The Truth About Teachers

By TheTruthAboutThem464

1.5K 84 83

The story revealing the truth about life. -------------- Life isn't always what you expect it to be. It isn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Competition Winner
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

57 4 2
By TheTruthAboutThem464

Austin POV:

Today Emma would be coming in to see my year 8 class. Something to do with making sure the new teacher was a good teacher. I swear qualifications get you no where in this job. Any way I didn't mind her coming well 'cause my year 8 class was one of my best classes and I was a pretty good teacher if I say so myself.


Emma was in my class and so far it was going well. She kept a straight face all the time. Can a person even have the same facial expression for that long? Any way she didn't say anything and the girls seemed to be alright so all I can do is hope for the best.

Amy POV:

Mrs Brooks was inspecting Mr Waters class today and it seemed to be going ok. Like same old same old. As much as I loved history espcially now that Mr Waters had practically the whole class swooning over him and I was attempting to plan a future ship with him and Frau Kaiser. Tris was sitting beside me like always and Melissa, Sierra, Thalia, Dana, Francesca, and Fifi were talking about him and their other crushes.

"Melissa don't deny it," Dana giggled.

"Deny what?! I don't deny anything!" Melissa protested.

"Thanks for proving my point!" Dana laughed.

"But you kind of do den-" Sierra pointed out.

"NO I DON'T! I DON'T DENY!" Melissa half- shouted but not loud enough for Mr Waters to hear.

"Anyway... what do you see in him?" Fifi questioned.

"Yeah, I would prefer Mr Martins any day," Thalia... well suppose she was fantasising about him. Ugh I'd rather not think about what goes on inside her head.

"No way! Ryan Higa's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hotter!" Dana fangirled.

"Guys, I think I win here. I got three," Francesca smirked.

"Three what?" Melissa asked. Wow, naïve as always Melissa.

"She's got three crushes!" Tris said in a 'duh' voice.

"Yep the same three as me!" I finally chirped in.

"Yeah, Francisco, William, and-" Francesca said proudly.

"GLEB!!!" I interrupted and sort of yelled. Dang it! I think Mr Waters heard me. He's coming over here. Luckily Mrs Brooks was too busy writing to notice my fangirling.

"Look whose coming!" Sierra teased Melissa and kind of warned us to get on and do some work. We all giggled and Melissa started blushing.

"Is everything alright girls?" Mr Waters asked all of us though I'm sure the question was directed at me.

"Yes," we all sang. Well all of us apart from one.

"Is everything ok, Melissa?" he asked her with some concern in his voice.

"Yep," she somehow managed to get out without looking up and straight at him. He smiled weakly and walked off.

"Wow, that wasn't obvious at all!" Fifi taunted.

"Yeah Melissa!" I joined in.

"Don't act innocent! What about Gleb?!" Sierra teased.

"Shut up or do you want one of Mr Waters' students to hyperventilate and pass out in front of Mrs Brooks?!" I snapped sarcastically.

"Actually that'd be pretty cool to witness!" Tris grinned.

"Ahem! Attention please call a paramedic in 3,2,1..." I joked.

"Damnit! She's not unconscious!" Francesca complained, frowning.

"Right now you should wish I was 'cause your going to be dead when that bell rings," I stated, annoyed.

"Ha can't wait to see that!" Sierra laughed hysterically.

Austin POV

Today's lesson was pretty good. Well like same old same old. The bell had just gone and the girls were leaving. Like always I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. Don't blame me it's just natural. Plus you learn a lot about them.

"Melissa!" Katrina shouted. I felt like she was the Regina George of the class. To be honest I didn't like her much.

"What?" Melissa seemed a little hesitant to answer.

"Back off he's mine!" Katrina gave her a death stare.

"What?! Who?!" Melissa yelled, confused.

"You know who. Mr Waters!"

Huh. I'm popular. I like it.

They're 12 and 13 perv.

Oh yeah, right.

Plus you want Liz.

Yep definitely Liz.

Now ask her out already.

How she has a husband.

Your seriously asking me, your subconscious, this.

Yes. Wait no. I'll just think of something.

Well done. Now hurry up and do it.

Wait aren't you a part of me. How can we be two separate people.

We aren't. I just tell you what to do.

Then why are you adressing me in the second person.

'Cause if u addressed you in the first person you wouldn't listen to yourself.

Oh. Right. That makes sense.

Of course it does. I said it now hurry the hell up and ask her out.

Ok, ok I'm on it. God, I never knew my subconscious would be so annoying.

Emma was coming up to talk to me I presume.

"Austin. Today's lesson was alright, but I see the way you talk to the girls. I know there are just year 8s but I don't want anything between you and the girls in the older years. Clear?" she asked.

"Crystal. And don't worry I would never do anything like that with my students."

"Good." And she walked off.

I walked into the staffroom and saw Liz and Dean. Dean saw me but Liz had her back towards me.

Oohh yessss!!!

Shut up you pervert. Why did I have to have such a perverted and horny voice in my head.

Dean looked at me as if to say go for it. I replied using the guy code of facial expressions which girls don't get. Yes. Yes, there is such a thing.

No there isn't.

Yes there is. Dean and I were using it. I saw Dean leave and immediately rushed to Liz.

"Hi!" I chirped. Wow my voice was suddenly pretty high. Must be from hanging around all these girls.

"Hey!" she replied.

"So... ummm... doyouwannakindagooutfordinnertonightyouknowasfriends?" Damnit can I not talk properly anymore.

It took her while to reply but I understand seeing as it would have probably taken 10 minutes to process what I just said. Thank God she was a German teacher she was probably used to hearing weird accents. Unless everyone here is good at German. Then I just look like a failure. Damniti might.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to go for dinner!" she replied happily. Wow, only she could still be smiling after hearing that.

"Cool I'll pick you up around 7."

"Sounds good. Bye!"


I signalled to Dean using the guy code of facial expressions.
He replied with the signature 'yes! but still in the friend zone phase?' expression
And I replied with the 'yeah sadly' facial expression.

Dude that code does not exist.

Does to.

Does not.

Does to.

Does not.

Does to.

Does not.

Does to.

Does not.

Does to.

You know what I'm done.

Fine I don't need you anyway.

Yeah you do.

Do not.

Do to.

Do not.

Do to.

Do not.

Forget this. I give up.

Ha I won!!!


Elizabeth POV

He picked me up right on time. I had to remember that this was just two friends casually going out. You would think that I would get over this by now.

The fact that you haven't said something.

Shut up.

He asked me what my favourite restaurant was.

"Seriously I don't mind. You choose," I protested.

"Fine. McDonald's." he smirked.

"You chose my favourite," I laughed in victory.

"I'll try and remember that."

When we got to McDonald's I saw Sam. She said she was with her fiance. But Alec had blonde hair and the guy she was with had brown hair. Wait! No!!! She was with... Alexander.

I walked up to their table. Austin clearly had no idea what was going on but followed me anyways.

"What's going on?!" I tried to fight back the tears.

"Liz! I swear it isn't what it looks like!" Alex protested.

"Really?! 'Cause it looks like my husband is cheating on me with my best friend." I practically half yelled.

"No we're not going out. It was just a friendly meet up. Alec called me and said that he had some work to do so we couldn't go out tonight and I bumped into Alex on the way here and we decided to get something to eat. As friends." Sam tried to clarify.


"Yes!" Alex defended.

"Ok. I believe you guys. I'm sorry for doubting you," I apologized. I had to.

"It's ok. What are you doing here with..." Alex asked.

"Oh this is Austin. He's a new teacher," I clarified.

"Right, ok," Alex said and Austin and him shook hands. Wow my life was getting messed up day by day.

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