All Beauty Lies Behind The Be...

By JustADream3r

3.7K 32 5

Nicole never imagined herself falling in love with a total stranger that stalks her, let alone falling in lov... More

Just An E-mail
Your Safety Is My Concern
I Can No Longer Protect You
It Isn't You That's Dangerous, It's Me
It Only Gets Worse From Here
First Impressions Last
Is This Real Or Am I Just Crazy?
I Think I Love Something That Isn't Real
Silver Hair
All Beauty Lies Behind The Beast
Last Stop To Hell
If We Survive
Could You Love A Beast?

Racing To Live

184 2 0
By JustADream3r

Tyler ran after me picking me up, the next thing I knew we were running for our lives.  I was still in shock, his fur was so soft and he was extremely warm. It happened to come in handy because when he ran all I could feel was the sting of the cold air against my body, I was like an ice cube. I closed my eyes tightly and just prayed that this would all be over soon.

“Are you scarred yet?” He asked laughing.

I buried my face in his chest and shook my head back and forth. “Of you no, of this yes”

 “Sorry, and I promise when this is all done we will go back”

We weren’t even to the car and I could hear Gerardo’s sinister laugh. He was keeping up just fine with us. Tyler stopped and changed course, he threw me on his back so he could run faster. I held on as tightly as I could and all I kept thinking was we can’t out run him. Tyler stopped, and put me down. I had become fragile to him and he was too afraid to really even touch me. He lifted his finger to his mouth and held the other to mine. I knew he was telling me I should be quiet, but it was hard to.

“I know where you are, you can’t run you can’t hide. I have already found you and our game has just begun” Gerardo said cackling loudly.

Tyler lifted me up in one swift movement and started to run again, by this time it was completely dark out the only light we had was when the stars poked through the canopy. I could barely breathe, every time I took in a deep breath I could feel a stinging sensation in my throat. Gerardo started to close in I could hear his breathing and when I looked up he was right besides me. He grinned at me his teeth sharp, and bright luminous white. He hadn’t transformed yet, he was still human. He had short brown hair and he was tall, but he was more buff than any of the other guys I had seen. He was dark tan and his face was beautiful, he was like the perfect monster.

He let out a loud laugh filling the forest with a loud boom; he grabbed my shirt pulling me off Tyler. “You thought you could out run me, well you can’t” He said tracing my face with his cold fingers.

“You may be fast physically but you seem to forget to think” Tyler said dropping down on him”

He picked me up off the ground, I couldn’t breathe I was freezing cold. He held me in his arms and ran as fast as he could, we had more of an advantage seeming as Gerardo began to transform into his beast form. I couldn’t tell what direction we were headed I just knew that we were going farther away from our killer, but deeper into the forest. Tyler laid me down on the ground and felt around making sure I hadn’t been seriously hurt. I was in pain; I could feel every little thing he was doing.

He chuckled to himself. “See I told you we are dangerous, you’re so fragile”

“I’m just as tough as you are” I said coughing.

  “You seem fine, you will probably be a little bruised though” He said picking me up in his arms continuing to walk.

“A little, it feels like my whole body broke” I said laughing the best I could.

   “It will be okay, I promise you after a week you will be back to your old self”

He looked into my eyes and kissed me, it was weird. I had never kissed a beast before but then again, I had never met one before either. I remember falling asleep in his arms and drifting off into a dream. Gerardo had caught me, he was kissing all over me and Tyler stood there watching him. I couldn’t see at first why Tyler hadn’t moved but there stood Kevin and Kelsey holding him back. Gerardo carefully took his long finger nail and cut through my shirt. I started freaking out I kicked him as hard as I could; I started screaming and got up. Then out of no where I felt a surge of pain through my right arm, Damien had come up from behind me and cut down my arm. The warm blood that once coursed through my veins spilled out down my arm. Tyler growled and pushed Kelsey and the others off of him.

  He attacked Kevin making him yelp, and then he went after Damien. They went back in forth growling and pushing, and slamming. Kelsey looked at me her eyes full of hunger; she leapt forward and had completely ripped my arm off. I was screaming in agony, the blood gushed out now and I could barely see anything it all slowly faded away. The next thing I knew I was awake. I looked around; the early light of day arrived and poked through the trees. My hair was a tangled matted mess; I had leaves and sticks tangled in it. My body was completely dry and warm, I looked over and there Tyler lay completely naked.

At first I was shocked, and then I began to laugh. I was not normally the one who was active in any sexual way, and now I was stuck in the forest with a completely naked guy. I took my jacket off and covered him up so he would have some decency of a human being. As soon as he felt me touch him he stirred.

“Good morning” I said in a scratchy voice, my throat was sore from his incredible speed and the air that was inhaled.

“Good morning” He said scratching his head.

I giggled at him. “So do you always sleep this nude?”

He felt his body quickly realizing he was naked. “No not normally, I usually have extra clothes I can change into”

  “It’s okay just that is one hell of a view first thing in the early hours of morning” I laughed.

He got up and quickly tied the jacket around the front of him. To my surprise he still looked as sexy as ever. I walked behind him and began to laugh; he had leaves and sticks stuck to his ass. I was in no way shape or form touching it. I took off the first t-shirt I had on it had been long sleeved; he took it and wrapped it around behind him. I laughed watching him struggle so much after waking up. He pulled me in close wrapping his arms around me; I could feel the warmth of his skin through my shirt. He kissed my forehead and took off walking.

  “Do you even know where we are going?”

He looked back at me. “You don’t pay much attention, I already told you before I hear all and know all, my kind has like a built in map in our heads”

 “Oh yeah, I forgot sorry” I said walking and watching where I was stepping.

“We need to get back to the car and start back to the hotel, get some clothes and then head back to town”

   “Are you sure we would be safe there?” I asked, I was excited at the thought of finally going home, being back at school.

“Not exactly sure, but we are running out of time we need to pick up the pace”

He grabbed me in his arms and began walking again, I felt like a clumsy little girl. I looked up to the sky and all I could see was the greenery of the trees overhead, all I could hear was the crunch of our footsteps and the early sounds of the birds. I was content I felt at ease, I didn’t feel like we were running for our lives anymore. Tyler looked down at me; he had been ease dropping on my thoughts. I just frowned at him. This huge smile spread across his face, I didn’t feel like fighting today so I just dropped it.

“So you enjoy the sound of nature in the mornings?”

I leaned my head back. “Yes I do, it reminds me when I would go camping with my family as a little girl”

“That would make me feel happy too, I suppose” said Tyler.

  “We should be to the car in another fifteen minutes don’t worry” He smiled at me.


He was right; we had finally made it back to the car. I ran to it and got in, I wanted to turn the heat on full blast and just get back to the hotel to bathe. He got in and started it up; he flipped the heat on before I even got the chance to. I moved my gaze to the radio and turned on something soft and slow, I wanted to relax as much as I could. My body was still in extreme pain from last night’s events. I was starting to wish everything had been a complete dream. The car ride to the hotel was the most awkward thing ever, I just wanted to be back in a place were I could call it home.

  “So is this over?” I asked as turned to look at him.

 “Do you want me to lie or tell you the truth?” He said keeping his focus on the road.

I sighed. “I guess tell me the truth”

“The truth is the hunt will never end, he will hunt us until one of us is killed”

There was a long stretch of silence. I was starting to wonder if the lie would have been any better.

“I just want to get us back in one piece, let’s worry about Gerardo later”

  We were almost there, I was happy. I looked a horrid mess and I am sure we would be a sight to see. He pulled in the parking lot and looked over at me; he pulled a few twigs from my hair. I looked at him and started laughing, he was the one who would be walking in with nothing but a t-shirt and a jacket wrapped around him. He frowned at me but I still couldn’t help but smile. We got out of the car and went upstairs to our room. Everybody that we passed looked at us like we were jungle people; I just walked right past them and waved. One older lady I waved to, fell over.

 Once we got to the room we ran inside immediately, I ran to the bathroom and went ahead and got my shower. I had to have been in there for an hour, after I got out and got dressed I walked out into the room. Tyler was lying on the bed with still, just my jacket and t-shirt. I couldn’t help but stare, and I was starting to get use to it. He looked up at me smiling.

“I take it you are not use to seeing somebody or anything naked?” Tyler laughed.

I nodded my head laughing too. “Yeah, but I am getting use to it”

“Why don’t you come lay down on the bed with me” He patted the bed with his hand.

I crawled up on the bed with him and adjusted myself so I was looking directly at him. “I have never been as close to anyone as I am with you” I said looking into his eyes.

  “So you love me then, right?” He said pulling me in closer to his chest.

“Yes, I do love you” I said trying to control my breathing.

He pulled me on top of him and held onto my waist. “Then do you mind if we try to do something?” He asked pulling me down near his face to kiss me.

I shivered. “I have never-He put his finger to my lips. “It’s okay, just relax”

He sat me up and took my spaghetti strap shirt off, I tried to breathe but my brain was failing me. I couldn’t think or breathe, I was in shock. He kissed from my neck down to my collar bone slowly, that way I didn’t die of a heart attack. It all happened so fast, the sweat began to fall from my face and my heart beat started to beat faster and faster. His body was pressed to my body and our arms wrapped around each other. I just lay there; out of breathe thinking about everything that had just occurred. I wasn’t ashamed or regretting it, I was crying because it was special to me. He was the one I wanted to live my life with forever; I was madly in love with Tyler.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead trying to catch his breath, he smiled at me sincerely.

“I love you with all my heart Nicole, and-

I looked at him. “What, what is it?” I asked wishing I knew what he was thinking.

 He got up and took a shower; I fixed the bed and got dressed while he did what he needed to do. He walked out of the bathroom and came over to me; he sat me down on the bed and stood there.

“Nicole Dodson, will you do me the extreme pleasure in marrying me?” He asked getting down on one knee and opening a little black box, with a beautiful diamond ring sitting in the middle.

I gasped for air, I was shocked and happy I had so many feelings emerging, I got up hugged him tightly and said, “Yes, I will marry you”

I enjoyed every minute of him kissing me after that. He stopped and his body became very tense his blue eyes that had returned were turning black. I back away from him, I had the instinct to run but instead I chose to sit there and wait for his response. He looked at me and then the next thing I know our hotel door had been busted down, you could hear the screams coming from the hall way and hear the footsteps as the people ran. My heart began to beat uncontrollably, my body froze I couldn’t move. Gerardo, Kelsey, Damien, Kevin, and another guy stood there. Tyler growled at them, I knew that we were in danger and that something was about to happen.

Gerardo ran towards me, I could tell he had grabbed me into his arms and that he was running out of the hotel, the few things I could see were that the people at the desk laid on the ground bleeding and people running by in a blur. I could hear Tyler screaming for me as he ran trying to get me, but Kelsey and the others kept fighting him only giving Gerardo more time to get away. I fainted in his arms; I couldn’t handle it all at once. When I finally came to, Gerardo had me laid down on a bed and was sitting at a desk watching me intently.

  “Well it’s about time you woke up” He said smiling at me sincerely.

“W-what do you want with me?” I asked angrily.

He got up and walked over to sit on the bed; he took one hand and gently rubbed across my cheek. “That’s not the way to talk to me; surely you would have figured that one out by now”

“I just want to go home, I didn’t want any of this to happen” I cried out.

  “Well I was thinking about letting you go free, but-he paused contemplating on what to say. If I let you go free you give Tyler to me and he dies” He said smiling wickedly.

“No, I won’t let you hurt him” I yelled.

He laughed at me showing me his teeth. “I don’t think you have much of a choice, if you decide not to then you both die and Tyler gets to watch as you die slowly”

  “So, make your choice wisely, I will leave you to rest up” He got up and walked out of the room leaving me to my thoughts, my pain, and my fear.

I wanted to go home, to see my parents again, to see all of my friends and tell them they were right. I wanted to announce my engagement to Tyler, and I could but only if Tyler died? Then why would I announce it, what would I have to live for? If Tyler dies then I die with him. Then if I chose no, I die first and Tyler watches in agony as they kill me. What if there was a third option though, could I manage to escape with Tyler and both of us being untouched or unharmed? I had to think quickly and I had to know the plan front and back and somehow get the message to Tyler. There was no way though, there was no hope left for us. This was going to be the end of us we were going to die locked in rooms.

  Just then I about jumped out of my skin when Damien entered my room, he held one finger to his mouth and shook his head slowly. “Listen I am going to get you out of here I am done with Gerardo and the others, I didn’t think that they would even consider what- he paused flinching at the thoughts that were in his head. They want to savagely kill you and leave you in the forest to rot, to die alone with nobody there” He said in a whisper.

“Then why did you come after me with Kevin?” I asked quietly.

   “I didn’t know then what I know now and I would never hurt somebody who is innocent”

 “Innocent, what do you mean?”

He smiled at me, “You did nothing to deserve a death that brutal, and I know Tyler couldn’t live without you”

“So then you will help me?” I asked hugging him.

  “Yes, so what are we going to do?”

“Help me and Tyler, escape from here”

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, “Act dead, it’s the only way I could get you out of here, remember no sudden movements or talking”

He carried me out of the room; I was limp, almost completely lifeless. I couldn’t tell where we were going but I was hoping that I would get out of this place.

“What are you doing with her?”

   “She just died, I figure I would dump the body” Damien responded authoritatively.

“Go then, I don’t need a body stinking up the place” Gerardo said furiously.

Damien got me out of there in no time; he sat me down in the car and took off to get Tyler. I was shocked at how fast they were out but then realized that Gerardo was after them, he caught on. They got in the car and again we were off racing to live. Tyler looked back at me and just smiled, I didn’t understand it but I wasn’t trying to understand it at the moment. I just wanted this chase to end I wanted to be home. It felt like forever till we got to Damien’s house. I wanted so badly to ask where we had been before but too scared to find out.

“Yes that is what you would call a castle, almost” Damien turned smiling at me.

“Well I am just glad we are here safely” Tyler spoke from the side of me.

He helped me out of the car and into the house. I was exhausted and I just wanted to get some sleep but I knew that it wasn’t possible.

“It’s us three against them and his army, chance of survival is very slim”

Tyler glared at him, “Still we have to fight back or think of a way to stay alive”

  “Even if we die I want to be with you when it happens” I said softly.

 “We won’t die, quit thinking about death and sorrow” Tyler yelled at me furiously, he walked into the other room slamming the door.

Damien took my hand and began dancing with me, “Do not worry about him dear, he is trying to what is best for you”

“We will marry at our death, and then for eternity slumber together forever” I whispered under my breath, I knew what was to come or what I thought would become of us and I was scared.

“Do not think that way, if we can figure out a plan then you and Tyler will live”

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