Save Me (Adam Lambert)

By AddysGirl29

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How do you recover? How do you recover when life has stripped away your sanity and taken every ounce of innoc... More

Chapter 1 - Win Today Lose Tonight
Chapter 2 - A Strangers Home
Chapter 3 - I Love Her Momma
Chapter 4 - Hold Me Until The Screams Stop
Chapter 5 - Management
Chapter 6 - Who I Am
Chapter 7 - Death Threats and Rumours Broken
Chapter 9 - A Stranger At The Door
Chapter 10 - Meeting The Band and Being Backstage
Chapter 11 - In Nirvana Stay
Chapter 12 - The Interview
Chapter 13 - Darling Give Me Those Sharp Edges
Authors Note: Most Important Part!
Chapter 14 - You'll Always Be My Blue Eyes
Chapter 15 - Sweet Sixteen
Chapter 16 - Sing For Your Soul
Chapter 17 - A Thousand Years
Chapter 18 - Scars Before Your Eyes
Chapter 19 - I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 20 - Trying To Save You
Chapter 21 - Don't Say Her Name
Chapter 22 - Everybody Has A Dark Side
Chapter 23 - Hope
Chapter 24 - Who Sent You?
Chapter 25 - Am I Dreaming To See Those Blue Eyes?
Chapter 26 - Courage
Chapter 27 - We're Together and You Can't Kiss Him
Chapter 28 - The Next Step
Chapter 29 - He's Just A Boy...Who Slows Down Time
Chapter 30 - I'm Done Hurting People
Chapter 31 - Teaching Happiness
Chapter 32 - He Was Here
Chapter 33 - Smile For The Camera
Chapter 34 - Do Nightmares Come True?
Chapter 35 - Signs Symptoms Causes and Effects
Chapter 36 - Sign Here
Chapter 37 - Bang
Chapter 38 - Unexpected Results
Chapter 39 - My Life In A Paragraph
Chapter 40 - It's Over
Chapter 41 - Welcome To High School
Chapter 42 - Hospital Visits and Lonely Nights
Chapter 43 - He's Back
Chapter 44 - Punches Thrown and Regretted Words
Chapter 45 - Change Your Life
Chapter 46 - They Know...They All Know
Chapter 47 - L'chaim
Chapter 48 - Scream It To The World
Chapter 49 - False Hope
Chapter 50 - Coming Out
Chapter 51 - Deck The Halls With Glitz and Glamour
Chapter 52 - Our First Christmas
Chapter 53 - Pointe Those Feet
Chapter 54 - Broken Girl
Chapter 55 - Exit Wounds
Chapter 56 - Forever Can Mean A Day
Chapter 57 - Party The Secrets Out
Chapter 58 - Memories Can Kill You
Chapter 59 - Table For Two
Chapter 60 - Two Words Of The Beginning
Authors Note: Important
Chapter 61 - The Pain of a Year
Chapter 62 - Always
Chapter 63 - Boundaries
Chapter 64 - Relationship Status
Chapter 65 - First Dates and Public Speeches
Chapter 66 - Demons Never Cease
Chapter 67 - Wedding Bells
Chapter 68 - Sixth Times The Charm
Chapter 69 - Our Song
Chapter 70 - Tickets and Ink
Chapter 71 - Regrets and Mistakes
Chapter 72 - Can I Forgive?
Chapter 73 - Somebody To You
Chapter 74 - Anniversary
Chapter 75 - Secrets and Queens
Chapter 76 - Spain
Authors note
Chapter 77 - Every Part of Me
Authors Note
Chapter 78 - That's Our Girl
Chapter 79 - Two Years Later...
Chapter 80 - Positive Sign
Chapter 81 - Surprise
Chapter 82 - Family Gathering
Chapter 83 - It's A...
Chapter 84 - Photoshoot
Chapter 85 - Proposition
Chapter 86 - Gone
Chapter 87 - Can I Come Home?
Chapter 88 - Monsters
Chapter 89 - Is It Time?
Chapter 90 - Motherhood
Chapter 91 - My Darlings
Authors Note

Chapter 8 - Meeting Leila and Unanswered Questions

4.6K 100 38
By AddysGirl29

A/N: *sigh*... I didn't want to update this. I did but I didn't. I LOVE the comments on this, so keep them coming, but it's easy to vote as well. PLEASE start voting, or I won't update as quick. I have dance practices at the WEC (win entertainment centre) tomorrow and Thursday (it's Tuesday) and then 2 performances on Friday and 2 on Saturday. Excited :)

Anyway, thank you for all the support! I love the fans and supporters of this book! :)

Dedicated to Glambert_Forever because she is amazing and inspires me! You all NEED to read her books because I love them and you will too :)

I want at least 5 votes on this chapter, and 5 comments before I update. And 'please update' comments don't count haha please comment what you like about it and what you think about it :)

-Em xo

Chapter 8:

Darcy's POV:

I stretch my arms above my head and let out a loud yawn as I pull my bed covers back and let my bare feet hit the carpet as I stand up.

"Are you serious?" A joyful voice loudly echoes through the house and I laugh lightly. He sounds like a little kid that just got what he asked for, for Christmas.

I pull my hair up into a messy bun and pull my long sleeves down to cover half of my hands. My dark purple, long, pyjama pants move against my body as I walk. The stairs bare my weight as I walk down them to see Adam pacing the living room and squealing a little as his smile grows.

"I can't wait to see you. Love you too baby. Bye." He pulls the phone away from his ear and presses the 'end call' button.

"You seem happy." I say quietly as I lean against one of the walls surrounding the staircase, and stand on the bottom step.

"I am, quite happy actually. Osmo, Sauli's dad, made a great recovery and he is on a flight now. He called from the air, so he should be home in about 3 hours." He smiles like a guy in love. And I know that's exactly what he is.

"That's great. I can't wait to meet him." I say honestly. And I mean it.

"I know it's only your 3rd day here, but I kind of invited mum over for breakfast. She is the easiest person to get along with, and she really wants to meet you. I hope that's ok. I can cancel if you want." He says with a hint of worry lacing his words together.

"It's fine. There's no sense in prolonging what needs to be done. Your mums amazing, I've always wanted to meet her." A smile makes its way onto his freckled lips, and the doorbell rings a few seconds later.

"She's a little early. Good thing breakfast is ready." I laugh lightly and walk with Adam to the door.

The door is opened, and reveals a brunette woman standing there with a bright smile. She is gorgeous, and she has a kind aura surrounding her. Leila Lambert, the one person I always wanted to thank. To thank her for not only giving birth to my idol, but raising him to be an amazing person with a beautiful personality, and for accepting him when he came out.

"Hey mum, good to see you. Come on in." Leila steps inside and puts her handbag by the door.

"You must be Darcy. Adam has told me a lot about you, and it's wonderful to finally meet you. I'm Leila, Adam's mother." She stretches her arms out for a hug.

My eyes go wide and my breathing picks up, my heart racing. I can't even stand the thought of people touching me, and here she is, leaning in to hug me.

"Doesn't your son get a hug?" Never have I been so thankful for the words that leave Adam's lips.

He intervenes and hugs his mum, whispering something inaudible to her. She seems to understand and nods, before pulling away. We all walk into the kitchen area and sit down at the dining room table as Adam places an array of food on the table. This including eggs, pancakes, bacon and toast, along with orange juice and apple juice.

We all grab some food for breakfast and start to eat.

"So tell me about you. How do you like L.A? Has my son been good to you?" she looks at Adam at the last part, and shoots him an accusing look.

"He has been fine. L.A is quite nice actually; it's great to finally be in my dream place." I chuckle lightly.

"Tell me about yourself, Adam wasn't exactly informative. When's your birthday, for example." I was actually hoping she wouldn't bring that up.

"I can't really blame him. He didn't know much about me until yesterday. My birthdays not very important, trust me." I laugh lightly, trying to move her off of the subject.

"Everyone should celebrate the day they were born." She says it more as a 'tell me' kind of way. Her smile remains gentle and kind.

"It's on the 5th of September." Adam's eyes go wide at my words.

"Your 16th is in 3 weeks?! Why didn't you tell me? I love to throw parties, especially birthdays." Adam says excitedly.

"There's no need to make a big fuss. It's just another day." Adam shakes his head, disagreeing, but drops the subject thankfully.

"This is actually quite good Adam." Leila says just before placing another fork full into her mouth. She eats so gracefully. Like no matter how much she shoves in, it looks almost angelic.

"You're surprised? Why thanks mum, that means so much." Adam says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

I start to laugh and Leila joins in on the chuckle.

"I have to say, I was a little surprised that he could cook." I say jokingly, and Leila laughs again.

"Oh come on. You Glambert's don't assume that I can do everything?" He chuckles.

"Well in a lot of fan fics, you can cook, and do on many an occasion." A smirk takes over his lips as I speak.

"Fan fics huh? And what happens in these 'fan fics'?" He asks with the same smirk.

"Well I read one where you asked Sauli to marry you. It's a 'one shot' as they call them. It's basically a short story. I think it was... 'Marry Me'. Yeah, that's it. It had your names in the title too." Leila says happily.

"My mother reads fan fics about her son and his boyfriend. That's normal." Adam says sarcastically, chuckling at the end.

"It didn't happen to be, 'Marry Me (Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen)' did it?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, that's what it was. I was bored one day, and had seen Wattpad mentioned a few times, so I checked it out. It was a great book, and the prequel and sequel one shots to it were amazing. Extremely cute, and a lot more PG than other ones I've seen." Leila chuckles, taking a bite of her toast.

I groan and put my head in my hands, my elbows resting on the dark wooden table.

"What's wrong Darc?" Adam asks worriedly. His eyes search mine for any type of sign to what's wrong.

"I, um... I, uh... I wrote them." I sigh, and cover my face with my hands in embarrassment.

"Okay now I'm definitely reading them." I death glare Adam jokingly, and he laughs.

The rest of the morning is filled with laughter and random conversations. Though unfortunately Leila has to go home after only a couple of hours. Though we do have to pick up Sauli in an hour.

"It was good to see you again mum. Tell Neil I said Hi when you see him at lunch. I'll give him a call later this week." Adam says as we walk to the front door.

Leila picks up her bag and pulls it onto her shoulder. She opens the front door and gives Adam a hug and kisses him on the cheek.

"It was so nice to meet a beautiful, smart, and down to earth girl like yourself, Darcy. If you ever want to get away from the happy couple and stay with a girl for a change, you're more than welcome to stay a night at my house. I'm sure you will miss having a girl around from time to time." Leila chuckles which makes me laugh lightly.

"It was nice to meet you too, Mrs Lambert." I smile.

"Please, call me Leila. We're family now after all." She leans down slightly, and kisses my forehead.

I don't pull away. And I don't disregard the family statement. Because I want to be okay with coming into contact with people. I want to call Adam's family my family, like he wants me to. I know he would never force me to, he would want me to do and say everything at my own speed, or not at all if I'm not comfortable.

But looking at the smiling guy next to me, waving to his mum as she walks to her car, and talking aimlessly about Sauli, I know what I want. I'm basically 16, have the maturity and look like I'm 17 or 18. I have grown up around adults; have always had to grow up quicker than most kids. I never really had much of a childhood.

I have 2 years though. 2 years to figure out how to be mature, but to live a happy and fun life. I've always wanted a dad. And now I'm living with 2 guys who are happily in love, and want me to be their daughter. I don't know though. I don't know what to think or to do.

I'm nervous as hell. It was hard enough to even think about staying with Adam, and that he would even want me here. Now I hear that him and Sauli are still together, and want me to be a part of their family. Adam's family and friends want to meet me, and to get to know me.

One of my dreams has always been to meet Tommy Joe. But when I did meet him, however briefly, I wanted to crawl into the fetal position just because our eyes met. People terrify me. They always have ever since it happened. Since...he happened.

I walk over, as Adam closes the door, to the stairs, and sit on the bottom step. I rest my elbows on my knees, and my hands cradle my cheeks.

Adam looks over at me and smiles weakly, before coming over and sitting next to me.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks quietly.

"When I first saw you, at the concert I mean, I knew something would happen. It sounds so stupid, but all week I had a bad feeling. I thought the worst, or what I counted as the worst. I thought that you would get sick, and have to cancel the show. But you didn't, and the show went ahead. When you walked outside to meet us, everyone went crazy. Except me though. I couldn't scream or cry. I didn't want to. I just... looked at you, and prayed. I literally stood there, and talked to God in my head. I thanked him for making you the person you are. I asked him to bless your parents, because they raised you to be the person you are. To love the way you do.

And when you walked over to me, when the police came, I was confused. I thought, 'He cares, but I hope he doesn't care enough.' And, I guess I meant, I hoped you wouldn't say what you did. 'I'll adopt her.' Three words that changed your life. And I think about it every night. I lie awake for hours, wondering why this amazing person, with an extraordinary career, would want to jeopardise all of that, to look after some teenager. The funny thing, though, is that I still can't figure out the answer." I keep my cheek in my left hand and look over at him. He stays silent for a few long minutes, before finally opening his mouth to speak.

"Because you're the girl with the blue eyes." And with that, he kisses my forehead and walks away, grabbing his keys and leaving the house to go pick up his soul mate.

That's the only answer I need though. It seems to explain it all, yet explain nothing. I'm glad that he left it at that. I'm really not feeling up to the intensity that Glambert's will ensue when they see Adam and Sauli at the airport. I love my beautiful Glamily, but getting swarmed isn't my favourite thing.

I'm still nervous about meeting Sauli, and how he is going to react when he settles into the reality of it all. But if he is anything like how Adam was, then I know everything will be okay. Sauli is sweet, kind, amazing and just down to earth. I know deep down that it will all be okay. But my mind won't stop coming up with scenarios that probably won't even happen.

I guess the only way to know how something is going to go, is to be there when it happens...

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