Zootopia Drabbles

By soar4yourdreams

15.7K 571 116

Hello everyone, and welcome to my Zootopia one shot corner! I LOVE writing and I LOVE Zootopia. Thank you so... More

Late Mornings
Valentines Day Promises
Cold Hard Truth and World
Undercover Part 1
Undercover Part 2
Undercover Part 3
Undercover Part 4 (The Final Chapter)
Author's Note
Author's Note (IMPORTANT!)
Partners For Life
Asking Permission (part 1)
Asking Permission (part 2/final part)
What Happened To Us?
It's Ok Not To Be Perfect
Words On A Page
Under The Stars

Your Kit?

1.5K 66 6
By soar4yourdreams

(A/N: This chapter takes place about four years after the previous chapter at  one of Nick's family gatherings. Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoy!)

Judy looked into the eyes of the little fox and bunny hybrid kit in her arms. "I'm definitely going to have a talk with Daddy about leaving me alone at HIS family reunion to spend with his fox brothers Without me." Judy nuzzled the little kit," Yes I am.... yes I am!" The kit giggled playfully at his mother's cheerful attitude, feeding off of her optimism though he could not understand her sarcastic words. Judy looked up from her little one to see a group of elderly foxes stairing at her. She smiled kindly, knowing that she probably looked out of place.

One of the foxes smiled back to her, causing the rest of her party to follow. Knowing that they were probably having a conversation about her, she continued to embrace the fact she could do nothing to stop them. "Looks like it's just gonna be you and me," she said sweetly to the kit who had no trapped onto one of her ears. She shook her head and used her free paw to take her ear out of the little kit's paw, allowing it to perk up along with the other. 

Sighing, Judy looked up and began looking around for Nick. The house the gathering was taking place in was large, but definitely not gigantic. She knew it would not be hard to track him down. Finally she spotted him sitting at a table with a bunch of other male foxes that looked to be older than him.

Before she could make her way over to her husband though, she was forced to remain in her spot by a little interruption. Making a brave decision, one of the elderly foxes stood from her place on one of the many chairs set up around a large dining table and began to hobble over to Judy. She beckoned for a few of her friends to join. With smiles they quickly, or well as quickly as they could, began to make their way over.

"Now isn't that sweet? I'm so happy that you sweet bunnies are baby sitting other species now adays. You are just natural born mothers," cooed the first fox to have risen. The elderly fox wrigled her fingers above the little pup as she finally made her way to directly in front of Judy. The kit laughed at her actions cheerfully, finding the elderly fox's playfulness humorous though his mother did not familiarize. One thing was for sure though, Judy was more than happy he wasn't being shy.

Judy looked up as the two other elderly female foxes came to stand beside the original. " I would have killed to have a baby sitter like one of you in my younger years, you have done so well with him! He has been so well behaved this entire time, I don't think I've heard him cry or howl once!"

The two elderly foxes beside her laughed at her the remark. "I think I would have paid extra just to get a few minutes to myself. James was always bugging me to play with him," said a fox with graying red fur. "Michael would not let go of my muzzle," countered another. "Oh I remember that, it was the first time that any of us could actually get a word in," countered the fox that had approached Judy first. The gray fox that had made the comment about her son, Michael, growled before she was elbowed gently by the red fox beside her. "Oh calm down, Diane, she's just joking with you!" "Oh look at him, he has such a beautiful little set of teeth! I bet his mother has a difficult time controlling those!" 

Judy smiled politely as she responded to the elderly fox's statement. "Actually, this is my kit. If I'm being completely honest, his teeth are a bit of a burden sometimes, but I have found that teething toys are Heaven's little gift to us." Judy had heard similar comments many times about her hybrid kit, but every time she heard them a little part of her heart broke before she would put on a brave face and admit in a light-hearted manner that the kit was indeed her own. Judy knew she didn't look like her kit, but that didn't change the fact she loved him more than words could say.

The older fox raised an eyebrow as she peered down at the little fox kit. "Your kit," she repeated curiously. Judy nodded holding the kit a little differently so that the older foxes could get a better look."He was born about three months ago," she continued in an attempt to fill the silence that had enveloped them. 

All of the older foxes surrounding Judy began to whisper, accept the one that approached her first. Indeed, this fox remained silent with wisdom. "But look at you sweetheart, as youthful as a spring peach! Who would have even thought you'de have a kit. I have to admit, I've heard of hybrids before but I never thought that the heavens would grace me enough to have one in the family," she explained. 

The fox swished her burgundy tail kindly. "Oh and look at how sweet those little amathyst eyes are." She looked up,"Just like his mother's." Judy blushed as the elderly foxes behind her began to chime in with hushed compliments that they now possessed the confidence to profess. Judy could not officially infer that the first fox to approach her as the ring leader of this crazy circus, and she was glad that she had been approved. "I'm such a dumb fox. I can't believe I didn't see them before," said Diane .

"This is Nicholas and I's son, Jackson," said Judy kindly. The older fox's eyes lit up,"Oh, would you mind if I held him? He's just so precious!" The elder fox held out her arms caringly. Knowing that this fox had been kind to her, Judy carefully handed her the small kit.

The older fox gently cradled him in her arms, "He's got the muzzle of his Nick's father's side of the family. Black as coal." The other foxes nodded before a red furred one that had not spoken before countered. "Oh, and look at that sweet little smile of his, oh that's got to be yours." 

Now that the silence had been broken, the group of about six elderly foxes were cooing and gawking with love for Judy's little kit. The first fox to approach her looked up at Judy, "And to think I thought it was near impossible for a bunny and a fox to have a kit." Judy blushed, "It took a long time, but once the community of interspecies relationships found out certain species combinations could have kits everything changed. Nick and I had been wanting a kit of our own for awhile, and we had always thought about adopting, but now we have little Jackson to keep us company."

The fox smiled and held out one of her paws. "I'm Nick's Great Aunt Jessica."

Judy smiled as she shook her paw, "It is an honour to meet you." Judy looked at her dark emerland eyes, making an unspoken connection with the woman. There was no doubt Nick got his eyes from his mother's side of the family. Jessica smiled again as she adjusted her spectacles and handed Jackson back to Judy. The little kit cooed happily as Judy took the little one in her arms.

Jackson was clearly loving all of the attention, much like his Father would have. Judy looked up as Jessica dug her paw in her purse and haded her a bussiness card with a phone number on it. "Now you let me know if you need anything sweetheart. You've given my sister's daughter's son happiness, and therefore I owe you one."

Judy smiled, "Thank you Miss..." The fox smiled," Jessica is fine darling, no need for formalities when you're family." Judy blushed at the kindness being given to her before responding, "Thank you, Jessica."

Quickly Jessica's friends began searching through their purses and pockets handing Judy bussiness cards as well. "Now you let us know if you ever need somefox to watch that sweet little kit," said the red fox who had hardly spoke. Judy smiled greatfully as each of them gave a small farewell.

With Jackson in one arm, she quickly stuffed the business cards into a pocket of Jackson's diaper bag that sat on the floor. Heaving it onto her shoulder, she let out a little grunt. Judy looked up again and spotted Nick once more, now determined to speak with him. Now, he had moved to stand by another table with even more foxes. As she approached Nick started laughing, "the cousins and I were watching that little spectacle. It looks like you've met the elders." Judy smiled, "Yep." The foxes around Nick began laughing. "Sorry Carrots," whispered Nick as he bent down to her height. "It's alright, just this once, I think I may have made a few new friends," she admitted excitedly. "So... does this mean I'm off the hook for leaving you in the first place," asked Nick jokingly. 

Judy angrily gave him her 'don't-even-think -about-talking-about-this-until-we-get-home-look'. He gulped nervously as he stood back up to his full height. This could either end three ways. Judy would give him the silent treatment until he would make it up to her, she would make him change Jackson's diapers, or she would let him off with a warning. As of right now though, Nick was definitely not betting on the third option. "I am glad that you love the family," he whispered. She rolled her eyes, "You could say I'm Wilde about your family." Nick chuckled, "After more than five years you still can't make a joke other than a pun," he retorted before he realized the error of his ways.

"Oh yah," sighed Judy. "You are definitely not getting off the hook for awhile." 

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