Off to Neverland

By MP13Girl

4.9M 121K 44.2K

Ivy is a poor, misunderstood girl who isn't afraid to stick up for herself. The Lost Boys are four wealthy bo... More

Off to Neverland (1)
Off to Neverland (2)
Off to Neverland (3)
Off to Neverland (4)
Off to Neverland (5)
Off to Neverland (6)
Off to Neverland (7)
Off to Neverland (8)
Off to Neverland (9)
Off to Neverland (10)
Off to Neverland (11)
Off to Neverland (12)
Off to Neverland (13)
Off to Neverland (15)
Off to Neverland (16)
Off to Neverland (17)
Off to Neverland (18)
Off to Neverland (19)
Off to Neverland (20)
Off to Neverland (21)
Off to Neverland (22)
Off to Neverland (23)
Off to Neverland (24)
Off to Neverland (25)
Off to Neverland (26)
Off to Neverland (27)
Off to Neverland (28)
Off to Neverland (29)
Off to Neverland (30)
Off to Neverland (31)
Off to Neverland (32)
Off to Neverland (33)
Off to Neverland (34)
Off to Neverland (35)
Off to Neverland (36)
Off to Neverland (37)
Off to Neverland (38)
Off to Neverland (39)
Off to Neverland (40)
Off to Neverland (41)
Off to Neverland (42)
Off to Neverland (43)
Off to Neverland (44)
Off to Neverland (45)
Off to Neverland (46)
Off to Neverland (47)
Off to Neverland (48)
Off to Neverland (49)
Off to Neverland (50)
Off to Neverland (51)
Off to Neverland (52)
Off to Neverland (53)
Off to Neverland (54)
Off to Neverland (Epilogue)

Off to Neverland (14)

91.5K 2.2K 1K
By MP13Girl

"The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake!" I heard someone sing from one of the rooms across the call from Chloe's and mine. I couldn't help but make a face at the sound of their voice. I didn't want to be rude, but I was sure that they were not going to get into the play...

"Who is this girl I see... staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know?" I heard another awful voice sing Reflection now, cutting whoever had been singing Under the Sea before off, and I had to bite down on my lip to stop myself from saying anything. Ever since the word had come out that the play was coming soon, almost everyone was singing a Disney song pretty much wherever I went in the school.

I was excited, sure, but I wasn't singing like everyone else was. I would interrupt Chloe while she was singing just to annoy her, but she always thought that it was funny when I did it. But honestly, she was the only one I had heard so far that was actually a good singer. Jack was good as well, but I had only heard him sing that one line when he had cut me off...

Did rich kids just suck at singing? That seemed to be the case for the kids at this school. Everyone seemed to excited for the play, but not many people were very good at all. I really did hope that Courtney's voice was at least a little bit good so I wouldn't die before the play ended.

Personally, I hoped that the play would be The Little Mermaid, but I highly doubted that it was going to be that since there were mermaids in it for at least half of it. And since walking with a tail wasn't the easiest thing to do, I was sure that The Little Mermaid was out of the question.

Aladdin was also out because that was the play that they had done the year before. Chloe had told me that Courtney had played Jasmine, Jack played Aladdin, and then she played the Genie. That would have been fun to perform, but I guess I was a year late...

"Poor unfortunate souls!" Chloe sang as she pranced around the room, continuing to get dressed for the school day ahead of us. "So sad, so true!"

"This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl, and do I help them? Yes indeed!" I sang out, cutting her off just to annoy her. She had been singing practically every Disney song just like every other person in the school, and I would interrupt her and cut her off whenever I had the chance.

Chloe stuck her tongue out at me, obviously amused at what I had done. She couldn't wait until we found out what the play was, and neither could I. Even if there was no way we could get the main role because of Courtney, I still thought the play would be fun.

I was hoping that by the end of this, I wasn't going to hate Disney songs. It had only been a few days since the news about the play had come out, and already I was starting to twitch when I heard people singing. But maybe that was because everyone's voice was so awful...

"Come on, Chloe!" I called through the bathroom door after she continued on singing for fifteen minutes straight, waiting for her to hurry it up so we could finally go to class. I never liked being late, but I didn't know about Chloe. "We're going to be late if we don't leave right there!"

"Just go by yourself!" she responded back to me through the door, practically singing it with a tune that I wasn't familiar with. "I'm not going to be done for another five minutes! Sorry!"

She was probably so late because she would just stand in the bathroom and sing... Because apparently there was a nice echo in the bathroom that made her voice sound ten times better. I was going to tell her that there was no point in singing in there since she wasn't going to be auditioning in the bathroom, but she wasn't listening when I tried to tell her.

I rolled my eyes at her, grumbling my response before turning away from the bathroom door and making my way out of the front door. I definitely didn't want to be late, but I knew that Chloe didn't care at all. Mr. Forbes usually didn't care when we were late, but I didn't want to get caught in the halls by any other teacher.

I was able to get to class a few minutes before the bell rang, and I couldn't help but make a face when I remembered how Courtney had to sit right in front of me. She usually only looked behind her shoulder to give me a snide look, but sometimes she would make fun of what I was wearing at day if she didn't like it.

And since I was wearing the scarf that Henry had knitted me, I knew she was going to make a comment.

But honestly, that was what I wanted.

Chloe scampered in about a minute before the bell rang, breathing heavily as she collapsed into her desk next to me. I smirked at her, but that only caused her to glare at me while she breathed in and out, trying to regulate her breathing.

Courtney and her friends sauntered right in a second before the bell rang, just like they always did. But even if they came inside a half an hour late, Mr. Forbes wasn't going to do anything about it. Because not only did he not care, but since they were close with The Lost Boys, he wasn't going to mess with them.

"Ugh, not that ugly scarf again," Courtney commented as she took her seat in front of me. "Will you just take it off and burn it already?"

Everyone else who had seen the scarf that I was wearing said that they loved it. Courtney was the only person that said she didn't like it, and I knew it was because she just wanted to get to me. I just didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't working...

I ignored her, listening to whatever Mr. Forbes was saying. I knew that this was exactly what I was going to have to do when I went to my next period right after, since Eli sat right next to me there.

"Are you listening to me?" she scowled, waving her hand in front of my face now. "Hello?"

"I'd like to listen to what the teacher is saying and learn, thank you very much," I almost snapped at her, leaning to the right a little to try to see what Mr. Forbes was writing on the board. If Courtney didn't have such a big head, I would have been able to see...

Courtney continued to scowl at me, now looking down at the butterfly necklace that hid under the scarf. I knew she didn't like that either, but I couldn't have cared less about what Courtney thought about me or what I wore.

"You should burn that necklace first," she sneered before finally turning back around toward the front of the room.

A pang of fury shot through my body, annoyed when she had mentioned my mother's necklace. Even if she knew how important the necklace was, or the story behind it, she wouldn't have cared one bit. Her mother was still alive, and she was rich and always got everything she wanted.

The class went by quickly after that, and Courtney didn't turn around to make fun of me anymore. I trudged all the way to my next period with Chloe, not in the mood to deal with Eli. I was really never in the mood to deal with him, but today I just didn't want to speak to him.

"Why, hello," he smirked as I sat next to him. I didn't even acknowledge him; I only looked over at Chloe as she continued to sit across the room from me. I then looked over at the empty seat behind her, wishing that I could have sat there.

Why did I have to be seated next to this moron? Why did Mr. Pars have to sit me next to him? It was ridiculous! Why would he seat the new girl next to the scariest boy in the entire school when there was a free seat right behind my roommate?

"Are you ignoring me?" Eli now asked, his grin growing as he leaned closer to me. I fought the urge to make a face at him, leaning away just a little so I wouldn't be so close to him. I was going to kill Mr. Pars for putting me here... "You're hurting my feelings, Ivy."

I wanted snap at him so badly, but stopped myself from doing so. If Mr. Pars would just start the class already, I wouldn't have had to deal with him for much longer...

"You're really not going to talk to me? Even though you made up with Jack?" Eli continued on smirking.

"Just because I made up with Jack doesn't mean I made up with you," I snapped, not even meaning to do so. I inwardly slapped myself in the face, not believing that I had just talked to him after I said that I wasn't going to. This wasn't even the first time that I did this! I just had to show Eli that I wasn't afraid of him...

His smirk only grew as he continued to watch me like he always did. "I knew you'd talk to me if I kept on talking to you. You're so predictable, Ivy."

I glowered at him, hating him even more and more as the seconds ticked by. I'd never understand his stupid fascination with me. It wasn't fair how he was picking on me, and yet I never saw him making sun of someone else, even though everyone said how he made fun of people and got in fights all the time...

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing today?"

I had gotten used to the loud booming voice every day, even though I didn't respond like everyone else. Eli didn't respond either, because I knew he thought that he was too cool for something like this. I just didn't like yelling this early in the morning.

"Good!" the class chimed, but I only let out a breath and sunk down in my seat a little.

"We actually have a knew student today!" Mr. Pars began happily, walking over to his desk and picking up a piece of paper. "His name is Simon Reynolds!"

I almost started choking on my own saliva after Mr. Pars had said that. Simon? Was he talking about my best friend Simon? What was he doing here as a new student?

I finally looked up to the front of the room to see the last person I was expecting to see at Neverland Academy. Simon was actually there! How did he manage to get into the school? He wasn't rich! He did have more money than I did, but he still wasn't anywhere near as rich as the kids who went here!

Our eyes locked, and he smiled at me. All I could do was stare at him in shock, but I manage to force a smile on my face anyway. I was happy that he was here, but I was even more confused. What was he doing here?

"You can sit behind Chloe, Simon," Mr. Pars smiled at him, gesturing over toward Chloe. I couldn't help but make a face, since that was the seat that I wanted to sit in. "She can help you with the things that we're learning."

Simon nodded at our teacher before walking toward the seat that he was assigned to. I felt jealous, since I was stuck all the way across the room with the most feared boy in the school. This wasn't fair! My only two friends were all the way across the room!

I glanced over at Eli to see that he was no longer looking at me, which surprised me a lot. Every single day, he watched me in class instead of Mr. Pars. But now, he was sitting straight forward, his eyebrows furrowed as he watched Mr. Pars begin the lesson.

Now what the hell was his problem?

Honestly, I didn't even care. Because as long as he didn't talk to me, I was perfectly fine.

The class went by even quicker than my first period had, and Eli didn't speak to me at all. When the bell rang, I quickly jumped up from my seat and made a beeline toward Simon.

Wrapping my arms around his shoulders in a hug, I asked him, "What the heck are you doing here?"

"School was boring without you," he shrugged, as if it was no big deal at all. But it was definitely a big deal! He entered the school just because the school was boring without me? How did he even manage to get in here? I wasn't going to ask him just yet, because I already knew that he wasn't going to answer if I asked him. That was just the kind of guy that Simon was.

"Well, I'm sure you'll love this school," Chloe assured him with that bright smile of hers on her face. "It's the best school ever! But... that doesn't mean that it has the best kids ever..."

Simon blinked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Remember the boys that we ran into at the mall a while ago? And the girls that were with them?" I asked, taking Simon's schedule that he was now handing out for me. "When we were with Terra and Henry?"

Simon nodded at me, the look on his face changing just a little at the mention of The Lost Boys and their followers. "Yeah, I remember."

Chloe went into detail of how The Lost Boys were horrible, much like she had when I had first met her. I used this time to look through Simon's classes to see that he was in every single one of mine except for my first and third period, but he was right next door during third period. I was still happy about though, because I only had one class with Simon at our old high school...

Chloe continued to inform Simon about The Lost Boys as we made our ways to our different third periods. Since he was right next door, it would be easy to find him later.

Third period seemed to go by like a blur, especially since I had Jack in there with me and we weren't dissecting frogs. I was actually kind of sad when the class ended...

"Hey, do you want to eat lunch with me?" Jack asked as we packed up right before the bell rang. "We wouldn't sit with my friends though, of course. We could sit under that slide, if you want."

"Oh..." I blinked, wishing that I could have. If it wasn't for Simon, I totally would have sat at lunch with him. Having lunch alone sounded like such a fun thing to do... I would have loved to sit with him. "I would love to, but I'm busy today during lunch. Sorry."

"It's fine," Jack smiled, waving a hand to show me that it wasn't a big deal at all. "I understand. How about tomorrow? Are you busy tomorrow?"

"No," I laughed quietly. "I'm not busy during lunch tomorrow. I'd love to sit with you! It sounds like a lot of fun."

Jack continued to smile. Boy, did I love that smile... I loved it almost as much as I loved his accent. His accent just made his voice ten times hotter... If that was even possible.

No, that was possible. He couldn't have gotten any hotter.

The rest of our classes seemed to go by like a blur, and now it was finally lunch. I felt kind of guilty for not taking up Jack's offer. Even if we were going to eat lunch the next day... But what was Simon going to do during that time? I guessed that he could have just sat with Chloe and Stephanie...

Oh, man. Why did he have to come today? Couldn't he have come the next day so I could eat lunch with Jack today? I loved Simon and everything, and he had been my best friend since we were little, but I really wanted my relationship with Jack to grow!

Ew, I sounded like such a girl. Sure, I was one, but I hadn't ever acted this way ever. I'd never wanted to be this close to a guy before, not even Henry...

Man, this feeling was still way too weird for me.

Chloe and I usually sat with Stephanie, the girl that had took me to Headmistress Bistro's office on the first day, but it seemed like it was going to be a very different type of lunch as Simon, Chloe, and I passed by The Lost Boys' table to meet Stephanie at our usual table.

"Hi there, Ivy!" a voice called me out, and I couldn't help but glare as I turned to Eli as he waved obnoxiously at me. That guy was going to be the death of me... He got all three of our attentions, but I knew that that was what he wanted. "How about you sit with us today, Ive?"

My eyes narrowed at him, my grip on my tray tightening. "No thanks."

Eli glanced at Simon for a moment before smirking. "Oh, yeah... Your boyfriend goes here now."

He made sure to look at Jack as he said this, and this also caused me to glare at him even harder. I had told Jack that Simon wasn't really my boyfriend, but since Jack and I weren't really going out or anything, he might have thought that Simon and I had started going out or something...

Jack's eyebrows furrowed, and I didn't know what I was supposed to say. I mean, I had already told everyone else that I was going out with Simon, and Simon thought that they all thought that we were going out. So I didn't want to confuse him even more... But what about Jack? I had gotten so angry at him for being a player, and yet what was I doing right then? Pretty much going out with two boys...

Even though I wasn't going out with either of them...

Before I could say anything to deny this, Courtney cut me off. "I can't believe that someone like him is going out someone like him."

I rolled my eyes at her, turning away and wrapping my arm around Simon's before starting off toward the table Stephanie was sitting at, Chloe following right after us.

Stephanie's eyes went wide when she saw us coming up to her with Simon. I couldn't remember a time when I had seen her even talk to a boy, and I knew that she was really shy, so I could tell that she had no idea what she was supposed to do in this situation.

"Stephanie, this is my best friend Simon," I introduced once the three of us sat down. "Today's his first day here at Neverland. He'll be in one of our classes."

"Ooh," Stephanie replied with a nod, her cheeks turning red as she did so. "That's cool."

Simon smiled at her, obviously flattered at how embarrassed she was getting over him. I only rolled my eyes, not really surprised by any of it at all. Stephanie was shy around every guy she came into contact with, but I couldn't help but notice how this was a little different. Normally her blush was pink and not red...

I found myself smiling a little when I started to think about it a little. Stephanie and Simon together would actually be really cute... The two S's! Aw, how cute did that sound?

I was also starting to realize how Neverland Academy was kind of starting to change me. When I went to the school that all my poor friends went to, I didn't care about who was dating or anything. But now, as I was sitting here watching Simon and Stephanie, I couldn't help but gush over them in my mind.

As if reading my mind, Chloe smirked at me. I knew she knew exactly what I was thinking, but I really didn't care if she knew... As long as Simon and Stephanie didn't know, I didn't care very much at all.

When the bell rang to end lunch, the four of us got up to go to our next class. I put my tray away and turned around, immediately running into someone before I could even see who it was. I looked up in shock, my eyes widening when I saw that it was Jack.

"S--sorry!" I stuttered, stepping away from him quickly. Why was I being so nervous around him? Oh, because I was sure that he thought I was blowing him off for my supposed boyfriend!

Jack smiled down at me, but when he glanced at Simon I could see that the look in his eye changed. He then turned back toward me and continued on smiling. "No problem."

He then turned around, walking back toward his friends who were waiting for him. Simon was glaring, and so was Chloe. Stephanie continued to stay quiet behind us, but I wasn't really surprised by that.

"You're stupid for liking him," Chloe sighed, walking passed me on our way to our next period. "I'll never understand what you see in him."

"He's different than you think he is," I called after her, still not moving from the spot that I was standing in. Simon continued to stand next to me, silent and almost brooding, and I knew that Stephanie had already gone off to her next class so she wouldn't be late. She hated being late even more than I did...

"Is he really?" Chloe inquired, turning around and walking backward now. "You didn't grow up with him. I was right about him being a player, wasn't I? Do you really know him like you think you do?"

I didn't answer, but Simon and I continued after her. If she didn't see it, then I guessed that that was okay. Since she was his cousin, I didn't think that she should have seen the same thing that I did. If she did, that would have actually been kind of creepy...

But I did know the real Jack. He had told me his secrets, and I had told him mine. Even though he had been a player, I knew that he was different now. He wasn't going to go after anymore girls because he had me now... And he said that I was different.

Why would he say that I was different unless he really liked me? Unless he was calling me different as an insult, I knew that I had changed him for the better. He wasn't going to go off and do anything else with another girl... He wasn't like that anymore.

I sounded like I was in denial. I wasn't in denial... I knew that Jack had changed.

Oh, man. I was in denial!

Chloe was starting to freak me out now. I knew that she just wanted to help me, and I knew she was looking out for me, but it just made me feel horrible. I didn't want to think about Jack being with other girls after what he had said to me...

He wasn't going to do anything with other girls because he had me...



I have Disneyland on Friday. :D I won't be uploading until after Sunday because that's when I get back and I'm going to have a ton of homework since I was out of school all week for being sick. >.<

I hate school.

Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! :)

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