unexpected love >> tomlinson

נכתב על ידי Raquel519

5.9K 116 65

He was there for fun. She was there to brush off a heartbreak. עוד

1. Unexpected Love
2. Clubs and Boys
3. Hungover
4. Blue Eyes
5. Here's My Number, So Call Me Maybe
6. I Can't Believe Im Doing This
7. Ice Cream Parlor
8. Chests and Notes
9. Ice Cream Date
10. What If We.....
11. Confidence and Class Dreams
12. Breaking In
13. Skype Calls and Reuniting
14. Brush With Death
15. Apologizing and One Big Question
16. Answers and Confessions
17. Never Have I Ever
18. Class of 2013
19. Mom! Dad!
20. Help! Please! Help!
21. Please Remember
22. Sweaty Palms and Memories
24. Keep Your Head Down
25. Trust is Tested
26. Anxiety
27. Niall and Apologies
28. Interviews and Necklaces
29. "Are you ashamed?"
30. Caught & Nightmares
31. Classic
32. Their Memory
33. "You're My Idiot."
34. Cliche Performances & Tired Eyes
35. Scare
36. Suit and Tie
37. Models & Talking it Out
38. Birthday
39. Surprise!
40. The Letter
41. Choosing; Forever
42. Found
43. Promise

23. Sass Masta From Doncasta

148 2 1
נכתב על ידי Raquel519

Again more flashbacks. They will be in ITALICS :) PLEASE CLICK THE EXTERNAL LINK FOR HER OUTFIT! DO IT!!! Thanks for reading! Dont forget to drop a comment about anything, from your friend Fred to how much you love the story :) XOXO


23. I think. I dont know anymore. Haha

The resteraunt we pulled up to looked amazing. All classy and expensive. I gasped and just stood there staring with my mouth hung open. The outside was black with huge, shiny windows in the front. It was at least two stories and in shiny letters it said The Blue Door Bistro. (This is an actual 5 star restaurant! I did my research! Look it up!) I had only read about it and it amazing British meals.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." Louis smirked, his fingers finding my chin and closing my mouth. I blushed and thanked him. He laced his fingers with mine and we walked into the building.

"Reservation for two." He smiled telling the girl no older than us, at the reception podium thingy. She nodded and looked down her list. The minute her eyes met ours I knew something was up.

"Um yes. I have you here. Im sorry but your table isn't ready. Give us 5 minutes please." I nodded and started to walk to the seating area to wait but I noticed Louis wasn't following.

"Lou-?" I turned but got interruppted by his voice.

"Its not ready? I made a reservation 3 days ago!" He raised his voice, his tone more scolding than anger. Wow. He planned this 3 days ago? Good thing I agreed to go.

"I-I- I am sorry. It'll just be 3 minutes." The girl blushed and stumbled over her words, looking like she was going to cry.

"Do you know who I am? I am THE Louis Tomlinson! Heard of me? Sassmaster from Doncaster?! The Queen?! The LEADER of One Direction. Obviously you haven't considering my table isn't ready." He snapped. I gasped.

"Louis William Tomlinson!" I exclaimed, in shock from what just came out. He ignored my words and just had a stare down with the receptionist who had let a tear slip. I stood in front of him breaking his stare.

"Go. Sit." I ordered. His eyes softened on me and his head dropped out of guilt, walking over to the waiting bench. I turned to the girl. She looked at me, scared and broken. I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"I am so sorry for my boyfriends' behavior. I seriously have no idea what got into him. I am sorry." She sniffled and a small chuckle came from her lips.

"I know. I'm sorry I overreacted. It was nothing." She smiled and I let go of her. I nodded.

"Im sorry though. Dont worry though, I'll spank him when he gets home." I winked causing a giggle to slip from her lips.

"Here. Go buy yourself something. I know it doesn't make up for what he did but hopefully it helps." I slipped a $100 bill into her hand. She gasped and immediatly refused but I smiled and urged her to keep it. She smiled and thanked me.

"Say, before you go. Whats your name?" I asked.

"Alex." She smiled.

"I'm Emily. Here." I said pulling out my phone. "Put your number in." She grinned and handed me her phone. After we traded numbers, one more question popped into my head.

"What is one thing you wanna do with your life?" I asked.

"I wanna sing." She blushed.

"Oh really? Sing something." She took a deep breath. (PLAY THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!)

My jaw dropped and I beckoned Louis over. The entire resteraunt was silent and she was belting out the song. When she finished she opened her eyes and blushed, eyes wide at what just happened.

"That was amazing love." Louis complimented. She blushed and everyone started clapping.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Look, I am very sorry for what I did. I am just stressed and I know that is a crap excuse and I am very sorry. I really, truly am." She studied his face and then nodded.

"Apology accepted. Oh and your table is ready. Follow me." She smiled, grabbing two menus and leading us to the back corner and seating. We both thanked her and she walked back to her job.

When our waitress came over she glared at us before taking our drink order and walking off.

"Peasant." Louis grumbled. I gasped and started breaking out into giggles.

"Louis!" I scolded playfully. He shrugged and we regained our composure just as she came back. She handed Louis and I our tea. That's right. We are classy like that. We drink tea.

"What would you like to eat?" She grumbled, chewing her gum obnoxisly. I rolled my eyes and scanned the menu before ordering.

"I'll have the Lamb Chop." I smiled. She scribbled it down and turned her attention to Louis.

"Fish and Chips please." She nodded, scribbled it down and walked away.

"Fish and Chips? Really? I could've made that." I said. He shrugged and sipped his tea.

"Remember when you broke into my house and kidnapped me only to take me to the beach?" I chuckled at the memory. Louis laughed.

"Yep. I had it all planned out."

"No way! Stalker much?!" I teased. He shrugged.

"I remember when you texted me all creepy asking if I was home or not." I chuckled.

"Well, I couldn't just break into an empty house." He smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"And then I thought I heard a voice." I laughed. Lou blushed.

"You heard my voice." I stared dumbfonded. So I wasn't going crazy. With that realization I immediatly burst into a fit of giggles.

"Wow. Some ninja you are." I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"I remember your face when I took you to the beach. I couldn't tell if it was shock or disgust or you were pretending for my sake." He admits.

"Aww Lou I loved it. I really, truly did. If I didn't I would be a bitch." His eyes widened at my drop of the cuss word through which I rarely ever used. In fact, I wasn't a big fan of people who dropped the F-Bombs daily or cussed in every sentence. Like how the fudge does, "What the fuck does that fucking bitch think she was doing when she did shit talking crap about me?", make sense? Sometimes I drop a word out of anger or heat of the moment but its rare.

"Close your mouth. You might catch flies." I mocked from earlier. He chuckled and gave me a heart warming smile. That smile took me back.


I kept my head down, hurrying to my World History, completly distracted in my thoughts until I bumped into a wall. At least thats what I thought it was until I looked up to see a face smiling down at me, showing off his pearly whites. A quite familiar face actually. One that graced the cover of every teen magazine out there. With his mishevled hair and light blue eyes, it immediatly clicked that I didn't run into a wall at all. I ran into Louis Tomlinson.

Realizing I was staring, I shook myself and apologized.

"It's ok love." The eyes and hair were something I had seen before and not on magazine covers. Those blue eyes that I had seen so recently. The ones that brought back heart breaking yet pleasurable memories. Those were the eyes I stared into for so long at the club on Friday.

"Its you." I breathed.

He smiled. "Last I checked." I blushed and laughed. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. He started leaning in. I snapped out of it.

"I'm sorry. I don't know you. I need to get to class." I turned quickly and walked away. I could hear him calling me but I couldnt face him. I kept my head down, turned the corner and hurried to class.


"Em? Emily? Babe? Ello? Earth to Emily? Emmy Lu? Em-" I shook my head and snapped from my flashback.

"Sorry." I flushed and noticed I had a salad in front of me. Slowly I picked up my fork and took a stab at the greens. I dont know why I ordered the lamg chop considering I probably wont be able to finish my salad. But Lou wanted to spoil me and I was getting better everyday.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked curiously, putting a forkful of greens into his mouth.

"When I umm nothing." I shook my head and going back for more leaves.

"Tell me." He said taking my right hand in his left, stroking his thumb over mine. I blushed and butterflies gathered in the pit of my stomach at the relaxing motion.

"Fine. I was reliving when I bumped into you on that Monday after that Friday...." I trailed and he nodded catchin my flow.

"That actually-"

"I have the Lamb Chop and Fish and Chips." The waitress interrupted, an apologetic smile on her face as she handed us our food. We thanked her and she took away our appetizer dishes and left us to eat in peace. I cut into my lamb and left it sitting there on the fork as I took a sip of my Tea. I looked at my piece of Lamb on my plate and contemplated.

"Fat. Fat. Fat. You need to lose weight. Salad. You already ate salad." My subconcious put in and I gulped. My palms grew sweaty and I took a deep breath.

"Em... If anything you should be putting on a little weight." He tried comforting me. Shock went through me. Did he WANT me to get fat?

"HAHA! Boyfriend wants you fat. Dont. Eat."

"No No No!! I dont mean that! What I mean is that because of how little you eat you are skinny. I think it would best to gain just a bit. Like 2 lbs. You are perfect but I dont want you dangerously low in weight." He tried covering up. I giggled a bit and nodded.

"I getcha. Its just Constant. She's horrible." I grumbled and chose to put the lamb into my mouth, the meat exquiste tasting.

"Constant?" He asked perplexed. I held up a hand and swallowed.

"Constant. Its my conscience." He smiled and nodded and continued eating his Fish.

We ate in a comfortable silence. Each of us enjoying our food in quiet thought.

"You know what my favorite memory is?" He asked quietly. I looked up at him.

"No. What is it?" I asked, halfway done with my Lamb.


"LOUIS!" I squealed as he cracked a lame joke.

"What? That joke is hilarious!" He teased. I rolled my eyes and we kept walking towards no where specifically. Our hands were intertwined, swinging back and forth, toes in the hot sand.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I cooed. He smiled.

"No..." He stopped and turned to face me. I stared into his eyes.

"Okay. Coz I dont." I giggled. Louis' face went from excited to glaring at me. My eyes widened and I screamed, turning on my heel and running down the beach, Lou close on my heels. I ran, giggling and screaming as he chased me. I saw him reach out towards me but I jumped to the side and he missed. I saw the dock and I sprinted toward it, hurrying up the steps and going down the boardwalk.

I could hear the pounding of his feet behind him getting closer, and closer.

"Jeez you run fast." He yelled trying to catch up.

"I did track in middle school!" I yelled back. He huffed. I laughed, and turned my face around too see his face.

"EM LOOK OU-!" I could feel myself falling face first, bracing myself for impact which would most certainly leave a bruise. Instead I felt something hit my shins and myself tumbling forward hitting something cold and refreshing. Water. I sat up, throwing my hair back mermaid style and glare at Louis. He stood there, clutching his abdomen, doubling over in fits of laughter.

"UGH! I HATE YOU!" I yelled, splashing him with water. He slowly looked up to meet my gaze. I smiled innocently, cupping my face with my hands.

"You're gonna get it!" He exclaimed and jumped into the fountain and splashing me.

"LOUIS!" I screeched splashing him back. Quickly it turned into an all out splash war, earning stares from random passerbyers. I threw my head back in laughter, when I felt him pick me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"God, you are beautiful." I blushed and hid my hands in his face. Using one hand, it moved my hands and brushed a piece of hair away. His blue eyes caught mine, truth and promise spilling out of them. We both leaned in, our lips connecting, the water falling on us water pooling in between us. I came up for air and he laid his forehead against mine.

"Lets get home and dry off." I giggled and nodded, hoping off of him and getting out of the fountain.

"RACE YA!" He yelled running off. I rolled my eyes and followed.


"I love that one too."

"KissMe." He mumbled.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Nothing." He shrugged, finishing off his chips.

"No No. You said something. Like Kiss me! Thats what you said! Kiss Me!" He grinned.

"If you say so." I gasped as I realized I had fallen for his trap but it was stifled by his lips on mine. He pulled back licking his lips and I blushed.

"Mhhmm Salty." I giggled and looked down at my plate. Surprisingly I had eaten everything except a 1/4 of my Lamb and the Peas. As if on que the waitress came over asking us if we wanted any desert. I shook my head and asked for the check. She nodded, pulling it out of her pocket and leaving it on the table and took away our empty (Or almost empty in my case) plates. I opened my purse, digging through it and grabbed my wallet.

"I got it." Lou smiled and put his credit card down. I attempted to object but he shushed me so I put my wallet back and sat back, feeling full for the first time in a few days.

"Thanks Lou." I smiled.

"Anything for my Princess." My stomach fluttered.

"Am I really your Princess?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No. You are my Queen."



You guys totally deserve like a double update but I've been busy the past two weeks with school starting and stuff.


Not that you guys bug me about updating (THANK YOU! Though i dont mind).

Oh, BTW I dont quite agree with my story being rated R considering I dont cuss much and I have only had one sexual scene and it wasn't even like graphic so umm Hmmmm.

Thanks so much!



Can I get 100 votes? HAHA JK!

Maybe like 4?


XOXO- Rachel

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