The Truth About Teachers

By TheTruthAboutThem464

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The story revealing the truth about life. -------------- Life isn't always what you expect it to be. It isn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Competition Winner
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

48 5 2
By TheTruthAboutThem464

Austin POV

As we entered MacDonalds, which I now know is her favourite restaurant I should make a note of that-

Already did.

Shut up. Let me focus on her for once.
Anyway, as I was saying, as we entered McDonald's Liz stopped halfway between the entrance and the counter. I was gonna ask her why but then I noticed she was looking at something and was about to cry. I looked at the direction she was looking at. I saw Sam at a table with some brown-haired dude. Then Liz started walking over there. I had no idea what was going on but I didn't want to be annoying so I just casually followed her.

"What's going on?!" she screamed. Ohh I think that's her husband.

Well done Sherlock(!)

Well how was I meant to know?!?!


Don't answer that!

"Liz! I swear it isn't what it looks like!" the dude, who i guessed was her husband, protested.

"Really?! 'Cause it looks like my husband is cheating on me with my best friend." she almost yelled. I felt really awkward. I think half of McDonald's was looking at us.

"No we're not going out. It was just a friendly meet up. Alec called me and said that he had some work to do so we couldn't go out tonight and I bumped into Alex on the way here and we decided to get something to eat. As friends." Sam clarified. Again totally awkward.

"Really?!" Liz screamed.

"Yes!" Alex defended.

"Ok. I believe you guys. I'm sorry for doubting you," she apologized. Wow I didn't think she was going to buy that. Even I didn't. Like seriously they were clearly lying.

You just think that 'cause you love her.

Do you ever shut up?!


And do you know what a rhetorical question is?

Better than you do-

Thank you for proving my point. That shut up the stupid voice in my head.

I'm not as stupid as you.

What did I say?!

"It's ok. What are you doing here with..." Alex asked.

"Oh this is Austin. He's a new teacher," Liz said.

"Right, ok," Alex said and I shook hands with him. Wait so two lame apologies and she forgives them. I mean come on. They weren't even apologies.

"So, yeah ummm do you want to get a table or-" I asked, seriously awkwardly.

"Yeah sure," Liz interrupted me before it could get anymore awkward. Thank you. "So sorry about that all three of you," she apologised. Can't she see that Sam and Alex should be apologising to her.

Liz chose a table a little far away from Sam and Alex but still within earshot. Good she understood something was going on. And also I could punch Alex in the face and... where the sun don't shine. And also b!tch slap Sam if I needed to. Wait can guys b!tch slap?!

Yes! Now stop being so bloody sexist.

Oh ok. Wait! Sam was a girl I couldn't harm a girl.

Yes you couldn't now just enjoy the rest of your date with Liz.

It's not a date. She's married.

Whatever. Just enjoy the fact that you can be with her.

You're right I should.

Well of course I'm right.

Wait! Are you the reason I'm so cocky?

Maybe now back to Liz!

I knew it.

"So what do you want I'll go order?" I asked.

"Umm a chicken legend make it a meal with a Caramel Iced Frappé." She was getting her purse out.

"Nah don't worry. It's on me," I assured her.

"Seriously Austin. I can pay for my own meal."

"I'll think about it." I rushed off.

Minutes later she was about to give me £7.50.
"Too late," I smirked, "I already paid."

"I can afford my own food you know."

"I know but today it's on me."

The rest of the night flew past pretty quickly.

I couldn't help but think about the fact that Sam was cheating on my brother with her best friend's husband who was Liz!!! I mean seriously! I've been in relationships where things didn't work out- not my fault that just weren't ready-

You just keep telling yourself that.

I didn't want to have another argument with my brain today so I just ignored it.

Anyway like I said I've been in relationships where things didn't work out but nothing was as twisted as this.


The next morning at school, well work, well both, yeah both, I decided to talk to someone about this. And who better to talk to than Dean and Daniel.

"So what happened last night?!" Dean asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dude shut up she's married," I reasoned.

"Still that doesn't mean anything!" Daniel laughed.

"Yeah come on guys I wouldn't sink that low. But-"

"But what?" they both chuckled.

"Ok guys this is serious. I haven't told anyone about this. Basically we went to MacDonalds-"

"MacDonalds was the best you could think of?!" Dean asked annoyed.

"Seriously mate?!" Daniel was kinda annoyed too.

"For your information it's her favourite. Now can I carry on with my story?" They both nodded in approval. "Thank you and no interruptions. So we went in and saw Sam and Alex-"

"Wait!" Daniel almost shouted.

"Liz's husband Alex?!" Dean finished off.

"Yeah now don't interrupt again. So then she looked like she was about to cry but at the moment I had no idea what was going on and she started walking over to them so I just followed her. Then Sam and Alex protested and said that they weren't on a date. And you know what the worst part is?! She freaking believed them! Then she introduced me to Alex and the rest of it was pretty normal or as normal as it can be when I'm involved."

"Woah!" was the only thing I think Daniel could get out of his mouth.

"Told you Sam was trouble!" Dean had a smug look on his face.

"Really now?!" I said, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry. Anyway I'll keep an eye on them," he reassured me.

"Yeah me too," Daniel said.

"Thanks guys." These were literally the most awesome best mates ever.

The rest of the day was a blur to be honest. Wow I just realised. A whole day without an angument with my brain! A whole day!

It hasn't been a whole day yet.

I was happy for a second then.

Too bad. I'm back.


I'm your subconscious. You can't get rid of me.

Says who.

Says me who is technically you.

Since when do I listen to myself. You know what forget it.


Elizabeth POV

It's been a week since I ran into Sam and Alex in MacDonalds. I hadn't really talked the much to either of them to be honest since then. Hell even before that incident I barely talked to them. Sam was always with Alec and Alex was at work most of the time. Well, that's what they told me. I am not sure if it's true anymore.

I felt as if there was something wrong with our relationship now. Not exactly something wrong but something not right. If that makes any sense.

It doesn't.

Like you make any sense.

I do actually.

Shut up.

Don't tell me to shut up.

Why do I always have to get in an agrument with you?!

I don't know, you just do.

I'm so glad you're not a person. You would be that really annoying one who just shrugs their shoulders innocently, right?

I already am a person. YOU!

What?! You know what forget it.

So yeah like I was saying I feel as if something's changed. I don't know if it's good or not though. It's not like I didn't love him. I still loved him. And it's not like the spark had gone. No the spark was still there. I still loved him and the spark was still there. But where there still fireworks? I had to figure that out. I had just got home and was about to walk into our bedroom when I saw...

"OH MY F***CKING GOD!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!" I screamed.

"LIZ?!" Alex asked in disbelief, "What are you doing here?"


"Yeah but I thought you didn't come back till later today," he argued.


My husband shirtless on our bed with my best friend, making out. Yes this is actually happening in my life right now!!!!

"WELL?!?!" I signalled to both of them to hurry the hell up with their explanation. Not even my husband's abs could get him out of this one.

"Look we can explain," Sam spoke softly. How could she be so calm. She, the woman I used to call my best friend, was making out with my husband under my roof!!!

"YOU KNOW WHAT?! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!!" And with that I stormed out.

I had no idea what to do. I knew that Adelina just got back from the Spanish trip and was tired and I didn't want to make her spend her first day back in the land of rain listening to me rant. She probably wouldn't mind though. Nah, I don't want to trouble her. Then I remembered I had Austin's number.

I quickly took my phone out and tapped his contact immediately. He picked up after three rings.

"Hey Liz what's up?" he asked.

"Umm nothing much can I ask you for a favour?"

"Wait are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine but-"

"You don't sound ok. Wait there I'll be over in ten," he said then hung up. I guess I could talk to him about this. Hell maybe he'll let me stay with him for a while. Nah he wouldn't let me do that. I waited for him outside.

He got here in ten minutes like he said.
"Oh my god! Liz come on let's talk about this inside," he got out of his car and was about to take me inside with him. He wiped the tears off my face with his thumbs. I didn't even notice I was crying.

"Actually, can we talk somewhere else?" I asked hoping he would understand.

"Sure we can go to my place." He walked 'round the car and opened up the passenger door. He was such a gentleman. "So what happened?" I started sniffling again involuntarily. "I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," he quickly apologised.

Austin POV

She stayed quiet the whole ride, sure it was only ten minutes but it felt like forever. I didn't know what happened but I have a feeling it was to do with Alex and Sam.

Once we got back to my house I made some tea for her and sat next to her on the sofa.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked almost shaking.

"Yeah sure."

Then she explained exactly what happened and why she called me. I told her that she was welcome to stay for as long as she liked. I didn't know if I was being too forward but she took the idea pretty positively.

I gave her some clothes to wear and let her freshen up.

I was sitting on the sofa when she came out of the bathroom.

"Thanks again, for everything."

"No problem. It's the least I could do," I said.

"I should tell Alec shouldn't I?" she asked and I nodded. She got her phone out and started tapping away.

"I can leave if you want," I told her.

"No it's fine I mean you are his brother after all."

She called Alec and told him exactly what happened. I had a feeling that he'd be here as well soon after he'd talked to Sam.

You don't want him here. Without him you can have Liz all to yourself.

Why are you so perverted?

I was brought back to reality with Liz's wonderful voice.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked and inched closer to me.

"Nothing much." Then she did something quite unexpected.

She leaned in and kissed me. I was quite suprised but I kissed her back.

I kissed her back.

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