Algophobia [ZIALL]

By fxckthat

314K 11.4K 3K

Zayn is an algophobe, and Niall is a hybrid. [THIS STORY DEALS WITH SEVERE CHARACTER DEATH. PLEASE CONSIDER T... More

Algophobia [Ziall Hybrid]


13.6K 590 333
By fxckthat

Character death. Sorry.

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[Niall’s POV]

At some point when Liam grabbed me and rushed me away from Zayn’s house I had passed out. I wasn’t too sure if it was a result of fear or if it was from the lack of oxygen I was receiving since Liam’s grip on was really tight. However, when I woke up I was in a strange caved area and Harry and Liam were sitting against the cave wall. I slowly prompted myself up on my shoulders and watched as both Harry and Liam looked back at me, smirks on both of their faces.

“Guess he’s up.” Harry spat, “How ya feelin?”

I squinted my eyes and gave him a weird look, but when I tried to get up the complete bottom half of my boy ached is so much pain that I really didn’t want to move. I remained still and watched as Liam got up and bent down to whisper in my ear, “You’re so pathetic.”

“Excuse me?” I hissed up at him, pushing myself up off the ground, wincing at the intense pain I felt in both my legs. I tried to walk forward to Liam but failed and fell to the ground. My face collided with the ground and I heard the cackles of Liam and Harry close in on me, “What did you do to me?”

“Thought we broke your legs, but guess not.” Harry sighed from above me. I lifted my head to look straight ahead; out to the wilderness, and from the corners of my eyes I saw one of Harry’s boots on either side of me. I felt him bend down and soon he fisted my hair and pulled my entire body up. I let out a scream of pain as he lifted but he didn’t stop. He kept pulling, “Stand the fuck up!”

Once I stood, the pain in my legs began running throughout my body. Harry let go of me and smirked, Liam walking up behind him. I felt my calves quivering but fought the urge to fall back down, “Why are you doing this?” I whispered, looking down at the ground, afraid of meeting their gaze.

“To prove you’re not all fit to be in the real world. You can’t handle this, but we can, yet you’re the one who gets to live like a human!” Liam angrily yelled at me. I tilted my head to look up at him and his nostrils were flaring.

“It doesn’t make sense why you get all the praise and benefits when you’re the weakest one out of all us Hybrids.” Harry added, poking my chest. I tumbled but caught my feet and remained standing, the burning pain shooting even more throughout me.

“I am not the weakest!” I shouted back, feeling my temper rise. I clenched my fists and grabbed at my pants, “I could take either of you any day. I’m faster than both of you combined. Makes me the better fighter!” I continued yelling.

“Want to test that?” Liam pestered as he walked closer. He walked right up to me.

“Fine,” I said and pushed his chest. He stumbled backwards and I began to turn to run, but fell back to the ground. A river of curse words spilled out of my mouth as I tried to push myself off the ground. From behind I could hear the laughter of Harry and Zayn.

“You really are fucking worthless, Niall.” Harry mumbled from above, “Of course we know you’re faster than us. Why would we take out your legs then?” Harry walked over me and left the cave, leaving only Liam and myself.

“You little fuck. I hope you die out here.” Liam whispered. He began to leave but when his foot stepped down on the gravel next to my face he turned and kicked me in the throat, immediately knocking me out, leaving me in the darkness.

[Zayn’s POV]

“Louis it’s been five days. Where the fuck is Niall and the others?” I panicked form across Louis’ desk. With the stress of the situation, and my sudden mood changes, Louis gave me permission to call him by his first name. He thought it would make me feel calmer, but it seriously didn’t.

“I… I… I don’t know Zayn!” Louis cried into his hands, “This is bad. Very fucking bad.” The words Louis rambled made me less and less comfortable. I watched as Louis stood and walked over to his window and looked out it. I remained seated in my seat, tears rolling off my cheeks.

“Louis… You don’t understand what I’m feeling right now.”

“That’s because I’m not in love with a damn Hybrid creation! You weren’t supposed to fall in love with him, Zayn. He doesn’t understand love and his feelings and senses are so above ours that it’s driving him crazy!” Louis snapped, not bothering to look at me.

“He’s much more than just a fucking Hybrid, Louis!” I shouted back, “He’s a sweet, innocent person who likes cuddling when he’s afraid. He’s this confused and lonely boy who puts up this tough guy front when really he’s as delicate as a butterfly! So what if I’m in love with a boy? So what if I’m in love with a Hybrid? To me it makes no fucking difference. I still love that boy and I’ll go far beyond my abilities to find him and hold him and tell him it’s okay. Why do you think I put up with his anger outbursts that terrified me to death? It’s ’cause I love him! Why do you think I was able to calm myself down when he punched me? It’s ’cause I fucking love Niall. I’m in love with Niall Horan and hearing you say shit like he isn’t supposed to love me or I’m driving him into insanity hurts and I’m over it, and I’m over you!

By this time I was fully standing and clenching the arms of the chairs to keep me from attacking Louis. Louis still had his back turned to me, making me feel as if he ignored my entire speech.

“How fucking touching. Bravo. Really, can’t you tell I’m crying from all the feels you’re giving me?” I heard a husky like voice say, and it wasn’t Louis’ voice. I knew that for sure because his voice wasn’t that deep, and the voice came from behind me.

“Makes me want to throw up rainbows and puppies.” Another voice added. Then, the two voices blended together in a fit of sick laughter. Louis and I both turned and the sight made me stumble backwards, hitting the heel of my foot against the leg of Louis’ desk.

“Harry? Liam?” Louis gasped form behind me.

“Surprise.” Harry purred, “Zayn, that was so cute of you to say, but I’m sorry to say that we left Niall somewhere in the woods behind your house where he’ll die alone and unloved. How sad.”

“We’ll find him.” Louis countered, walking up towards the two lethal boys.

“Don’t come any closer.” Harry warned.

“And why’s that?” Louis pestered, continuing his walking.

“Liam’s itching to kill somebody and it’d be a shame if it were you. Those other lab workers and security guards just weren’t enough for him.” Harry’s words made Louis freeze and stand still.

“How dare you.” Louis spat, shaking his head, “If you want to kill me, fucking do it. It won’t get you anywhere.” Harry slowly turned to Liam who had a wicked smirk on his face. It was sickening. Liam slowly moved towards Louis, murder plastered in his eyes.

My frame was completely frozen and I couldn’t move as I watched Liam step in front of Louis, “You shouldn’t have said that.” Liam whispered and lifted his hands, turning Louis around. One of Liam’s arms engulfed Louis’ neck and the other leaned up against the back of his neck and rest on the top of his head. Louis didn’t fight back but tried speaking out, “Zayn find Niall and tell me him how you really fee – ” Then Liam rolled his hands, creating a stomach-churning crack that echoed throughout the office. The colour in Louis’ eyes faded and he dropped to the ground. I let out a scream of emotional pain, as a fresh new set of tears stained my cheeks.

“Why would you do that?” I screamed, my voice breaking at the end of my sentence, “You two are fucking monsters!”

Liam began walking towards me, anger in his eyes, “Liam. Don’t.” Harry calmly said, making the much larger boy retreat, “Watch yourself, Zayn. Go ahead and look for your love. No promises that he’s living when, or if, you do find him. Be careful though, soon Liam and I will own this city and we’ll come back for you. That I can promise.

Then the two creatures left the office, leaving me on the floor next to Louis’ lifeless body. I couldn’t take my sight off of him, but the sight was blurred from the tears that were never ending. I slowly stood and wiped my eyes, looking out into the hallway. I looked back down at Louis,

“I’ll find Niall, and then we’ll kill those two monsters. We'll avenge your death”

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I'm sorry. Sorry for a few things actually. First, I'm sorry for killing Louis. Second, I'm sorry for leaving Niall alone in the cave in pain. And finally, I'm sorry that I've been taking forever to update. Shit's going down but whatever. I've decided that I'm going to focus on this story for a bit because it seriously makes me happy to write it and it's Ziall and is my favourite. I'm just not feelin' the other two. 

I've the next few chapters kind of planned out in my head, so the next few updates should be a breeze. Anyway, express your feelings in the comments, okay? I love reading what you have to say!


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