Broken Hope (Newt fanfic)

By Taylah2112

159K 3.2K 1.9K

Never lose Hope. That's what the note said when the next greenie came up. Her name was...Hope. No one knew if... More

1•Lost girl in her lost mind.
2•Dreams can come true
3•The Time Is Ticking
4•Hopes and Glass smashed.
5•Old Habits And Old Lies
7•I hate you, I love you
8•My little warrior
9•Fight, Forgive, Forget,
10•No longer kids
11•Driving me Wild
Authors Note
12•Drunken Jealousy
13•Opportunities and Conditions
14•Keep Smiling
15• Faith
16• Destiny
17• The Creators Message
18• The Plan
19• Final Day
20• Silence
21• Feelings passed
22• Letters
23• Stupid
24• Cure
25• He's back.
26• Burning Marks
27• Crazy
28• Cranks
29• Riddles
30• Losing daylight
31• Truth and Lies
32• Painful lies
33• Final Day
34• WCKD
35• Like a dream
36• The curious boy
37• Lingering Feelings
38• Meeting the boss
39• Paradise Is Waiting
40• Home

6•Beneath the Bandages

7.6K 158 54
By Taylah2112

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Hopes POV.
"Your worthless Hope!" he said "You don't belong here!" Newt screamed at me.

Him, along with all the other gladers were surrounding me, poking me and throwing things at me.

I heard many different names that broke me piece by piece. They pushed me closer to the open maze doors.

I was getting banished!

"We don't need you here! Goodbye Hope!" Newt shouted while glaring at me with hate filled in his eyes.

I was shoved further inside the maze. My cries echoed off of the walls. I had no choice but to go deeper inside the maze.

I was now fully inside the maze with the tears streaming down my face. The last thing I saw was Newt walking away as if I meant nothing.


I jolt forward, completely awake. It was just a bad dream. I try to repeat that in my dizzy head in hope to calm myself down.

My tired eyes search the mid lighted room. Newt, Alby, Minho and Clint the Med Jack were all standing together talking quietly.

I quickly recovered from my nightmare that I've had many times before and try to wake myself up.

"Guys she's awake," Minho announced and all eyes were on me. Minho said he had to go out into the maze for the day and that he'll be back.

They all said goodbye but I stayed quiet. I heard a few soft foot steps walk towards my bed.

"I came here to tell you that you can no longer be a runner because of the incident that occurred." Alby grunted obviously bored with this conversation.

"What the hell! That's the only thing I'm good at!" I moaned annoyed. I liked to run, it felt like I was running away from my problems.

That means I'll have to stay here, in the glade where everyone hates me. Alby rubbed his forehead with his two fingers trying to keep his anger down.

"You have no choice. We will find you another job. Case closed!" He raised his voice slightly and stormed out of the room.

What a great start to the morning!

I stayed quiet in my warm bed already in a depressed mood. I hate this place so much. I just hate it! I don't want to be here any more.

My thoughts were soon interrupted when Clint said he needed to change my bandages. I didn't respond and just pulled out my ugly legs and weak arms.

He gave me a sad smile and got everything he needed. He sat on the side of my bed while I saw Newt staring at my arms.

He had his fingers pinching his bottom lip which I couldn't help but think was cute. I noticed he did that whenever he was concentrating.

This time he was concentrating on my arms, waiting to see the self destruction held beneath the bandages.

Clint started to carefully unwrap the cloth, there was only one more later until they would be revealed. I didn't want to see them, so I looked away, I looked at Newt.

I could feel my skin be hit with the cool harsh wind of the morning. I hissed slightly and bit my lip to contain the pain.

Newts hand flung to his mouth and I could see the tears well up in his soft eyes. He couldn't keep his eyes away from it.

He took one step closer but I also heard Clint gasp. They had both seen it before what's so different now?

Before I had time to look down at my sliced arm I was hit by a warm body. The first thing I noticed was the smell, it was vanilla along with a cute garden/earthy smell.

I hesitantly hugged the person back, his arms wrapped around my frame easily. As soon as I felt his soft hoodie and his lean figure I new it was Newt.

He was hugging me?

"Please, stop don't do it again. Why did you do it again?" he murmured into my shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly in confusion.

I ignored the slight tingle that ran through my body like electricity every time he touched me.

I pulled away from him and looked down at my arm. Then I saw what he meant. I completely forgot.


I did it again last night like clockwork. I wasn't ashamed that I did it, I always did it. I was ashamed that they found out. How can I be so careless?!

I'm so stupid, worthless, a mistake.

I felt Clint add something wet and it instantly stung. I bit my lip in attempt to hide the hiss that threatened to escape my dry lips.

"No more of this okay?" Clint asked worried slightly. I nodded and put on a fake smile. Another lie told.

Clint finished off with me and then walked out of the room leaving Newt and I alone.

Newt still hasn't said anything and looked deep in thought. Newt sat next to me on the bed and our legs were slightly touching.

I felt a familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach everything he touches me. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.

"Look, Hope I'm sorry that I didn't help you before it was too late but I do care...more than I should..." he muttered the last part softly but I still caught it.

Before he could say anything else the door got barged open and the floorboards screeched in protest to the heavy footsteps.


Newt jumped off of the bed and I got a clear look at who was wanting to talk to me.

The person person I hate, the person who tormented me, made me hate myself inside and out. He ruined me.



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