Unexpected - (a one direction...

By katreiff

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"Dear Journal,"... 7 year old Kati is leaving everything behind. She doesn't know why. Almost 10 years later... More

Unexpected - (a one direction fanfic)
Chapter 1- goodbye and what?!
Chapter 2- really?
Chapter 3- off we go
Chapter 4 -a new beginning
not a chapter
Chapter Five- forever in my memories
Chapter 6- L.A. baby!
Chapter 7- here i come
Chapter 8- happy as can be
Chapter 9- love
Chapter 10- and we're off!
Chapter 11- today is pah-fect
Chapter 12- first day
Chapter 13- hello
Chapter 14- It's really love
Chapter 16- plans
Chapter 17- the world knows
Chapter 18- surprise, surprise
Chapter 19- friends all over
Chapter 20- down hill...
Chapter 21- moving on... sorta
Chapter 22- it's him
Chapter 23- Hanging out
Chapter 24- finding out
Chapter 25- just a dream
Authors note
Chapter 26- the last

Chapter 15- Uh-oh

30 1 1
By katreiff

****2 weeks later****

***Wednesday, December 15th 2011. 11:00am California time***

Kati's POV:

Today is the day. I can't believe that in 3 hours, I'm going to be on Ellen DeGeneres! Claire and I can't hold in the excitement anymore!!!

"Ok, so we have our outfits, jewelry, make-up, shoes... what else?" Claire runs through the checklist. I out on 'thinking face'. Claire laughs and so do I.

"Haha! I think that's everything. Ready to go?" I ask with a smile. She nods excitedly and we walk outside and to the limo. Mrs. Helm is waiting for us. She kindly opens the door and we climb in.

On the way there, she talks to us about things to say a do and how much time we have to get ready. Claire and I nod in agreement and then clap rapidly. We are so ready!

We arrive at the studio 30 minutes later. We see a bunch of fans outside the gate. Once we step out, they all go mad! We laugh and walk over to the gate to take pictures and sign some autographs. Soon, Tom, our bodyguard, comes to get us to bring us inside. We only have about 1 and a half hours to get ready.

I go over to my stand and take out my loose ponytail. Becca, our stylist, comes over with a crimper. She slides it along a piece of and it comes out perfect! I smile and tell her to keep going.

She soon finishes off my hair and twists the sides back. She starts to do my make-up. She applies baby pink lip-gloss with silver-blue eye shadow. While Becca does all of this, Claire does my nails. It's a cool neon tribal pattern.

They both soon finish up. I hop out of the chair then Claire sits down. Becca starts to work on Claire and I go to the back room to change. I pull on this beautiful teal blue lace dress with and open back and a high front. Instead of wearing heels, I tie up my black Converse.{picture on my twitter: @zayngels63}

I come out and sprint over to my bag to find my white watch with matching bracelets and a gold feather ring. I put on a gold cross necklace. I apply one last coat of lip-gloss and make my way over to Becca. We talk for a while until Claire came out wearing a white lace bralette, tucked into a teal blue skirt. She's wearing white Keds and has her nails pink and black and white and.... It's pretty awesome! Her lips are done perfectly and she got red highlights in her hairs. She has a black dragon bracelet with teal flower earrings, a teal ring, a silver cross ring, and an infinity diamond necklace. I am SO jealous! {picture on my twitter: @zayngels63}

"Alright girls! On in 2 minutes!" one of the cameramen says. My heart started to pound really fast. The nerves are now getting to me. After 30 seconds past, I feel normal.

"Alright, here with me are the 2 new actresses for the new show Sam and Cat! Please welcome Claire Marcel and Kati Wence!" I hear Ellen say. I guess that's our queue to go. We walk down the steps and over to the couch. They audience is going crazy. I love it! Ellen gives each of us hugs. Twenty seconds of cheering go by and now I can hear myself think.

Ellen: How are you girls?

Claire and I: Good!

Claire: I can't believe that we are actually here! We made it!

The fans went wild again.

Ellen: That's fantastic! So tell us a little bit about yourselves.

Claire: I'll start. Hi! I'm Claire Marcel, I'm 18 and from Texas, I live, or lived, with my mom, dad, and younger sister, Vanessa. And yeah!

Ellen: What about you Kati?

Me: Well, I'm Kati Wence, I'm 18 and from Cheshire in the U.K. I moved to Missouri when I was 7. I live with my dad, my 31 year old brother, Alex. My 27 year old brother Max. My twin older brother and sister, Ashley and Ashton. Both 21. My twin brother Shawn, but he is... well I honestly don't know. And my younger brother Zach who's 14 and youngest sister Khloe who's 6.

Ellen: Wow! That's a large family. No mother?

I clear my throat.

Me: Actually, my mom died when I was only 8. It's been hard but my dad is getting married soon and she is lovely.

Ellen: Who is he marrying?

Me: Oh, ummmmm... her name is Jenny. She also has a 33 year old son.

Ellen: That name sounds familiar.

I blush a lottle. That's a little, but a lot.

Me: Oh really?

Ellen: Yeah. Is her son's name Channing?

She raises an eyebrow. I can hear Claire giggling.

Me: Yes, actually. My soon to be stepbrother is THE Channing Tatum.

The crowd goes crazy. Now the nation knows who my stepbrother is going to be.

Ellen: Oh that's amazing!

We all laugh.

We talk for the whole time. Everybody laughs at some parts. But I sure did get quiet as soon as Ellen asked me the ONE question I was trying to avoid.

Ellen: So back to Kati. Where are you from in Cheshire?

I just simply answer. Me: Holmes Chapel.

This can't be going in the right direction. I take in deep breaths to calm myself.

Ellen: You know, there is someone else famous that is from Holmes Chapel.

I gulp. Oh please do not ask this question. I don't want to answer it. Me: Oh really? Who?


Ellen: Well, he's in One Direction. He's quit the cheeky boy.

Claire: I know!

She says raising her arm. Claire: Harry Styles.

I start to blush. I just nod and play blonde. Me: Oh yeah! Him.

Ellen: Oh yeah... him.

She says mocking me. The audience laughs. Ellen: Do you know him?

Me: Honestly, yes.

The crowd goes INSANE!!! I just sit there with my legs crossed. Ok. This is awkward.

Ellen: Really? How?

Me: Ok. The truth is, is that him and I were best friends for our whole life. Ever since we were 5 months. We would see each other everyday. I trusted him with my life. When I moved, things fell apart. My mom died and that was the only way I could communicate with him. I lost all connection about 10 years ago. It's been rough but I'm getting over it.

Ellen: Oh, I'm so sorry. Do you miss him?

Me: Yes. I do. Not as much as I did when I first moved, but a piece of me still wants to see him. But I just remind myself that I know that he most likely doesn't remember me. But I sure as hell remember him. He's on the cover of every magazine. It's crazy! What gets me through the day is that I know I'm just another face in the crowd to him. That's all I'll ever be to him.

Ellen: Do you still love him?

Me: Yes. As a brother though. A part of me misses and loves him very much. I just can't let it go that easily.

Ellen: Thank you for sharing that with us.

We all talk some more then it all ended. The show is over. It was sad. And now my Harry Styles story is all over the YouTube, probably. I am a little shaky put quickly come over it. I change back into my yoga pants with my sweater and throw my hair into a bun. Ok. It's over.

We step out of the building and go to the car. The fans are even crazier then before. They probably heard the Harry story. I just wave shyly and slid into the car. Claire began to talk.

"That was amazing. You just completely opened up about him. I'm so proud of you." She hugs me tightly and turns on her phone. I do the same and log onto Twitter. I go to my feed. HOLY SHITBALLS! I can't believe it. 76,952 new followers. I gasp so loud. Claire looks on my screen and gasps too. I can't help but smile. I sent out a new tweet.

Thanks for everyone who has followed me! I know about my interview when I talked about Harry Styles today but I am begging you. Do NOT tag me in anything or tell Harry! Thank you! Love you all<3 Xx- Kati

I sent out the tweet and it seems that everyone listened. No one mentioned me in ANYTHING! Thank you god!

The limo drops me off at home. Devin greets me at the door with big hug and kiss.

"Hey babe! Watched you on Ellen. You did great. And were you really friends with Harry Styles?" He asks, raising one eyebrow. I just nod. I walk over and sit on the couch. "Really? That's awesome! You know, you should really try to talk to him ag-" I cut him off.

"Devin, I love you and all, but I really don't want to talk about him. It's been forever." I say and throw my head back. He mumbles an 'ok.' I peck him on the cheek. And turn the T.V.

"I'll make you some tea." I nod with a smile. My cuddle buddy gets up and goes to the kitchen. Am I glad to have him or what?

I check my phone and have a new text. It's from Channing.

Chan-a-Fran: Hey sweetheart. I guess it's official!

Me: Yeah. R u mad?

Chan-a-Fran: Not at all! They were going to find out sooner or later:)

Me: Haha yeah! Well Devin just got back with me tea.

Chan-a-Fran: Uh-oh. Tea before 5? What's wrong?

Me: It's this whole Harry fiasco. I don't want him 2 find me. I'm trying real hard 2 forget bout him

Chan-a-Fran: Well, let it be. If he finds out, then it's meant to be that way. It's not too bad. U love and miss him! It's ok to admit it.

Me: Ok! I admit! I miss him so so SO much! I just want one last hug

Chan-a-Fran: Babe, it's ok! I'm sure he feels the same. Listen I gtg so ttyl

Me: Stop trying to act young. Bye

With that, I ended the conversation. Devin comes back with a plate. It contains of Oreo's and 2 Advil. He knows me! I quickly swallow the Advil and munch on my cookies. I hear the teapot whistling and Devin pours the tea in my special mug and puts in my green tea bag. He comes back and sits down next to me.

"Movie?" He asks. I nod. "Ok. Which one? There's The Little Mermaid, Austin Powers, Ace Ventura, or 21 Jump Street?" With out even processing it, I shouted the last movie choice. It's weird to see Channing act, but he's amazing! Devin slides the disc into the DVD player and hits the triangle button. This is how we always spend our stressful days. I like it!

****5 days later****

***Tuesday, November 30th 2011. 8:00pm U.K. time***

Harry's POV:

The boys and I are now arriving to the studio. We are currently talking about Riley Rex. Niall just keeps repeating 'I love her' or 'she's sexy'. What a crazy lad!

"Alright boys. Go on in. You have 1 hour to get ready. Hurry!" Paul instructs us. We all squeal like little girls and get out. We run inside with Lou, the stylist, hot on our trail.

Once we get in, we go to our chairs. Lou has hired some girls to help her out. So Louis got Emma, Liam got Gabrielle, Niall got Rachel, {no prob ray!}. And by the looks of it, he's going to be all flirtatious with her. That bum! Anyways, I got molly, and Zayn got Lou. The only reason why he got her was because he won't let anyone, and I mean ANYONE, touch his quiff thingy. He's crazy!

We all get dressed first. I slid on a white V-neck with khaki trousers and white converse. I go to my 'station' and Molly starts doing my hair. I see the boys one by one come out, all fully dressed. Praise the lord! Liam is wearing a maroon and white plaid button up, long sleeve shirt with dark grey trousers and white converse, Zayn wearing a black t-shirt with dark red trousers and black high-tops, Louis wearing a crème and dark dark dark red stripped shirt, khaki's as well, and white Ked's, and Niall wearing a dark red shirt with a crème sweater, brownish greyish looking trousers, and dirty white high-tops. {picture on my twitter: @zayngels63}

All of the boys hop up onto their chairs and their girls begin.

Within 5 minutes, we are all finished and pretty.

"Alright boys, on in 40 seconds" the camera girl came to the back to get us. That's when the nerves kicked into my system. I started to shake. Calm down Harry. It's like all of the other interviews. Breathe. Hey! It worked! I took one final deep breath and then I heard Riley announce our names and following that were screams. Here we go!

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