The Reason For Grace (Sequel...

Por I_like_to_read_alot

94.9K 5.3K 307

Joshua and Payton finally give themselves over to their love. They have both experienced so much pain and los... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 3

3.1K 163 3
Por I_like_to_read_alot

Payton rose early on Sunday morning and had breakfast ready long before Joshua returned from his chores. The children were fed and ready for church when he came inside. He took to the stove and tried to warm his hands.

"It's nippy out there. You sure you and the kids are up for the ride to church? You know it won't be awful if we stay in. I'll read some from the scripture and we can sing some hymns."

Although it sounded very tempting to Payton she really wanted to go to church so she could check in on Doris and Brother Patrick. She and Joshua had missed the last two Sundays because of the weather and she had only be able to hear  from others about his condition. She wanted to see him for herself.

"No, I'd like to go, Joshua. Unless you think it's a bad ideal to get out today?" she asked him.

"No, I just know it's going to be a cold ride and we don't even know if they will have services today. It all depends on Brother Patrick. If he's feeling up to it. The last month Nick Barnes has been reading the passages for Bro. Patrick. I heard last week Brother Patrick didn't even make it to the church house...."

Payton sighed, "I know, that's what Melissa told me to. But I'd really like to go. I want to check in on him and Doris they have always been so good to me." she turned then and picked a pie up off the stove. "I even baked them an apple pie. I was up early and had the extra time. I  hope you don't mind."

Joshua smiled at her as he made his way over to the table, "Why would I mind? When we take it to Doris you know she'll insist we stay and eat some with them."

Payton laughed and set the pie on the table between them.

Joshua leaned toward her, "I love you, Payton." he said his lips hoovering over hers.

"I love you to..." she said waiting for his soft kiss.

"Waaa! waaaaaa! Wwwaaaaa!" Nate cried.

 "I assume he's ready to finish his breakfast." Payton sighed and moved away from the table and took Nate before Joshua had the chance to kiss her.

Joshua took the oppurtinity to eat his breakfast too. He watched Payton as he ate. She had turned her back to him to feed Nate. It had never bothered him before that she always turned away from him or covered herself up when she fed him, but now, now he wondered how many other wives did this to their husbands. He tried to remind himself that they weren't the normal husband and wife but it did little to comfort him.

 Joshua had been right, the ride was very cold. The children stay huddled under a quilt in the wagon bed. Payton had huddled next to Joshua with Nate in her arms under a quilt too. The church yard was almost empty except for a few wagons and a couple of stray horses.

Payton let Joshua help her down and then she quickly took the children into church house. It was usually very warm inside the church but it was still cold this morning. A couple sat on the front pew close to the stove. It was Nick & Kathrine Barnes. Kathrine turned around and smiled at her.

"Oh, Payton, why don't you and the children come up here and join us. It's so cold. Bro. Patrick couldn't get over here and start the stove so Nick only lit a fire thirty minuets ago. It's too cold back there. Bring those babies up here."

Kathrine looked like she was about five to seven years younger than Payton's own mother. She and Nick had two boys. Both were grown and had moved off to start their own families and homes. Katrine hugged her when she sat down next to her.

"It's so cold maybe we can get some body heat going. Here, I'll share my quilt." she said opening the blanket to let her slide under. "Come on children. Come sit next to me. I'll keep you warm." she told Hannah and Tommy who obeyed rather quickly. "Sit here between mother and me and we'll make sure you're warm." she told them then she smiled and winked at Payton.

"Thank you Mrs. Barnes." Payton said. "Both my quilts I left in the wagon but I think I'll ask Joshua to go fetch em' before he sits down."

Kathrine only smiled and then began a conversation with Tommy and Hannah. Who both were very excited about the attention she was lavishing them with.

When it was time for services to start, Brother Patrick and Doris were no where to be found. Not many had made it out on such a cold morning. The Reeds and the Douglas' were all there and Nick & Katrine Barnes. Payton and Joshua and then their neighbors and Friends Malissia & James. It was a very slim crowd. Nick made his way to the pulpit and began to speak.

"I know it's only a few here this morning but the bible says 'that where two or three are gathered there I shall be also.' Jesus is here with us today. All we have to do is open our eyes and ears to him and listen to his voice as he speaks to us. Lets begin with a prayer...."

Payton listened as Nick prayed for those who were sick like brother Patrick. He prayed for the ones who were shut in and couldn't make it out and the ones who just didn't have the courage to put forth the effort to come to the lords house. Then he announced a song that they would sing.

"Let's all turn to page 12 in our hymn book and sing, In the Garden."

He stared the song with a beautiful base voice, "I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses... And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, The son of God discloses..... AND He walks with me, and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own; And the joy i share as we tarry there, None other has ever Known..." He continued with the second verse.

Then he said a light prayer again that God would lead him to read something to those who had assembled that would give them strength and courage. That God would use him. It was a very touching prayer she thought.

Then he read out of the 14th chapter of John.

"John 14, the first verse." he said, "He said, let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And If I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where i am there ye may be also." He wiped tears from his eyes and smiled at the few who were there, "Isn't the word of God just so beautiful and so amazing. Jesus has left to prepare a place for us. US. Each one of us here today. He said let not our hearts be troubled. I know each and every one of you, like myself, have been troubled over brother Patrick's sickness and what would happen to our little church here. Don't be. God will take care of us just as he always has. God is not only preparing a home for us in heaven but he is preparing our church for what is a head of us. Weather it be Brother Patrick going on and meeting Jesus or if he rises from this sickness and we rejoice with him here. Either way Jesus is preparing him for what he must face as he prepares each of us."

"He said if it were not so he would have told us. Don't you believe that?" he smiled at them and his voice carried a new excitement, "If it weren't so He would have told us. He has gone on to prepare a place for us to dwell forever. I think we should take courage today to know that a place is being prepared for us and we need to prepare ourselves so we can take part in that when he comes again." He wiped fresh tears. "I don't really have more to say but if any one has a testimony to offer to Christ now would be the best time."

Payton found herself wiping damp cheeks. God's word was always so beautiful. She never found a time she didn't enjoy reading it. She listened to two testomonies of God's goodness to her fellow parish memebers and then they stood to sing another song.

"Let's stand and sing a song." Nick said, "Number 5 in our hymn book, Farther Along."

And the whole congration began to sing, "Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder, why it would be this all the day long. While there are others living about us, never molested tho in the wrong. Father along we'll know all about. Farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine. We'll understand it all by and by."

Nick said a prayer of dismissal and they all greeted one another and gathered their things to leave. Payton shook Nicks hand before they left. "You did a wonderful job, Nick. I hope you know that God answered your prayer today. He used you to comfort us." Nick hugged her and then she was out the door wiping tears again.

On the way to the Smith's Payton said, "I'm so glad we came this morning, Joshua. Services were short but oh so uplifting." she smiled, "I feel so fresh and renewed. Don't you love it when God touches you?" Joshua smiled and nodded but said nothing. He was just so happy to see her smiling with her heart again.

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