Time To Step Up

By charlie-milkshake

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Olivia Stacey-Alice Wilde... that's what her brother named her... Her father left before she was born and her... More

Time To Step Up - Chapter One
Time To Step Up - Chapter Two
Time To Step Up - Chapter Three
Time To Step Up - Chapter Four
Time To Step Up - Chapter Five
Time To Step Up - Chapter Six
Time To Step Up - Chapter Seven
Time To Step Up - Chapter Eight
Time To Step Up - Chapter Nine
Time To Step Up - Chapter Ten
Time To Step Up - Chapter Eleven
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twelve
Time To Step Up - Chapter Thirteen
Time To Step Up - Chapter Fifteen
Time To Step Up - Chapter Sixteen
Time To Step Up - Chapter Seventeen
Time To Step Up - Chapter Eighteen
Time To Step Up - Chapter Nineteen
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-One
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty Two
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Three
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Four
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Five
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Six
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Seven
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Eight
Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Nine
Time To Step Up - Chapter Thirty
Time To Step Up - Epilogue

Time To Step Up - Chapter Fourteen

6.2K 75 5
By charlie-milkshake

Time To Step Up


Chapter Fourteen


Drake and Fatboyhave moved in with Janine, Drake's mum. Janine may be my mum's older sister, but I barely see her. Uncle Max rarely sees me, but they're adults with jobs, you ca't always rely on them to make time to spend time with you or other family members. Uncle Max is a Principal and Janine is an artist- so it's- work, work, work.

Two days later at school and Danny turned up. I haven't spoken to him since that night. Francis, their other older brother, who is what I've been told and FBI agent, dropped Danny and Wyatt at school, dropping them near the door. I only saw them hurrying towards the door.


He heard me call out mind to mind, looking around, but Wyatt grabbed an arm and Francis the other, hurrying him under cover.

I'll find you later, he replied.

But, I wanted him now. I needed him.

... I saw Jake last night... only in my dream. No one likes a virgin, he'd said, then he 'attacked' me all over again. I couldn't get to sleep again after that.

"Bloody school. Can't believe Fatboy actually bribed me to even come here." the moan of my best girl friend who arrived yesterday morning while I was at school.

My brother never mentioned it, all these surprise arrivals keep popping up.

"Yo, Oli-baby. 'Sup wiv ya?" Julia, who talks slang like Fatboy, slung her arm around my shoulder, snapping her fingers with her free hand to snap her fingers to get me out of my thoughts, "Yeah- Fatboy told me what's wrong wiv ya, who's this Danny-bloke? Drake tole me he's a bit of a nob."

"Don't matt', come on we'll be late."

"Do we have to fuckin' go...?"

I pulled her, using her arm that's sitting on my shoulders, towards the school entrence, not bothering to wait for Drake, Fatboy and Amelia.


All day Danny has not even tried to find me, he said he would but he sisn't. He let me.

Being fair, I told Julia everything; about the start of school, the pregnancy... but I left out the werewolf and soulmate stuff. I also told her about the incident a few nights ago and also the dream.

"He's not going to call is he?" I asked Julia, mainly to myself, referring to Danny. We're in my bedroom now, I was looking out the window, hoping to see Danny enter the apartment gateway and parkig up near the door, waiting for me.

"Oh, cut and run, Olz, you don't need 'im. If he ain't callin' then fuck 'im, forget about 'im." Julia replied.

I let out a sigh, Danny, why'd you not called or try to find me?

No answer. Are you upset with me?

Still no answer. I give up.

I heard Julia flick through a book, and giving impressive hums and giggles. I turned to find her looking through my choreography book.

"Yo, seriously, this latest routine is fuckin' sick, fuckin' quality." Julia said, "Is it, like, a Michael Jackson tribute, or somethin'?"

"It is." I told her, looking over her should, "I'm thinking of doing this for the Christmas gig at school." I then explained the whole routine to her.

"Hopefully, Bradley and Christian come in time." Julia said.

"It's only the twenty fifth of October, we've got plenty of time. Anyway, Lisa, Bradley's sister is married to one of Danny's brothers."

Julia looked at me with annoyance, then smirked, "Brothers, eh?"

"Seven brothers."

"Seven? Fuckin' 'ell!" she had a dirty smirk on her face, she's thinking dirty thoughts. Typical Julia Nickels, "Oh, me likey."

"Hm. One of them's my doctor."

Julia gaped, "Kinky."

I scoffed and pushed her off my bed, which then turned into a play fight.


"Hey Julez." I greeted my tired looking friend the next morning.

I am so happy that my crew are actually willing to do senior year, plus, it can help us get into a college over here. Or, we can just go back after senior year and move to London to the Performing Arts University.

"A'ight, Oli?" she greeted, it was more of a statement than a question.

Because now Robert wants to get to work earlier, me and Julia have actually decidedto walk it, to burn calories and to keep fit. So it's a half hour walk to school, but we don't mind. So Fatboy is meeting us there and Drake's picking up Amelia.

I smiled thinking about Amelia and Drake, literally, his eyes sparkle when he sees her... ever since he first saw her, he thought she was beautiful. Drake, Fatboy, Bradley and Christian are not shallow.

"Well, back at high school after a year of college." Julia said, still annoyed at Fatboy bribing her with her weakness, a packet of Galaxy Caramel Bites.

"Yeah-huh. It's weird ain't it? In our last year, again. Seems like only yesterday we were freshman." I joked, as if we actually attended to San Jose High School since freshman, when we weren't.

"Don't be a plonker, Olz." Julia swatted my head, then slung her arm around my shoulder, in a chillax way.

We were about to walk past this old, massive building. Ballet music flew out of a window. I nudged Julia and we both saw two girl by the window talking and stretching in their ballet outfits.

"Oi!" Julia called, loud enough to get their attention.

 We got their attention, and taking the piss me and Julia started flapping about doing ballet movements. The girls laughed at our stupidity.

A woman came, who looked quite old, and saw us, she muttered something, shooed the girls away and slammed the window shut. Snooty-cow!

"Ohhh... Laa-dee-daa!" me and Julia said in a snooty, snobby voice, which caused us to giggle.

I then had an idea and smirked at Julia, "Wanna bunk off?"

"Uh, yeah!" she exclaimed agreeing with me.


We walked all the way to the beach. We actually found ourselves behind Danny's house.

I remember telling Drake to take over my crew while I was away, telling them to keep dancing until they come over, now Julia's just told me that I'm the leader again, I would've actually let Drake take over for good. I remembered that they all voted, well, demanded me to lead them. Because I am a very organised person and come up with most of the choreography.

"Why me? Should you be in charge, Julia?" I asked my best friend, whilst walking on the cold frosted beach.

"I just dance, besides, 'cause of you we actually came second in the UK Championship in January, rememba?"

Oh yeah. In September last year I signed and trained us all up for the Uk National Street Championships. We came second, another crew won, they were more professional and were older than us, so they danced longer than us basically. Zero Gravity, I think they were called.

"Come on, give me some heat." Julia held up her palm, "Go on!"

"Aw man..." I lazily hit my fist against her palm.

"That was lame. Kick-ass Oli, or kiss-ass?"

I laughed and she nudged me playfully and laughed with me.

"'Ere y'are." Julia nodded towards the surf shop cafe down the beach, "Wait 'ere, I'll get us some drinks, then we can perv on the sexy boys when they come, eh?"

"It's fucking freezing, rude girl." I pointed out, "And, oh aye?"

Julia glanced at a gang of boys, who were actually topless! She winked at me, "Oh aye!" She then ran off, literally pinching some guys ass and whooped at her actions. Poor guy was shocked.

Olivia, I'm sorry.

I looked around to find Danny, he'd just spoken to me telepathically.

Hey, another benefit of this mind talking stuff, not only you have low phone bills, but have now decided to answer my calls.

You mad at me?


So why the cold shoulder?

I glanced over to the peer and Danny stepped out from behind a mossy boulder. He was looking straight at me.

I couldn't text you because there was no network reception at home. I'm sorry.

No, don't apologise. I understand.

Do you really? Do you really understand how difficult it's been for me? I wanted to be with you, stay with you that day.

I looked down, remembering that day when we were almost killed. I am actually standing where the bullet almost hit us.

I looked back up and almost jumped out of my skin. Danny was now standing in front of me, fairly close enough to feel his body heat.

"Why're you not at school?" he asked me.

"I could ask you the same thing." I said, "Julia couldn't be assed going to school, or basically, like, 'repeating' last year of high school, so, I though 'let's wack school'."



"Oh. Julia. Another friend from England?"

"My sister-from-another-mister." I corrected him.

It came silent and too awkward after a few seconds. I looked at Danny and his brown eyes met my green ones,

 "I've missed you." I whispered.

Danny caressed my cheek, holding his hand there. His other hand went to my waist and slid around and pulled me into a loving hold.

"I missed you too. It was painful to not be with you?" Danny whispered.

My hands rested on his shoulders and I layed my head on his chest and looked out to the ocean.

We just stood there, holding each other. Enjoying the moment, lucky enough to be this close to one another.

"Olivia, I couldn't bear if anything happened to you." Danny whispered, stroking my back.

"Why? Is something going to happen to me?"

"I'm not sure..." This scared me a little, "Francis can see the future, though, but he hasn't had a hearing in ages."

"Have all of your family have supernatural powers?"

"Yes. Calvin is a healer. I can see things happening now. My mom is the same as me and she can sense what kind of past, present and future you have but can't see it, so she knows emotions. Erm... Francis can see the future. Dwayne is also a healer. Cole knows when someone's lying or guilty, Wyatt came move things, well, we all can, but he can blow things up and destroy things. "Bloody hell, but Wyatt seems so gentle though, "And Austin and my dad can see the past."

"God. I don't want them in my mind, then."

Danny chuckled, then kissed my head. He touched my chin and made me look at him. He leaned in so our noses touched. I felt his warm, minty breath on my mouth and it felt so tempting. My cheeks burn up and my heart was punching my chest. I closed my eyes as he did. I think I'm starting something for Danny Balthosar... but I'm not sure if it's right.

Our lips made contact. It felt like electricity had overthrown my body. It felt like time had stopped. My senses have come alaive, I feel like I should be with him. Our lips started moving passionately, his lips were soft and delicate. He deepened the kiss by pulling me closer, his hands holding my waist and back, whilst my hands slid slowly up to his neck, brushing the nape with my fingertips.

I wanted to cry, cry of happiness, feeling like I know he is the one for me. My arms wrapped further around his neck. Our bodies pressed together. I was on the tip of my toes, as Danny held me that closely he was almost lifting me from the ground.

We stopped kissing and we both slowly opened our eyes. His eyes met mine, we were both breathless, and blushing.

The kiss was magically romantic.

Danny glanced past me, "Babe, I've got to. I'll call you tonight. I promise." He gave me a passionate peck on my lips and ran off towards his house.

My fingers went to my lips, I blushed more deeper, pressing my lips together, his taste was still there.

"Sorry, it took long, babes, huge queue." Julia patted my shoulder from behind, making me jump a little, " You a'right?"

"Y...Yeah... just... thinking." I said, as soon as I finally got my breath back. Mind you, my heart was still pounding.

Julia handed me my can of coke and I immediately opened it and took a few huge gulps, finishing with a loud burp.

I looked at my best friend who had a funny look on her face.

I threw the can over my shoulder, "Jukebox?"

"Err... sure. Blimey, you must be thirty!" Julia said, drinking her coke slowly.

"Err, yeah, I really needed it. Hot day, ain't it?"

"It's cold, man, and there's snow on the ground!" we looked over to the gang of boys who were topless, "Why the hell are they walking about all nipply and... oh, fuck me! Abs, baby, abs! Hold me down before I rape them."

I gave Julia a shocked expression.

"Oh, shit,- I mean abduct them, erm... sorry I didn't mean to say that word, babes."

"Yo, Julez, chillax, it's all right. I'm over it now, I've moved on." Kind of.

Julia gave me a sympathetic look then hugged me, "He'll never hurt you again, Oli-Boo. Never."

I hugged her back, then we started walking towards the direction of the Jukebox, "Come on, chick-a-dee. I want pizza and a milkshake."

Me and Julia started singing 'Milkshake', trying not to laugh at our pratting about.


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