Zootopia Drabbles

By soar4yourdreams

15.8K 571 116

Hello everyone, and welcome to my Zootopia one shot corner! I LOVE writing and I LOVE Zootopia. Thank you so... More

Your Kit?
Valentines Day Promises
Cold Hard Truth and World
Undercover Part 1
Undercover Part 2
Undercover Part 3
Undercover Part 4 (The Final Chapter)
Author's Note
Author's Note (IMPORTANT!)
Partners For Life
Asking Permission (part 1)
Asking Permission (part 2/final part)
What Happened To Us?
It's Ok Not To Be Perfect
Words On A Page
Under The Stars

Late Mornings

3.1K 91 4
By soar4yourdreams

Judy stood at her kicthchen island flipping through a recipie book. Her finger trailed along the pages as she searched for the perfect breakfast option for that morning.

Her eyes skimmed along the words. "No..... no..... no," she mumbled to herself. nothing seemed to sound appetizing to her that morning, and even carrot cake breakfast casserole didn't catch her eye, which was highly unusual for a bunny who had as much of a sweet tooth as Judy. Her eyes shot up from what she was doing as she heard a knock at her apartment's door. "Come in," she called distractedly.

A jangling of keys was heart before the door began to unlock itself, making a sort of creaking noise as it opened. A red and white fox stepped inside with a smile on his face. The familiar sound of Nick's feat against her wooden floor caused Judy's eyes to rise once more. Their eyes connected as he shut the door to her apartment.

After months of searching for a new place to call home, Judy had finally settled on an apartment near the station. It had taken Judy a week to unpack everything and decorate the entire place, but it was all worth it in the end and no one would argue that the finished product did not look amazing. "Morning Nick," said Judy cheerfully as her eyes captured his in a an optimistic gaze.

"Morning," he responded sleepily. Almost every morning, no matter how much sleep he received the night before, Nick would drag himself into her apartment as though he hadn't slept in months. As usual his nose was burried in his Zoosung, causing Judy to role her eyes. "Watch out for that trap," she joked causing Nick to finally look up from his phone. He gasped and jumped backwards, sending Judy an aggravated look when the trap she had spoken of was nowhere to be found.

Deciding not to brush off the unspoken request to put his phone away, he tucked it into the back pocket of his uniform. That morning, Nick was in his regular officer uniform with his aviator glasses clipped to his uniform pocket making it easier for him to slip the device into his back pocket instead. His fur was nicely combed back and he wore a faint smile which could now be on display since he had removed the thing blocking it. Nick walked over to Judy smiling.

"Have you decided on somethig yet," he asked as he padded over to her. Judy sighed deeply, "I'm a little behind today." He nodded unfazed by her words," No problem." He shurgged as he leaned against the island before explaining, "We have extra time."

Judy continued searching as Nick decided to entertain himself by looking around her apartment," You decorated the place nicely." Judy smiled again," Thank you. I got a few things yesterday after work."

The fox gazed over at Judy for a few moments, taking in her features. A bright smile appeared on her face as she finally found the recipie she had been looking for. He loved it when her face lit up, because it usually meant that her ears would shoot up in excitement as well which would always cause Nick to have to stifle a laugh.

Judy bent down and grabbed a pan from the cabinet, quickly walking over to the stove and placed it on one if the burners. Nick watched curiously as she zipped around the kitchen and began to search for the ingredients to a recipe. He sighed and pulled out his phone again, finding no reason to keep it tucked away when there was nothing else for him to do.

"What is so entertaining on that phone of yours anyway," she questioned. Nick shrugged, "Don't talk all condescending towards me! You have one too, bunny!"

As Judy began to use the ingredients she went back to her concentration face. "So, what are you thinking about doing for Valentines. Do you have any preferances," asked Nick as he tried to avert the conversation to another topic.

Judy shrugged as she set her bowl down and began skilfully pouring the mix she had just made onto a pan. "I've got some undercover work to take care of."

Nick looked up from his phone in a surprised manner as she continued. "I got a solo case about a tiger who's been romancing all of these females before stealing their identity and information." Nick raised an eyebrow before commenting sarcastically," Well he sounds like a pleasant guy. A gentleman worth a billion dollars, that's for sure. I'm sure he intends to win a Nobel Peace Prize with that reputation!"

Judy smirked," I'd say in his plan he'd roughly take just about that much. Althougj, I don't think he'll be concluding his job as he plans now that I've been assigned to the case." Nick nodded sadly as he went back to his phone. "I thought that only the special agents were sent out to do work like this," he questioned. "And aren't you too widely known to just put you on the spot like that," he pointed out. "The chief has confidence in me, and he believes that this person has been underground enough to not recognize me. This guy knows a lot about the agents though, ad the Chief is sure he would recognize them," she explained as she added a teaspoon of Vanilla to her mixture.

Nick and Judy had started dating a few months ago, but the only time they spent together was at work which usually left Nick alone when it came to when Judy would receive a solo case. "I was just kind of hoping you were free," said Nick letting his guard down and then immediately putting it back up. "But it's ok, I know you can't get out of this," he countered.

Immediately Judy flipped the carrot pancake she was making and looked up. "I'm sorry Nick... I know we're aloud to be together now, but I just wish we had more time to actually be...together."

He smiled as he put his phone in his back pocket. "Maybe this weekend," he inquired hopefully. Judy nodded as she flipped her pancake once again," I'll mark it on the calendar." Nick laughed, "Oh so now the big time face of Zootopia police has to work me into her schedule! Should I be excited? Do I need to bring a paper for you to sign?!"

Judy sent Nick a glare as he chuckled at his own humor. Seeing that she was clearly not impressed, Nick stood from his barstool chair before walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her. She elbowed him as she kissed him lightly on the nose," All you have to do is bring yourself, and don't get smart with me Wilde."

She then grabbed a plate off the counter beside her and wiggled out of his grip, walking to the bar and placing the plat with a hot pancake in front of Nick's seat. He licked his lips before walking over and kissing her. "I could get used to this," he complimented. She raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about, we cook for each other almost every moment!" "And the moment is now ruined," Nick called sarcastically before taking his seat. Judy rolled her eyes and turned to walk back around to the kitchen, walking past the door before almost entering.

"Oh, and Judy. Watch out for that trap," Nick warned as he took a bite of his pancake. Judy's eyes widened as she hopped backwards before she tripped over a familiar fox tail and fell into Nick's arms. She threw the now standing Nick an aggravated gaze. To this glare he merely responded by kissing her cheek before whispering, "Got ya."

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