Addicted 2 You (Urban Sequel)

By sivryh

417K 15K 3.1K

The Sequel To Addicted Oh Their Back ! Addicted (2) You : Is Just Getting Started Kash or Devin ? , Not Knowi... More

001 .
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007 . Part 1
007 . Part 2
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031 .
Just So You Know
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038 .
Please Read
039 .
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041 .
042 .
043 .
044 .
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049 .
050 . FINAL
Ideas for Part 3
Addiction now out

038 . part 2

6.1K 246 34
By sivryh

Lyric POV :

As I met the other 2 girls last was my so called 'cousin'.

I stared her down as I shook my head , she disgusted me just by looking at her .

She takes a deep breath as she spins around doing a 360 and begins to speak .

"I like her." Says Ghost before she could even get her words out , August laughs as I rolled my eyes

"Yeah Tink right here, is one of my best dancers in Sugar although I would love for her to stay I want her to leave to get more money's worth so she can support her kids and herself." Says August

I almost choke hearing the last part, Kids??!

I didn't know she had kids and I was surprise to hear she still was stripping while having kids .

She nods her head .

"Well he basically explained what I'm doing this for-"

"I don't think we should take her." I said cutting her off .

Ghost looks over at me confused .

"She haves children and I don't want nothing that can trouble our business that can cause her to have troubles at home." I stated .

Everybody looks at me still confused

"Look lyric can we please put aside the past and just move on , I don't want my foolish ways in the past to effect my career and future especially being that I have kids. Please I need this."

I shook my head as I looked her up n down

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Asked August .

"She's my cousin." Tink states .

"No the hell I'm not, I'm yo acquaintance." I rephrased.

She looks at me with sadness .

"Please Lee."

"Wait yo name is Lyric??" Asked August .

"Yea." I said in the obviously tone .

He sighs and begins to chuckle .
"So that's were she got her name from." He says shaking his head .

"Paradon?" I asked confused as hell now .


I rolled my eyes .

"I should've known."

"I did some research up on her and I discover her real name and basically everything I need to know. She came down here and fooled me and my nigga Kidd."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that , but back to business."

"My fault, but anyways fine if you don't want Tink then there's nothing I can do but let you stay here at Sugar Tink."

"Its me Lee, Tink Tink. Your favorite cousin, please I'm begging you."

"No , I'm not letting yo life jeopardize my business and your kids, I'm sorry."

Although I disliked Tink I wasn't about to let her do anything crazy that wasn't right for her and her kids
No child deserved to come home to a mom who's been busting her pussy all day and act like as if everything is OK , trust me I knew and I hated the feeling

"Get a real job Tink, I can help you out with that but I can't recruit you."

"But I can." Says Ghost standing up.


"Your not self-employed anymore Mrs Jones , last time I checked I was in charge and I want Miss Tink recruited."

"You can't be serious."

"Serious than ever , so Miss Tink pack yo bags and be ready for our flight tomorrow morning 10 am sharp."

"Thank you so much." She says leaving the room .

I felt betrayed , how can my partner just up and decide a bad decision .

August looks at us and shakes his head .

"Seems like you guys have a lot of talking to do, I'll see you guys tomorrow morning at the airport. It was great doing business with you guys."

"You too, see ya tomorrow." Says Ghost shaking his hand.

"Yeah you too." I said storming out the office walking back towards our ride .

I cant believe this shit! I thought to myself . shaking my head.


Mama Davis POV :

"Ahhh glad you could join me today." Says Snake as I make my way inside his office while the bodyguard stands behind me making sure I don't do anything stupid .

"Please make this quick." I said

He looks me up and down and busts out laughing outta nowhere .

"Woooo girl , that damn family of yours really got to your head huh?" He says still laughing as he takes a seat behind his desk .

I roll my eyes as I stood there waiting for his next comment .

"Now , back to reality . how you been CoCo puffs?" he says . saying my prostitude name he given me back then .

"I'm no longer that person." I said defending myself.

"I know , you more of a hoe grandmother , right?" He says laughing at his own corny ass joke .

I shook my head , I wanted him to hurry up and tell me I had to do in order to get myself out if this situation and continue to stay back on good terms with my daughter.

"Now do you have what I have?" He asks.

I nod my head as I walked closer to his desk sitting the duffel bag on the wooden table .

He smiles so devilish. He then stands to his feet grabbing the bag unzipping it and as soon as he did that smile of his turn upside down.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked angrily as he opens it wider for me to see .

"What?!" I said gasping .

There in the bag was nothing but full of diapers and baby clothes .

"This can't be happening, I sworn I put it in this bag." I said referring to the money I stole from Kash safe .


I grab onto the burning side of my cheek as I was now on the floor looking up at him as he hovers over me .

"Bitch you mustve thought I was dumb, huh?!" He yells at me as he kicks me in the ribs .

I cried out in agony as I hold onto my hurting side.

"Please , believe me." I manage to get out my mouth as I kept coughing.

"Bitch shut the fuck up!" He hollers at me

Then he kneels down to my level leaning on one knee he begins to shakes his head while looking me deadly into the eyes .

"If you think your ass will ever get out of the game then your ass need to hurry up and pay your debt.. I'm giving you 2 weeks if I don't have my money that Sunday 11 pm sharp , then your family and your ass will be in mighty trouble." He says standing back her smirking as he starts fixing his buttons on his shirt .

I laid on the floor coughing as I constantly kept nodding my head .

"Don't disappoint me and your family CoCo puffs, I wouldn't want to hurt nobody now would I?" He says looking down at me .

I nod my head again .

"Alright, now get yo ass up and get out my office!" He yells as I quickly try to regain my strength getting up slowly making my exit, leaving .

Lord where are you when I need you ?? I just want out of this game already , please .

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