't know what -"
"HOW FUCKING LONG STEPHEN!!," tears slowly slipped out against my will.
"Since..," he looks away from me." Since after the court day,"

Oh my god.... So the hotel night ..when we. It was Ayesha he was on the phone with wasn't it?

"All this time ," I shake my head turning away from him.
He rest a hand on my shoulder making me move away.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to find out like this is just that I can't leave Ayesha now ,"He mumbles.

"Why?! Why is she so damn important !! Why is she so better than me!"
"It's not like that-"
"Aunty Mya where's mummy?" Sam ask cutting us off standing behind Stephen with Riley.

There was a scream upstairs and Veronica yelling "that's what u get you stupid Bitch!,"
Stephen takes off running upstairs probably to save his 'girl'.

"Sam go put on your shoes we're leaving," he nods his head running off.
Riley frowns.
"You and daddy fight again," she signs .
I squat in front her.
"Listen  Riley, your daddy loves your real mother and I'm just getting in the way so I'm gonna leave for a while a little vacation," I tell her hugging her close. "I'll come by for your birthday of course , I'll never miss your birthday but after the trip to Asia ....,"

She looks down pulling away knowing what I meant after .
"I have to go now ,I'm sorry Riley,"
Veronica comes running down the stairs.
"Come on let's get out of here , I twisted queen bitch weave !," she laughs

I laugh grabbing Sam hand guiding him out the front door .
"Bye Riley !" Sam waves.
Riley waves sadly in return.

Don't worry baby girl, I'm still legally your guardian I'll see you soon.

"And I'm taking the pizza!, and this snack!!" Veronica says putting three snacks on top the box then opening the fridge taking wine and grabbing up pepper jack cheese pack with her mouth quickly leaving the house

I start the car laughing way to hard waiting for her to get in and drive off quickly .
"She's gonna sue," I laugh
"She needs to 'sue' back in her weave ," she says opening a bag of Doritos.

* Current time *

The party starts in an hour , Sam and Veronica is still sleeping , damn lazy asses .
After Riley's birthday a couple of weeks after is the Asia trip , last job for Stephen then I'm gone off to university far away as possible from Ayesha.

By the time I finish bathing they woke. Veronica looking like she was sleep walking following Sam to the kitchen. Sam who looked very cheerful grinned at me. "Morning Aunty !, it's Riley's birthday!" He shouts making Veronica groan.

"Boy , if you don't stop screaming !-"she throws some cereal in his Hulk bout sitting on the stool.

She really isn't a morning person, not at all.

I laugh walking to my room which I occasionally share with Sam . Hmm what to wear.

After shuffling through my clothes for 3 minutes I got an outfit . Turquoise  crop tank top, white jeans and my black heels. I flat ironed my hair yesterday so I decided to leave it down today .

When I stepped out the room I spot Veronica combing back Sam hair slicking it down . I'm very surprised she's already showered and in a towel , Sam whom I'm even more surprised about was fully dressed.

When Veronica saw me her mouth dropped .
"You look hot!, damn way to make Steph hungry," I roll my eyes blushing at the compliment.

"Whatever , hurry and get dressed!"
She puts down the comb and give me a look that I knew was bad news.
"Well......I'm not going but Sam is he'll keep you-"
"Veronica please no, I can't do this-"
She walks over to me leaving sam to go to the kitchen.

"listen Mya," she puts a hand on my shoulder ."your gonna be fine " she removes it.
"Fuck Ayesha and Stephen , it's Riley's day forget them . Just slay on they ass . If anything you have me on speed dial ," she tells me taking up my phone from the coffee table where I left it .

I sign nodding holding my head higher. She's right ! It's Riley's day .
"Good !,hurry up and goooo your 20 minutes late!"

She says handing me my hand bag then shoving me towards the door .
"Sam!!, aunty is leaving !!"she screams making me winch.
She yells to much but she's the best friend anybody could wish for.

Bad thing is she can't stay in the U.S. Forever . She actually lives in Dubai, cool right?
Sam comes running full speed to me actually thinking I'd leave him . Believe me buddy I need you there more than you think .

I pick him up exiting the apartment, Veronica comes by the door waving at us as we walk down the hall to the stairs.
"Bye mama !"

After reaching the ground floor I put Sam down so I can get Veronica car keys out my handbag. Sam runs to the back door waiting for me to open the car.

When I do he gets in before I can help strapping himself in. I smile getting in the drivers seat.

After a minute I pull out the car park driving off ,20 minute drive to the house , this is the only time I have to get ready to see Stephen and Ayesha after 3 weeks.
"Hay buddy,"
I look at him through the review mirror , he looks away from the window and up at me.
"Yes aunty?"
"We have to pick up Riley's present okay?" He nods excited.

5 minutes later
We pulled into the pet store parking lot . I turn off the car reaching in the back to help Sam unbuckle himself knowing he can't .

He opens the door jumping out slamming it shut. I get out following him inside , he walks straight to the cage where they had the little puppy we got Riley while I find the owner of the store.

"Ahh, I came in early setting everything up with Dayah," the elderly man says coming around the counter with the cage ,collar and leach I bought for her.
"Thank you so much , "I thank him following slowly behind him as he made his way to the kennel where Dayah was in and Sam was kneeling by.

"Excuse me young man," he ask making Sam stand and move back next to me.
The man goes in and pick up the one puppy that Sam choose yesterday out of the maybe 13 others. 

He comes out putting the collar on her, Sam stares up at the puppy with love reaching out for her. The man puts the puppy in his arms watching say as he hugs her close.

I hope Sam remembers it's Riley's puppy not his. Veronica is gonna kill me if I come home with a dog for Sam.

We leave the store quickly after thanking the old man getting back on the road.

The curry's house came into view , I breath out trying to calm myself . It took me two minutes to find a park on the street.
I get out helping Sam out with the puppy, I leave the rest of what I bought in the car letting Sam hold her .
We enter the house hearing the music loudly from the back yard.
"Mya !," Sydel ran to me from the kitchen pulling me into a hug.
"Oh my gosh , I was so worried about you !,Stephen told me you left ," she signs." I don't give you wrong for leaving , Stephens an ass for not telling anybody,"
I nod slowly even though u had a gut feeling we weren't exactly on the same page .

She looks down at Sam and the puppy.
"Hello, I'm Sydel what's your name ?"
"Sam.." She blush looking down at Dayah shyly.
Sydel smiles looking back at me.
"Ayesha is gonna be mad about the puppy,"he says giggling.

I roll my eyes angrily.
"Well it isn't for her it's for Riley. "
She shakes her head knowing world war might commence.
"She hates you , you know?"
"Oh really I didn't realize ," I say sarcastically .

She laughs turning gesturing for us to follow her.
When we exit to the back yard there was about 40 people here, kids and adults.
I know at-least half , the other half I didn't know most likely is Ayesha's family and friends.

First person notice my presence was of course Stephen , Seth and Riley.
Riley screams stopping mid way of her 'nae nae' running to me with her hands open. Well at least I thought it was to me but when she ran straight into Sam hugging the life out of him and quashing the dog.

"Well I feel loved," I joke smiling.

It barks drawing Riley's attending her eyes widen and squeals.
"Oh my gosh a puppy!" She screams petting it .
"It's yours aunty Mya and I got it for you," he says handing it to her.

Riley smile up at me as a thank you before taking Sam's wrist pulling him over to her friends.

Before I could see who ,I was pulled into a hug. I knew their smell though. Seth. I hug back as we rock side to side slowly." I'm so glad you came !"

He mumbles into my hair, I smile quietly not replying not knowing if coming really was a good idea.

So far it was .

After Seth let go his parents came giving me a hug each.
"How are you Mya?"
"I'm fine ," I give them a very fake smile.
I'm getting really tired of being asked the same question over and over .

Ugh . Here comes Stephen and Ayesha.
Yay me right?
Ayesha stopped in front me with a disgusted look on her face.
"Well aren't you getting fat," she smirks looking me up and down.

I narrow my eyes at her but subconsciously looks down at my body. Yeah , I know I've put on a couple of pounds but was it that noticeable?
Mya are you really letting her get to you !? Sure way fatter than you anyway actually she's enormous at the moment .

"Should say the same to you , maybe you shouldn't eat any more of the birthday cake." I shot back .

She glares then smirks again."well, apart from you just stuffing your face because of most likely depression , I actually have a reason little girl ,"


"Enough both of you !, we're here to celebrate Riley not here to hear you two argue ," Stephen said calmly .

He offers a apologetic smile which I discreetly ignored. " when are you coming back to work Mya , it's been 3 weeks ," He asked causing Ayesha to shoot him a glare.

I look away from them finding something to look at once it wasn't them.
"I'll be working for the trip to Asia part time -"
"Part time?" He cut in confused.
"I have a contract to send tomorrow so you'll see ," I say and walk off to the section where all the kids were playing leaving Stephen stunned.

The wifes came along sitting with me close by the kids and we chat for a while. Mostly about their husbands and something about big news Ayesha had to announce.
To be honest I can careless about her stupid announcement. I want to leave as soon as Riley got her gift but can't hurt Sam like that.

I spot a guy sitting far from everyone else but closer to where the kids were. His eyes were on a little boy playing with Dray's son.
Seeing as he's not talking to anyone , I guess he doesn't know anyone and he's only here because of the kid.

He meets my eyes and sends me a kind smile. His eyes ....beautiful ....I know I said Wardell's eyes were beautiful but this -this guy's own was drawing me in.
Before I notice what I was doing I was up going over tho him.

He smiles sliding around gesturing for me to sit on the bench with him.
He puts out his hand to me.
I take his hand smiling back. "Mya,"

After we let go there was a brief silence.

"Blonde hair boy your son?" That accent....European! Oh meh Lort.

"Um... No ,no, my friend's son," he nods then answers the question before I even ask.
"The one in blue, he's my brother Elijah,"
As Matthew says his name he looks over at us waving.

He looks exactly like him just a mini version. He kind of has a look like Sam, the blonde hair blue eyes thing .

The music was turned off drawing all our attention.
"Can I have everyones attention please," Ayesha says on the mic.
Smarty pants, you kind of already did.

I stand looking over at Matthew."excuse me," before moving back to by the kids.

"I have exciting news for everybody ," she grins grabbing Stephen's hand calling Riley over next to them .

Sam comes to my side quickly taking my hand. Like he can sense my uneasiness.
"Stephen and I are having a baby !," she squeals .
Cheers erupt and everyone crowd around them except Matt ,Seth, Sydel , the children and some others I don't know.

Everything started spinning around me as it all sunk in , Pregnant? She's pregnant! God I need to vomit again .
"Yes,yes, I'm almost 8 months!"
Oh. My .god.
This entire time ! This fucking entire time .
"Come on sam we're leaving," I pick up Sam rushing to the back door.

"Oh Mya!, since your leaving take the mutt with you , no need for dogs around Stephen and i's baby." She smirks proudly . I look at Stephen seeing a guilty look on his face.
I pick up the puppy painfully ignoring Riley's cries rushing through the house to the front door.

"Stephen where are you going?" Ayesha call .
Shit, I jog to the car opening the back door putting Sam and Dayah in.
When I make my way around to get in , i see Stephen running out the front door towards the car.

I get in locking the door . He gets to my door trying to open it. "Mya open the door,"
He bangs on the window ."open the door Mya!"
Sam starts crying hugging the puppy who looked scared also.

I turn on the car driving off holding back the tears as he bangs on the window running behind us. He finally gives up watching us leave.

I look in the review mirror first seeing Stephen in the street then Matthew and his brother getting into a black car.

One more job Stephen and I'm out of your life . Promise you that .


I'm sorry I took so long to update but it's a long update . But AHHH guys where getting to the good part. Chapters I have written last year!

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