It Only Gets Worse From Here

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We arrived twenty minutes early. I could almost feel my heart pounding out of my chest. I grabbed my bag and was off without one good-bye to Isabelle. She was shaking her head at me, I couldn’t tell if it was in disgust or because she just thought I was stupid?  I practically ran to the shelters hoping that I hadn’t missed him, but when I got there I wanted to just run and hide though because there stood Kelsey. She was a goddess, she was somewhat shorter than Tyler, but she had dark brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She had looks that could kill, her face was flawless not one imperfection on her whole body. It was unbelievable. Even more infuriating, that she was keeping him from me what could I do though?

“Hey” Kelsey said waving to me with a fake, friendly smile.

I waved back “Hey”

 Tyler walked towards me, “Hello there, I told you I kept my word”

I just looked at the ground. “I can see that, hey do you mind if we go somewhere else?”

 He waved for his friends to go and said, “Well I think they were just leaving, let’s go talk for a minute”

  He put his arm around me and walked me over to the bench. I could feel my heart fluttering, and I knew everyone had been looking.

“Is it always like this for you?” I asked trying to avoid eye contact with those staring.

  “Is what always like this?” He said looking puzzled.

“Never mind; what did you want to talk about?”

He sat down with me and looked deep into my eyes, making sure I would grasp what he was about to say, “Nicole, I can’t show you what I am”

 “So then you aren’t human, are you?” I said running one finger over his hand.

“No, I’m not human and that endangers you every second you are with me”

  “I don’t care, I want to learn more about you” I said.

“Tomorrow night, meet me in the forest around eleven o’clock” He said, but you could tell in his eyes he had regretted telling me that.

“Okay, well I have to get to class now” I said running off.

I had so many thoughts going through my head, maybe he was a vampire? Then I thought no, they burn in the sunlight. Maybe he was a ware wolf who killed bad guys. I thought about this a few more minutes and realized what the hell is wrong with me? I got to class and almost tripped over my own feet trying to get to my desk. There sitting in the desk next to me was Kelsey, she seemed angry.

“I told you to stay out of my way, meaning leave Tyler alone” She said looking at me.

I spoke back through gritted teeth “You should really mind your own business, you need to trust me”

She turned her head and listened to Mr. Marlow who was apologizing to everyone, and talked about his diagnosis. He apparently has diabetes and he wasn’t aware, the night before he had went out with some friends to the bar and had been drinking a lot. Well that explained that. I decided I would look over at Kelsey only I would try to glare at her. I failed epically; she was one step ahead and gave me a look so terrifying I had to ask to leave class.

 She must have been feeling really good cause she laughed at me as I coward out and ran to the girls bathroom, only I didn’t quite make it. I heard a low growl around the corner so I stopped to listen.

“Tyler your sister is right; you should quit interacting with the girl”

He must have hit the wall because he screamed. “Ah, shut up; just stay out of my damn business Danny”

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